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Site Member Response to PTR Conf Call posted on DD

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Site Member Response to PTR Conf Call posted on DD Empty Site Member Response to PTR Conf Call posted on DD

Post by Rooster Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:16 pm

Site Member Response to PTR Conf Call posted on DD....Sent to me Thank You

This is my response to the PTR call you have posted on your site. This is not targeted at just PTR. This applies to all the gurus that continue to be irresponsible and reckless in how they continue to mispresent their intel as if it were done, over, or will happen within x hours, etc. Unfortunately no one can post the truth, facts or opinions on their websites because they just delete it and ban everyone calling them being negative. They can’t handle any truth or facts without labeling you a bashers. If you don’t want to post it on your site that is OK. I don’t want to cause you any controversy with the other sites out there. But someone needs to speak up and I felt the need to respond to it. So do with it as you wish. All my comments are in BOLD.

PTR Conference Call 6 13 2011

Please Excuse Typos!

Dan: Hopefully a decent call. Will recap what’s happened over the weekend. A lot to go over.

One thing – when we do these calls – we get information throughout the day. We judge what we bring to the table and deem as credible. (We deem as credible but present it to you as if factual) We are bearing a lot of information from credible sources that tell us literally times. (How can anyone in their right mind call their sources credible after having proven NOT credible week after week consistently for at least 6 months or longer now?) Everyone’s asked us to tell them. I don’t normally believe that stuff.(Then why does this stuff get misrepresented as being DONE, will see it in within hours, not days, or 24, 48, 72 hours BS????) (People asked to hear what is told, NOT be LIED to by misrepresenting what is told by saying it is DONE BS!) What we will find out at the ends is what the real date was. (Exactly! It won’t be until end so stop being irresponsible by claiming to know what the dates are) Until that won’t know what it is.(Correct! So stop the pretending by giving out false info as if you know when you don’t know) Had a call Friday Saturday Sunday… Monday is not over yet. (Well of course it isn’t over yet! It hasn’t happened yet! Duh!)

We get information as to why happening or not. (Which has proven to been WRONG 100% of the time consistently for over 6 months!) Want to address one thing. Something put up from a call – .86 – $12.5. Should be able to debate it with reason. (You can debate it all you want and certainly nothing wrong with that, but at the end of the day that is all it is, just debate based on personal opinions and the truth is no one knows until it is released) When you get down to facts like this (What FACTS? The FACT no one knows? Simple common sense REASONING is no one knows and it is 100% OPINION only) – you have to get involved in reasoning. (GREAT IDEA! When are you guys going to start and cut all the BS?) Had to look at the foundation of why we are involved in this. (I’m sure everyone knows WHY they are involved in this. MONEY! What does it have to do with all BS and wrong intel being misrepresented week after week?)

The US Govt as well as the UK and the UN – went into Iraq to oust a dictator, named them a terrorist country, put in sanctions and dropped currency from $3 plus to 1/10th of a penny. There’s the strongest part of the foundation. Already up with Kuwait dinar. Currently over $3.59. Bush said the US would not pay for the war. This is the most oil rich countrys in the world. Eventually would restore their dollar to its value. (Key word, EVENTUALLY, which no one has a clue WHEN and everything it merely speculation only based on whatever information one can find. Being based solely on speculation it can’t ever be DONE before it is done!)

Have to go to the greed factor when talking about govts and large business. The big boys benefit the most the higher it is. They have invested trillions of US$. Lost lives etc. to do this. (Fact! They don’t care about the lost lives. They do it all for money power and greed!) Why would they go in with all the banks – major contractors, major countries to bring it to 1/3rd of the Kuwait dollar? Especially when it benefits them to be higher? (ALL wars have been about the MONEY and it has always been the big banksters behind it who have always funded both sides of the wars. But what does this have to do with all the BS intel being put out that has been proven 100% WRONG week after week and being 100% mispresented when reported as DONE, will see it within hours, not days, or 24, 48, 72 hours BS???)

