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Post by Rooster Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:14 pm


PTR Call 7 7 2011

Please excuse typos!

Dan: Mostly the call is about the intel we have and day to day things talking place. An interesting last couple of days. Been quiet since Saturday. Ray came on and we talked about asset protection on Saturday. On everyone’s mind is when is post rv going to be here.

Reading the boards. Cad thing is when you only read a comment or 2 you don’t get the whole picture.

Dealing there is a lot of tensions and frustration. People thought hose was going to be over weeks ago. Nothing really changed. Still believe very close to the end of this. Continue to give you the information we’ve been getting. Want you to think about something. Tony talks about this a lot and me as well. When involved in a venture of this nature – almost everyone on this board – rarely can put in small figures and come out with so much… People’s nerves on edge. People who used to make money and have stable jobs… are pretty bad off. Found myself stepping back a few months ago saying I had to stay grounded. Get too excited thinking information we just heard will lead to an rv in next day or so. Looks imminent… if you look at big picture of stocks, markets RE and the real banking world… pretty ugly world… things you see behind the scenes you don’t want to see. That is what happens in the banking industries. Things we are hearing don’t make sense to us. A brand new ipo or a stock from Groupon’s…. I told some friends when Magic Jack came out I wanted to know – wen to $45. Right now people lining up to make a lot of $$ on Groupons. Got private investors in and did penny stock offerings 6 months to a year ago.

No difference in this. People who understand bank transactions, wires etc. So as Tony or I give you information as we hear it – some of you only heard half. Didn’t hear this is what we are hearing and why we are excited about this week. Tony – I know it frustrates both of us…

Tony: Year before last, just an example got a call from someone in St. Louis. Asked if I would be part of promoters for Mayweather fight. Put together investors… Had guys with 5, 10 million. Wanted to put it together to promote next 3 fights. Then something came up only to do 2 fights… we were putting up $$ and the guy doing it said we know nothing about the business – just get you a return… suppose the plan is not to fight… that’s how it’s done. This is boxing business – put hype out there, everyone makes $$ before the fight not after it… things you don’t know until you know. The whole thing is what Dan was trying to say.

What we are involved in and the information. Will go a little in depth here. Dan talked about most of our conversations as to level we’re on. Had a call with the mods. Told them I can’t tell you everything cause then I lose my sources. Can’t put it all on the board. I go through and we give you our best shot of what we can put out there. I believe people and I say I’m nobody why would they lie to me? No purpose. No one getting paid. The only thing they can be doing is giving the information they get and it does change. Makes sense… things to happen at this time, heard from this guy, just came out of a meeting this is the kind of decisions they are making and you should see this at an exact time. Today told an exact time. Didn’t tell you and glad I didn’t cause it didn’t happen. But that was the information he got today. He just left a meeting and said this is wheat they are saying and other ‘gurus” on pins and needles too.

I can tell you it is going to happen. And sooner rather than later. Don’t get mad when you don’t understand something. Can use example of guys getting paid over there. The 1st call over there was people getting paid out on their way back… Then found out they are getting vouchers… receipts… they were requesting their account numbers and routing numbers and were going to wire them the $$ as soon as the international portion was announced. The whole thing is something is happening.

They are getting it ready. We are going to see it real soon.

Dan: Is Chief on here with us?

Tony – Chief you and I got information from different people today right?

Chief: Yes… Spoke with someone today I respect highly – retired AF and had a wonderful career working with prominent people – thanks for your service. We were talking about same thing Tony talking about. Very feasible and reasonable that yes they could be giving these guys receipts. He spoke with a retired AF man – just returned from Iraq and stated the same thing to him that Tony and these other guys have said – that they have been turning in their dinar to military finance offices for vouchers. The corporation I was working for had drives disappear from Baghdad to Kuwait…I believe what he told me today due to the nature of his position. What he did in the past for our govt. etc. Think there is some credence to it. It is reasonable. Very possible.

Dan: What reason would this man you have known for years – have to call you and make up this story? People do do this… I don’t understand why but not this kind of person.

Chief: Exactly.

