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7-9-11 Guru Enoch8

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7-9-11 Guru Enoch8  Empty 7-9-11 Guru Enoch8

Post by Rooster Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:52 am

7-9-11 Guru Enoch8

Debunk the theory, that they have to remove 1000% of the money, to cover what is left and you debunk the lopsters...Here is how that works...1. They increase the Reserves, with a portion of the new DFI control....maybe 4 times the existing $50 Billion, to say, (for easy example), about $150 of that, added to the $50, for a total of $200 Billion. 2. They take a portion of about $70 Trillion worth of 'Non liquid assets' and monetize maybe half of that, to cover the entire 28.5 Trillion, at say $1.30, by agreements with the IMF, World Bank, BIS and the US, whereby, the Central Banks, cash us out at the prevailing rates and take the 50k and 100k IQD Banknotes, (About 20 Trillion worth of them), and by arrangement, witnessed by GOI/CBI officials and BIS, IMF, WB and US Treasury, destroy the existing 7 denominations, as they come in, to be replaced by the new, 100k and 50 ks, as Bank to Bank and Gov to Gov, instruments, supported by the Non Liquid assets. {This is not currency for circulation, so does not have to be covered by the liquid assets, because it will become Bank to Bank and Gov. to Gov. only, instruments, no longer negotiable for public use} 3. Now..... here is the 'Hat Trick'...Iraq would have already about $200 Billion worth of Reserves, but now, would also bring back and destroy all 7 Trillion of the 7 denominations, but replace them with 1.5 Trillion for Circulation and about 5.5 Trillion as Digital, in bank accounts, (2 Trillion private sector and 3.5 Trillion CBI and Bank Reserves, with 1.5 Trillion as circulation cash, both banks and private.) 4. Now they are able to incorporate, 15% Fractional Reserve allowances, under IMF Art VIII compliance and Basil III agreements. This should have the effect, of adding an enormous reserves ability.

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Join date : 2011-04-16

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