Last year the G20 met and on the 2009 statement the IQD would be $3.22 to the USD as of 2009. Where were we in 2009? The IUSD was greater value than today. It goes to reason it would be as low as $3.22 – why would they go through all they did do come to less than that in 2011? Stands to reason just to stay equal would be $3.22 that would be an ri not an rv. Why would they come out at ,86? Why would they come out and gradually build this up. Some people can only value it coming out at .10 and go up slowly to $1 , $2 etc…. (So see? All based on personal OPINION, yet some idiots keep falsely reporting certain numbers WILL be the rate when they haven’t got a clue and everything is pure speculation based on what they personally deem as being “reasonable”. Here’s a thought? How about you gurus try to properly report it as personal opinion based on personal theory instead of all the misrepresentation by saying it IS something you do not know is FACTUAL? How hard can it be to just be responsible and honest?)

Put in the internet – US Embassy in Iraq and it is bigger than Vatican City…

Statement last week from there – The wealthiest currency in the world – that’s because all the countries in the world can see that. Taking so long cause the largest shift in currencies ever. Germany went from 10 cents up over $1. (Taking so long because they are just not ready yet. Otherwise it would be over with already. Meanwhile let the good times roll with all the BS misinformation week after week that is consistantly proven to be 100% wrong!)

.86 doesn’t benefit anyone. That means they would be 1/3rd of the Kuwait dinar today. All would buy there and jobs would be in jeopardy. There is nothing about.86 or $1.25 that makes any sense. (Based 100% on personal opinion only!)

Tony: Everyone knows we have different philosophies about things. Reiterating what Dan said. I think this plan was put together for this purpose. (Hey! Now THAT was an honest statement. You THINK this plan was put together for this purpose. See, that didn’t hurt did it? Now doesn’t that sound much better to be honest instead of saying something like, our sources said this plan was put together…blah blah blah?) Nothing to do with Saddam, saving the Iraqi people etc or we would have done the same thing we have done everyone else. It was about the oil and the $. Do you think they went there for .86 – you are crazy. (You are correct it had nothing to do with Saddam or saving any people. It IS all about the oil and has always been about the oil and which is why we are bombing Lybia now to oust Kadafi. It’s all about the money baby, and always has been. Now whether the rate will be .86 or whatever remains to be seen. Everything being reported is purely speculation and nothing else. At the end of the day someone will be right which will merely be by a LUCKY GUESS that was made based on their personal opinion from whatever sources they used to come to their own conclusion. Too bad the gurus can’t honestly report it like that instead of all the flat out false claims of knowing what they rate is or will be!)

Went top create a situation to save the US economy, the European economy that is what the plan was. Can they do that even at $1.86? No. (My opinion here. This has NOTHING to do with saving any economies anywhere. That goes directly against everything they have been trying to do for more than a 100 years. They want DESTROY the economies in order to accomplish their one world government. Saving economies would prevent them from accomplishing this. This is all about GREED and POWER and nothing else.)

Did Shabbibi come over here and say they could go as high as $12 to see it come out at .86? No. (Pure speculation and personal opinions. Nothing factual)

There’s a lot of information out. (And a LOT of false information being put out) I get and Dan gets, even today…. For majority of you, just have to listen for a minute. I do owe some people an explanation why I said 72 hours. I will give you even more information to explain that. This is the whole thing. When you get information from people who say all documents have been signed, a party at Shabbibi’s house and these are the people whoa re there, and they are all high ranking govt officials from other countries …. Saying here’s what’s going on… they heard people say done and over with by this date… everyone’s clapping…

When you get finance companies, banks, hedge funds here saying look we finally got the notification… its over, payout is starting Monday am and these are the procedures and they read them to you… when you have banks bringing in people Sat and Sun – training in banks anticipating this morning.

6:15 got a call from the bank saying they will be ready this afternoon…. We are starting our payout this aft…. That 1/10th of a percent is not there till it is in my bank. I can give you that information or keep it to myself.