Dan: People we are speaking with have no reason to make things up. Are people who do like to do that but these are not that kind of people. Chief knows this source. We know this source…. Don’t always tell you were our sources come from… maybe just say the industry. These people we are talking about are friends of close friends. We want to believe it just like you do,. Get excited at 6 am and then confirm by 9…. Hear from a totally different side almost word for word. From people in the know or around those people. At the end of the day then it doesn’t happen… everyone guessing that that party at M or S’s house will be good… then nothing happens. We think we are 99.99% sure it is over. Cause of the overwhelming amount of information we hear al;l day long… Can get totally jacked up from all of the calls and information. I stepped back for a while. Tony said we are either trying to figure it out or we’re not… I was getting frustrated like you guys,

We can’t be there for every post, every topic. I really appreciate you guys – you have some brains. You are looking and categorizing… and trying to keep people calmed down. Hard to do when you are frustrated and hearing will be over in 2 days. Thinking these guys have intel and it doesn’t happen. We know where you guys are sitting …

It is almost here. We took on the job of talking on a site. 25 + nods… great members… did this to help the guys have something to take part in this with us and keep it. Don’t give up on your dream cause someone doesn’t know what they are talking about. A lot going on. Hope you can see the big picture. Watch the guys with only negative to say.

Chief – I got an email from someone using her husband’s sign on… her husband read on the board today that this investment was only for money traders. Said her husband was very down and that he was thinking about selling their dinar. Can you mention this on the call? With the latest information not showing up as so boldly told can use some assistance…

Folks – all of you are money traders. It’s about everyone involved in this. Everyone gets down and all hit slumps. Hard sometimes to pick yourself up and need the support – that’s why everyone is here. To give the knowledge and the support to help survive this roller coaster. We have no right to bash people who know less.

We know it will happen. Please – don’t throw it away – hang in there. This thing is coming. I have 6 -7 gigs of stuff that says it is going to happen. I have proof.

People out there intentionally trying to bring people down.

Dan: I have a similar email here. Louis Rodgriquez is listening in Puerto Rico… said we keep them balanced and well grounded. Once you sell the dinars it’s gone. When that come in it could change your life. Hang on to them. You’re looking at 3,4,500,00$ - most people never see this. Some of us have done well… this gets everyone on a level playing field… Guy up in Canada… said in an email to me,,, has a disability, family had contemplated suicide… 2 members did… he had thought about it. Had very little dinar but said it would change their lives… cause we were giving them hope that it will happen. Just wanted to have some assurance that this will happen. What do you think it does to see the bashing and the negatives? What if they do some damage to themselves or someone else after this rv’S?

Frustrates me that there are site that do nothing that post what we say - if not for us, Blaino, Okie, Terry K etc… what would Dinar Daddy have on his site? We would have those ads on our site and make $30k plus a month? They have the audacity to bash someone who is trying to do something. If the ban people doing that they won’ have a site soon. At least XXXX XXXX has intelligent review of the news.

I have to watch my attitude – but we are doing this for the right reasons and it will work out. Friend of mine who complains about being broke cause he can only go out to eat 2x a week now… I said you have to be kidding me! There are some people out there with so many disadvantages greater than your self… The guy in Canada is just amazing. No legs and nor arms, and goes out to talk to teenagers… The guy is a kick in the pants…Australian guy,….. Someone please post them up. Sometimes you need to get re-grounded. If you are alive and have some iqf that is enough to change your life.

We are changing some things tomorrow. Will have a recorded call to explain and an email. Think I am bummed out and frustrated that it didn’t happen? h*ll ya! But I know it is close.

These calls are not just about the intel –m about keeping ourselves in the game.

Chief – Obama put pressure on Maliki and first time I heard him do that. M came out and said they will get the goi done. Banks came out with a statement about the CBI and other banks going international begin of July. IMF article says deadline for banks to be integrated with CBI was end of May. Seems like all done and just waiting to pop the cork. This thing could happen at any time. The IMF doc said restructured by end of May, IT treasure guys there were taking care of business. Tells me probably done by end of May.

Butch - Mentioned earlier… talking about a bank that stopped selling iqd today. Got an email from a member after. Normally wouldn’t think about the bank stopping. This person said that he had spoken with his bank person and close enough to be on 1st name basis. Said they were instructed to inform the customers when asked why not selling the iqd was that they couldn’t get it quick enough for the customer and they were complaining about it. Even though they were getting them within 3 weeks… Why would upper management tell employees that was the reason why?

Tony: You should just be happy guys! For a whole year every week was the week. But I know it is going to happen. Dan and Chief put out great examples. Have great members – stick up for us… unfortunately have some idiots too.. May have come from other sites… I said I should call out some of them…. I don’t care what people say if they believe us or not… this is the information. I don’t bring it to you unless I believe it. If I don’t I will say I don’t believe it cause sounds like bs. If I think a possibility that might be true won’t say that. Had some idiot the other day saying we were flapping our jaws. You get personal I get personal. I am all right with people going to a different site. The majority of you say you want to hear this information and make up your own decision.