(But that is NOT how you present that information and that is the problem. It is one thing to say, hey, this is what I am told. But instead YOU repeat it by putting out it is DONE! We WILL see it within hours, or 24 – 72 hours, when the FACT is, this was all based on your personal BELIEF and NOT FACTUAL! So YOU choose to BELIEVE your information you get that has been proven WRONG 100% of the time week after week and then you have to make up more BS with all this crap about, well things change. This is Iraq, blah blah blah! It’s all total BS! YOU know it! I know it! And the only ones that may not know it are the idiots that continue to suck up all the BS week after week because they have no common sense and just like being told BS because for whatever insane reason they like being lied to!)

Our information was correct. (NO, IT WAS NOT! It has been 100% FALSE every time! If it was correct it would be DONE! The fact is, it is NOT DONE! Your information is WRONG, INCORRECT, TOTAL BS! Do YOU not understand the definition of CORRECT? CORRECT means it is true, it will happen as you said it would, nothing will CHANGE it, and the fact is, all your information that has been reported was 100% INcorrect! Unless you are trying to tell us that YOU just completely misrepresented all your information by taking what you have been given and completely retranslating it to everyone else by coming to your own personal conclusions which has been 100% WRONG week after week! So which is it? Your information has always been wrong, or has been correct but YOU misrepresented it week after week?) I hate pumpers (Then why act like one?)…. I never do understand the idiots that say that we’re pumpers (So because you act like one everyone else is idiots for noticing? Incredible!)… people on other sites too are working hard to bring you information so that you as adults have the mental capacity to get involved in this can make sound decisions (It’s a shame YOU can’t act like an adult and have the mental capacity to stop misrepresenting your information week after week and being completely irresponsible and reckless by totally misrepresenting it where it can cause a lot of damage to a lot of innocent people. So YOU put the BS out there representing yourself as someone having these high intel contacts that are in the know, how your information is correct no matter how wrong the results are week after week, then you have the gull to blame those for being STUPID enough to have believed all YOUR BS? Well, your right about one thing. Anyone that believes your consistant proven wrong misinformation week after week has to be an idiot! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me….only you are batting over a 100+ times of fooling everyone!) … when you should and should not spend more $ on dinar. No one has ever heard we came within 3 hours one time before and evidently within 2 hours today,….. the bankers upset just like everyone else. (MORE BS! We NEVER came within hours. All total BS! You know it, I know it, and anyone with half a brain and a little simple common sense knows it! Only an idiot would believe this BS! PROVE IT! But you can’t because it is BS!)

I don’t know what stopped it or I would fix it. (I do, I do, I do!!! NOTHING stopped it because it wasn’t scheduled or set to happen yet! Plain and simple! YOU were just WRONG AGAIN as you have consistently been and now you want to cover yourself by expecting people to believe more BS by saying you don’t know what stopped it! You accuse people of being idiots. Perhaps you should stopped acting like one by putting out more BS to cover your BS put out earlier.) Heard tracking terrorists, Alawi and Maliki fighting, the tax thing they are trying to get passed… we don’t know which one. (Do you even hear yourself when you talk??? Even if any of this is true, then COMMON SENSE alone would tell anyone this was never done or ready to be done yet! Do you really expect people to believe these governments were set to launch this RV then at the last minute within hours said, WAIT! We forgot! We have to go find these terrorists and pass some tax laws, etc….HOLD THE PRESSES BOYS! Whew!! That was a close call! We almost blew it! LOL PLEASE! Now who is the idiot???) Know it was scheduled. (NO IT WAS NOT! Pure BS!) Banks were notified (They were NOT notified of any RV being scheduled to happen on any date! Pure BS!)… something happened that it didn’t go through today,.(Yeah, it’s called NOTHING was ever set to happen YET! That is why it didn’t go through today!)

Got information that it has been smoothed out and back on track. (And YOU believe it? So go put out there by completely misrepresenting it just like you have consistently done week after week! See how many more lives you can cause damage to and then blame it on them for being idiots because they didn’t have enough sense to not listen to your BS you totally misrepresent! Amazes me how anyone can sleep at night after doing this crap!) That could happen another 10 times I don’t know. ( You mean it can happen another 10 times because you can be wrong again another 10 times! TRANSLATION…Until YOU get LUCKY and merely GUESS right one of these times, THAT will determine just how many more times it can happen.) Think a reasonable person would say if they gave the banks instructions and they were paying out on Monday that this thing is done. (I think a reasonable person would know how to be more responsible by not drawing their own personal conclusions and putting it out there by misrepresenting it as if it was DONE, or we are within hours not days, or I am 99.9% sure, to I am 99.99% sure when that is only YOUR personal opinion based on whatever proven wrong intel YOU have gotten week after week.) You just don’t move that kind of $. Last Weds banks lost billions of $. (More BS! Banks didn’t lose a dime over this having to do with any RV! Pure BS!) They were highly upset. Banks all around the world. Everyone got positioned for that. (More BS! Boy you just don’t know when to give it up, do you?) They spend 4-5 days trying to re-coop and d go today and guess what happened again. (Dude! I have a bridge to sell you. CHEAP! I’ll take it dinar if you prefer.)

I am still happening it could happen tonight. Hearing they are still expecting it tonight (You been hearing this every week for over 6 months. Keep it going, eventually it will happen and after being wrong consistently over a 100 times you can finally pat yourself on the back and act like you knew what was going on the whole time! LOL!!!!)… their morning our night. The truth to it is some of you have no business even being on this site cause you can’t handle the ride. A lot of us don’t like it – ones who get on the site and blame us for their reserves running out etc…(If anyone bought anything because of what you totally misrepresented as being DONE, then you should be blamed. They certainly need to take responsibility for their own actions and being stupid enough believing anything you put out being misrepresented as FACT, but YOU are still just as much responsible! Try being responsible and properly present any of your information as RUMOR, HEARSAY, ETC., and stop misrepresenting it as being DONE, will see it in 72 hours, am 99.99% sure it is DONE, blah blah blah! Then have to consistently ccome back making up excuses by putting out more BS as to why it didn’t happen. NOTHING ever CHANGED! It was NEVER set or scheduled to HAPPEN, and all your intel has been 100% WRONG or YOU took your intel and YOU misinterpreted it by drawing yoyr own personal wrong conclusions and putting it out factual information.)

This is something you can 1000% believe – if I don’t believe it I won’t tell you.(So believe this! You are more gullible than the people following you every week that keep sucking up all your wrong intel! LOL BRILLIANT!)Based on same thing doing today – conversations I had, the level of belief in their voice, the congressmen, senators, hedge funds, bakers etc saying we are ready to go. (I don’t believe you are getting anything from congressmen or Senators. IF you are and they have been telling you all this garbage, then GOD HELP US! We have bigger IDIOTS running this country than I even thought we had! WOW! JUST WOW!) Don’t think they aren’t as frustrated as you are – they are very upset. If they are hearing the same thing we are hearing – means it is something at another level. (You really should think about becoming a comedian or something. You might even think about writing some scripts for a new Fantasy Island program! I bet you can write up some farfetched doozies and have a hit series! LOL)

If has come this close last Wednesday and today – it is time… Today exact same thing all over again. This thing is getting ready to happen. (It NEVER came close to anything last Wednesday. YOU just flat out WRONG AGAIN and now you feel the need to justify it by inventing and making up more BS to justify your being wrong! Whether this thing is getting ready to happen or not is anyone’s GUESS! NO ONE knows when it will happen and the few people in the world that may know sure as heck are not going to feed any intel to you about it! So stop acting like you know and start being responsible by properly reporting anything you have as being DONE when nothing is DONE until AFTER it has actually happened! You keep basing everything on purely what you have been hearing. That is nothing but HEARSAY! You can’t even present any hearsay in a court of law and here you are week after week misrepresenting it as being factual when all of it is just hearsay RUMORS! No evidence of any kind to support anything as being fact. Pure hearsay rumors! So try being more responsible by properly reporting it as such!)