The other day I said what a difference 48 hours would make. We were one of the first groups to get this information. When they got to their layover they got on the phone. They said this is what we were told… what we think the rate will be etc…

We had people wanting them to post their receipts on our board… they said why would I do that – post my bank information on our board??

I am giving you the information. You accept it or you don’t.

Chief – The timing of this is very opportune. People don’t know that bases are closing down. New units going over there… to replace troops that are there. Starting in July the drawdown will begin… these troops are coming home… loaded with dinar I am sure… this has to be something set in place by the govt to make it easy for them to do this. End of year will have up to 25,000 troops left… we have the largest embassy in the world in Iraq. We built it. I don’t see us leaving. The timing of this and that particular scenario coming out of the woodwork has a lot of feasibility.

Next month their banks go international, several more bases shut down…. A major base closed last Friday. Was a secretive type of base. 3 letter agencies resided there. Has been turned back over to the Iraqi military. Things happening you don’t know about. Hang in there – it is coming.

Tony: That’s what I wanted to tell people… things that happen that you don’t know about and won’t till after the fact. Once announced a lot will come out. A lot we can say that people won’t care about anymore. Ken called me today, yesterday said he as suppose to go back to Iraq and hasn’t said his guys called cause they saw the lower denoms out…. The 2nd one from there that said the lower denoms were out… don’t have pictures but they don’t care about the board. A lot of people act like you are entitled. You are not.

Chief: I ran the fire depts of 17- 18 bases there and travelled all over. Not one base ran the same as another even though they had the same rules. They had different commanders and rotated in and out. Nothing ran the same. So the information we get from one base may be different at another base. The people who have been over there working for KBR for example,, are stuck at one base., I worked for a company that shipped me around. No base was the same yet a ll rules were the same.

Tony: You guys who have been in the military will know this – you can be on the same base and someone in supply won’t know what someone in the military police know. Some work with Iraqi’s some don’t will get different information and this is just the reality … you? Everything and don’t leave room for – it could be…

This guy who called us who said we should see it in 48 hours.. were told that when they left the country. They were looking for it to be in their account stoday. That was the plan when they left on Saturday. A new plan now and not that far off. I can tell you unequivocally that it is tied to the GBP. Got it from 3 different countries not just ours. I don’t care what anyone else says. We know what we are doing. In the end we will all see. We’ll look back on this and say we were getting good information and good sources…

Hate is when we say we get information 2 -3 days ahead but we do. Getting information when people walk out of the meeting… not talking to an Iraq street vender.

Once again yes we are that close. They have been told that the party at Shabbs was a celeb tonight. Will hear about it. They were celebrating… some key people over there. Will say this – Canada expected to be notified of RV today…Still getting the same thing and from govt people, finance people…. Credible people… you are closer than you think. If it is Tony’s opinion then just my opinion….I really did expect it today. I don’t expect it to go past this week.

Dan: Your opinion is that strong because of what you get during the day. Hope if you listen to the whole call it sinks in. My family is in here waiting. Tony’s is… Chief has other things to be doing this late….. If this thing takes off in next day or so want to be prepared…

? Chief – one of the members asked if you have head anything about the additional tax in congress right now?

Tony: yes.

Dan – not supposed to talk about it.

Tony: Cause not formalized yet…

Dan: If we put that out there and they change it in any way…

Tony: Which they will and it has already been changed.

Dan: We don’t think they will end up that way… these laws that we are talking about… different things we are seeing – bis, imf., taxes etc…. do you really think this isn’t going to take place? It is for anyone who can buy the iqds and hang on. Those taxes may be one reason why not taking place yet. That’s what’s holding it up – that big group that says the have a $ yet to be made. If taxes a big group.

Dan: There are some things changing a bit tomorrow. Great for majority. Did get an email…a wise guy comment – hey you guys forgot the 25k email information… We are changing it today to make it easier on us…

The is where to send it – the 100th person will get 100k dinars today…4 - 25k notes. You must put June 7th and have a point of contact inside that email. Still haven’t been able to reach come of our winners. You need to be on the next day’s call. Your phone # would be the best thing. Physical address too. If not in your email I will go to the next email.

Tonite’s winner will be on the call tomorrow.

Tony: I know what 100k is getting ready to equal.

Dan: Today only worth $120. Hope you guys feel a little better. It is still happening. Still o the cusp of this taking place,

Tony: I know everyone has something going on in their life. But you cannot get so worried about this all the time. It will happen when it does. Get on here and laugh and have some fun. I know some of you guys are bothered by what people are saying about me – I am not bothered. We will start eliminating some people anyways.

Dan – Have a great nite!

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Join date : 2011-04-16

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