Had a call earlier with the mods and Dan and everyone talking about we shouldn’t say dates and rates (Really? Well DUH!!! You can’t prove them, you can’t know for certain, and it is all based purely on personal spectulation. So you shouldn’t state them! That would be the responsible thing to do. But being responsible appears to be something you can’t handle!)… I said I don’t give them 90% of this info now – should it be 95%? Had to male a decision and let you be adults and decide for yourself. (It has nothing to do with letting other people be adults for themselves. It all has to do with misrepresenting your information and recklessly reporting it as being factual when it is all nothing but hearsay and you draw a personal conclusion and put it out as being done! It is HEARSAY! If you are just being told something it is just HEARSAY! Period! So try saying hey. this is the HEARSAY I’m hearing, and this is only RUMOR until PROVEN otherwise, but this is what I have to share….. How HARD CAN IT BE???? Instead YOU choose to believe anything you are told, then YOU choose to interpretate that info into what YOU choose to belive and then YOU misrepresent it all as being factual when you have NO facts of any kind to support it with as being factual. Then YOU always have to come back making up more BS false information by trying to blame YOUR mispresented info YOU put out that was wrong based on YOUR personal conclusion of what YOU personally believed! That my friend is being totally irresponsible and reckless!)

I will tell you how I feel based on the information I got. I don’t believe in there are pumpers on the other sites. Nobody I know gets paid a dime to do this. Nobody I know of that you guys call pumpers. Ali, Ty paying nobody. Since Dan decided to give away $ you guys are costing me dinars…we’re doing it – we’re in it. Some people really deserve it and it is fun. The winners will realize what a benefit it was to them at the rv.(Well I can’t certainly say why you continue to misrepresent the information you keep putting out week after week that is wrong, but if you look at the ones that are putting this out accusing you of this and if you take a good look in the mirror, then you will see exactly what your information looks like. Your bad mispresented info looks just as bad as those putting out bad info accusing you of being pumpers, assuming they are wrong about that. So how does it feel? YOU are doing the same thing to others whether you choose to realize and understand that or not. Until you can FACTUALLY PROVE your info to be factual, stop mispresenting as such and be responsible by reporting everything as purely hearsay and rumor that it is. How hard can that be for you gurus?)

Grip’s wife went in and deleted some of the posts where you were told to vent. Some vented about the site, some about what’s going on….. there is a part 2 to this. Post rv things that will happen….. Iraq happened – another group already lined up and will come a little sooner and we have to be prepared for it…. Along with some things to happen this summer. Some things we got from UST saying this is what I would do at cash in , 90 days later….. I really felt this was over and we would go into post rv. I wanted people to show up in venting thread and don’t want them in part 2. (So you LIED so you can set some type of trap for people? Sounds more like you are just scrambling to keep control of your site where you can keep the ones calling you out on your BS and mispresent your site by having just the gullible followers that get some kind of personal jolly or feel good sensation from being giving bad mispresented intel week after week. Meanwhile who cares about how many others that may be harmed by your bad intel. Heck, it’s all their own fault for listening to you, right? You tell others to be responsible yet you don’t seem to know the meaning of the word when it comes to the crap you keep putting out by mispresenting it as factual when it is all nothing but hearsay rumor!)

Dan and I have been at this for over a year… hour after hour… missing time with family… don’t need negative people. (So you flat mispresent things, and anyone that calls you out on it is negative because they no longer kiss up by being gullible idiots with no common sense and like being lied to? Incredible!) Some crossed the line and those were who I was looking for. (The one crossing the line is YOU every time you say it is DONE then blame it on other BS after your time period expires and is proven wrong AGAIN! Instead of properly reporting your intel as being nothing but the hearsay rumors it is, YOU choose to totally mispresent it as if it were factual based on nothing but your own personal opinion and what YOU choose to believe. Then you irresponsibly and recklessly put it out as if it is true only to be proven 100% wrong again and again. Then YOU ban anyone from your site accusing them of being negative!) They will not be a part of part 2. (I can’t imagine for the life of me why anyone would want to be a part of anything you have after all the BS you mispresent. Seeing the ones that keep sucking this garbage up week after week only proves to me just what sad shape this country really is in. And to think that these people can vote! Now that is pretty sad!) The ones who were respectful no problem (The suckers. The gullible ones. The ones with no common sense. The ones that get some knid of jolly out of being lied to week after week.)… just trying to isolate the negative ones into one section.(You mean just trying to keep the FACTS from being put out in order to continue with covering up you bad info by passing the blame on other made up BS, like, this is Iraq and things change. blah blah blah!) Dan didn’t know. (At give Dan a little more credit. He appears bto at least be a little more hesitant on putting out unfounded BS and appears to at least present it as rumor and hearsay instead mispresenting it as being done and factual. Perhaps you should get with him and see if he can help you with this problem you seem to have?)

Mods didn’t know.

Things are good. Everyone will be happy.

Dan: We’re not trying to chastise people. I didn’t like the venting post cause the rest of the members get to listen to the poison. Point of our site is to provide information knowing we can’t control the event…. Banks done’ put themselves in jeopardy… there are people with 6 figure incomes that lost their jobs over this stuff… trying to figure something out knowing most is misinformation. …. The information we are getting from the sources – dead on – was supposed to take place…(oops! I guess maybe I spoke to soon. LOL! Name these people that lost their jobs over this? If they lost their jobs then you can’t cause them any harm now, so name them! I don’t believe this.)

There is a tax situation may bring it up to 69% on this (Nope! They have had YEARS to plan for this event and they aren’t going to put off an event of this magnitude over some last minute rush to try try and shove some tax bill through. There is no tax bill being presented that affects this. Name it?)…. Don’t think there will be enough time but we don’t know. Bankers have thought this was happening weeks ago. (Bankers don’t know. period!)Major contractors have walked cause they didn’t get paid. They were told to come back Monday. Things on the back end that this didn’t happen cause something happened. Contractors who walked – major deals that will mess up that country…. Came back Monday…. Didn’t happen. They are as fed up as we are… Makes our information even more confirmable. (Exactly what information is confirmable? It’s all been proven 100% wrong every time! That is a FACT!)

This is not a race track. This is real world. We are excited about the information .(GREAT! Now all you guys need to do is learn how to PROPERLY present it for the hearsay rumors it really is. All this he said, she said, and several different sources are saying the same, is nothing but HEARSAY! It matters not how many say the same thing, it is still hearsay and rumor until factual evidence can be provided. And once there is factual EVIDENCE nothing will CHANGE it. The ONLY reason things CHANGE is because the intel given was never factual in the first place. It was nothing but hearsay rumors, period!)

Elsie told me a couple had to cash in 5 million dinar today. Because they thought they could afford it but took too long. We get information but something changes…(See? You get information but something changes. That is because the information you got was purely hearsay rumors and not factual nor having any evidence to back it up. So of course things change because that is common when everything is purely hearsay rumors!)

One of the things – that does frustrate us is – there are only a few of you…. Giving you a reason why we believed that this weekend meant something… that Sunday night going into Monday meant something to us… doesn’t mean that we were wrong – means someone with more power changed things…. Heard about a big scuffle in Iraq. I think the PTB would say get back in there and do your job. Don’t think it was that. Hundreds of billions of $ in taxes… None of us will know the date. (Um, if it didn’t happen then you were WRONG! Period! You just said it yourself! Why YOU BELIEVED that this weekend meant something. And there is nothing wrong with putting out info based purely on what YOU BELIEVED as long as you properly put out that is purely based on what you BELIEVE instead of it being put out as if it is factual and that is it DONE or that we WILL see it within 72 hours, only to have to keep coming back by making up excuses again and again blaming what YOU CHOSE TO BELIEVE that turned out WRONG again! Here’s a novel thought. How about taking personal responsibilty for being wrong instead of looking for ways to blame it on other things?)

Don’t know if Maliki, Shabbibi or O knows… everything is in place. Bob said they could be waiting for a better structured govt… there are people now and things taking place not controllable…. When you hear me say nothing to do with Iraq…. I could be partially wrong, but I believe that the PTB could force their had. The guys that make the decisions are so much more powerful…. The US, UK and UN are much more important than Iraq.

Don’t think anyone will know that absolute day. (EXACTLY! And the gurus should stop pretending they do know.) We’re all in a very good place. Now that we’ve gotten through the drama excited still in the game. Some of you under a lot of stress. I didn’t like the venting thing cause I felt you were set up.(Oh they were definitely set up! LOL) Got me all pissed off and dared me to vent about it. (Careful, you might get banned for that! LOL) Asking some people who didn’t know any better to vent. (Classic!)

Tony _ I think it was the people who think they do know. (You as in, they THINK they do know, like YOU think YOU do know where you have proven yourself consistently wrong week after week after week? LOL)Let’s look a this. (Now if this ain’t calling the kettle black then I don’t know what is! LOL!!!! How many times have YOU “thought” YOU KNEW???? Thank GOD you aren’t the one holding the football that could blow us all up! LOL)

What’s really going on – Iraq is paying their people. The contractors themselves who work there gotten paid in rv’d dinars last 2 checks. (HIGHLY DOUBTFUL! PROVE IT! Oh, that’s right, you can’t do that. It’s all classified and only you gurus are privileged to all this top secret intel! LOL) Got word prices have been changed. Got word that lower denoms are in people’s hands. Heard they ware not to pass it on… a blackout (Oh C’mon! How stupid do you really think people are? Well, based on some of your loyal followers, don’t answer that one! LOL. PLEASE! You REALLY believe prices are being changed but it is a blackout where they can keep all the people quiet about it??? Man, you have just got to buy this bridge I have for sale! LOL)…. Have emails saying they have seen them… 1, 5, 10 out on the streets. (Um, emails saying? Pure rumors! But YOU would put out as if it were fact because of whatever YOU personally choose to believe!) How did that happen without and RV? (EASY! IT DIDN’T HAPPEN!. There has been others that are there that have reported this was all false BS! But YOU choose to make up more BS by claiming they are just in a different area and don’t know crap! YOU want to believe your own BS so bad that you have the need to try and discredit the ones that are actually there telling you it is BS! And some people are so desperate to want to believe anything they keep sucking all this BS up every week! It’s unbelievable!)

We know that months ago, when Iraq took in the larger notes, wasn’t enough currency on the streets to operate and now have currency on streets worth less than a penny? No one would do that…. How long will that work before something has to happen…. They can’t operate like that…(There isn’t any lower denomination currency like that on the streets! It hasn’t been released yet! And you have NO EVIDENCE that it has! Just hearsay rumors! And YOU CHOOSE to mispresent it all as if it were factual and true despite having no evidence to support it with.)

Maliki came out and told his people will have the strongest currency in the world… that’s why lines at the CBI – Thursday Friday Saturday they were doing currency exchanges… why would they do that if no RV? Got that from people over there. (Also got it from people over there this wasn’t true. But let’s just ASSUME if it were true, that doesn’t mean the RV is DONE! It just means they are still pulling in the higher notes off the street trying to prep for an RV at a later date that NONE OF US know what it is! But YOU choose to invent your own personal conclusion and put it out as being DONE! WILL see it within 72 hours! I am 99.999% sure it is DONE and WILL happen by Tuesday! IF it did happen, it would only be because you got LUCKY with GUESSING! You have been GUESSING every week for over 6 months and have been 100% WRONG every week. But keep your head up and keep GUESSING every week! Eventually it will happen and one of your GUESSES will turn out to be a GOOD GUESS, which you can’t ever miss if you keep guessing every single week, then after it finally does happen you can pat yourself on the back pretending you realy knew something special others didn’t and how YOU got to report it after being wrong every single week for more than 6 months and counting! LOL)

Dan: If and Ty were pumping you up that would make sense.. they get something out of this. Not us. I got up at 6:30 this morning and was really frustrated. No texts, or calls. Thought here it was supposed to happen before I woke up . I called Tony…. Both of our guys were wrong today – making assumptions on what banks were saying…(I don’t think Ali or Ty are doing anything. IF anything is going on I would “speculate” it had to do with pumping these trusts and/or selling these tickets to attend these post RV events. Yeah yeah, those will be refunded if you show up. But it makes for a nice income meanwhile where once the RV happens there will be plenty to refund the money with. But I have no evidence of that so I won’t accuse anyone of it. But I highly doubt Ali or Ty have anything to do with any involvement of pumping anything).

Elis said what happens to banks after they have educated people at this level – they are smart enough to go buy dinars. (IF people are being educated about this at banks, then they should go buy some dinars. Who wouldn’t? It only seems to be the smart thing to do!) I believe they are telling them there is a basket of currencies… not specifically dinar (Makes sense and would be a smart thing to do)… things still on course (Well it ain’t happened yet, so of course it is on course. It has been on course from day one when the powers that be planned this all out. NO ONE just happens to know when we will reach the end of this course including all the gurus.)… on track. The people who told me and Tony sit in pretty high places. Not giving us national security stuff… giving us great information.(Information is good. Nothing wrong with that. But ALL information is purely hearsay and rumor until actual EVIDENCE can be given to prove it is anything other than hearsay rumors. Until then EVERYTHING should be properly presented as just hearsay rumors and NOT mispresented as being DONE! We WILL see it within 72 hours. Rate WILL be $X.XXX, etc. That is totally irresponsible and reckless as it can and does cause harm to people out there. It doesn’t matter that they need to be responsible for themselves. The fact is, some people are not responsible and will take things being mispresented as being factual because they were an idiot for believing the BS being put out by gurus. When anyone is putting themselves out here as a source of intel they need to be more responsible and professional in how they are presenting this information. Being irresponsible and reckless when KNOWING there WILL be people that WILL believe the BS and WILL cause harm to themselves because of that bad mispresented info being put out, merely pretending to not be your fault don’t cut it. It was YOUR bad info they foolishly believed in that caused them the harm. While some get a thrill out of out, others are being hurt by it. So the responsible and professional thing to do is to properly present it as the hearsay and rumor it is. Think of it this way. Suppose you were on the hook where if your info you put out ends up wrong where it doesn’t happen within the 72 hours you said it would happen, and you had to donate $5,000 USD of your own money to a charity for being wrong, would you keep presenting it the way you are? Or would you stop and be more responsible? I mean, IF YOU really believe your intel is that right and that you are comfortable enough to put it out as being DONE or how we WILL see it within 72 hours, etc., then put your money where your mouth is! Offer to pay up a $1,000 USD every time you are wrong! Otherwise properly present it as the hearsay rumors it really is and stop trying to be some type of hero by wanting to be right just in case it did happen and you finally guessed right! Put up or shut up!

Tony – I got woke up at 6:30 by guy at the bank saying keep a loose schedule tdoay. Next one told they are scheduling people to cash in today this is it… all day same things…. What time… 2 more hours? Ok….. everyone goes through the same things. We understand the frustration. Don’t put yourself in situations you don’t have to. If you are smart enough o get involved in this you should be able to make those decisions yourself. (BS!)

(Ok, I’m stopping here because it just keeps repeating itself. I certainly can’t tell anyone what to do or make them be responsible and stop being reckless. I can only suggest these gurus put an end to all the BS and stop causing the harm to a lot of people they are doing this to. They may be responsible for their own actions and stupidity for sucking all these lies up, but that does not make it OK for those that put themselves out there as gurus with all this top secret inside intel to be irresponsible and reckless in how they mispresent their intel. All the been told this, been told that, hearing this, hearing that, hearing same thing from several different sources, blah blah blah….that is all nothing but HEARSAY RUMORS! That is not EVIDENCE of anything. EVIDENCE is hardcore documented proof and that ain’t gonna CHANGE. Nothing changes other than one bad rumor to a new rumor that will either turn out as another bad rumor again or maybe turn out to be true for once. But until it happens it is all hearsay rumors, it can NOT ever be DONE until after it has happened, meaning it is now past tense, over, nothing can change it back. Stop taking hearsay rumors and presenting them as factual information. When you do this your rumor then becomes a flat out lie in the end.

BTW….If all this garbage being put out is coming from these alleged high ranking officials then people, we are in much deeper crap than we ever thought. If this is an example of what comes from these people being claimed to be congressman, senators, high ranking military and top bankers, then we are really in deep doo doo! Do you really believe this level of officials are that incompetent that everything they say is consistently 100% wrong week after week after week? With this kind of intel I would be looking for new sources and these alleged officials if true, are putting out this garbage I would flat out expose them by giving out names of who they are just to do my patriotic duty to try and insure this incompetent fools do not get reelected again.



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Join date : 2011-04-16

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