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Post by ToddS Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:34 pm



3:05 PM [Nighthk11] Hello DV

3:06 PM [Divak] hello Nightk1!!

3:06 PM [dmitch] Hi Nighthk11!!

3:06 PM [Nighthk11] If Longfellows info is accurate- I believe they have decided to remove Maliki’s last card and move on with the RV- I am looking for a comprimise figure of $2.50 to start

3:07 PM [Nighthk11] At this point- look for a new government in Iraq and Maliki’s dismissal

3:07 PM [Nighthk11] I also think that we will see the decision on friday as indicated and the RV will be immed

3:08 PM [Nighthk11] which would mean monday cash in

3:08 PM [dmitch] I hope so Night…and heck…I’ll be happy with $2.50

3:08 PM [Nighthk11] so hang in there- with shabibi’s credentials this is a given

3:09 PM [Txsun] [bluwolf] Look just for the record all rates from all countrys have loaded and locked and only the hand of God could change them,hope that y understand nuff said[blessing7] bluwolf So do you believe that Shabibi went back to Switzerland to let the RV fly? Thanks 3:25 PM [bluwolf] Bless yes[bluwolf] People pls just be patient[hopeful4rv] bluwolf so he wont be in Iraq when it happens? or is he just finishing things up in Switzerland? bluwolf] Hope watchhis move

3:09 PM [dmitch] Thanks Nighthk11 and TxSun!

3:09 PM [Txsun] Just to add to the conversation

3:09 PM [Txsun] yw dmitch

3:09 PM [Nighthk11] Thans Txsun- I think this is really it

3:09 PM [dmitch] that info ties in nicely with what Nighthk11 is talking about

3:10 PM [dmitch] I see Peepaw just logged in….

3:10 PM [dmitch] Peepaw…do you have any input from your friends?

3:10 PM [Txsun] Nighthk11 it appears so to me. We have too many people saying the same thing

3:10 PM [peepaw] Nothing new

3:10 PM [Nighthk11] Yes Txsun- once activated- I am looking for Maliki to be gone and a new gov’t installed

3:11 PM [dmitch] Thanks peepaw!

3:11 PM [Txsun] Nighthk11 who or how will Maliki be removed

3:11 PM [Nighthk11] He has nothing left I can see to play- this move totally disarms him

3:11 PM [Nighthk11] Vote of no confidence

3:11 PM [Nighthk11] Shadow gov’t is ready to take over-

3:12 PM [Txsun] OK, and that is from Parliament …correct

3:12 PM [Nighthk11] correct

3:12 PM [Txsun] Well, I’d say there are millions of people ready to see that action take place

3:13 PM [Nighthk11] But what is paramount at this point is the IMF approves Shabibi’s request for RV activation at a lower rate than requested by the GOI- until gov’t is done

3:14 PM [Nighthk11] This approval will allow for payment of contracts and give PPP to the masses

3:14 PM [dmitch] Well, it’s about time something positive happen…it has been over a year now

3:14 PM [Txsun] That action will get the economy moving forward, but could buy Maliki more time for his crooked ways

3:15 PM [Nighthk11] It is imo a good thing- as people with money and the prospect of employment will be very reluctant to pick up weapons

3:15 PM [fritzidinar] if approved an RV comes in at lower rate, will this shadow govt seat the minister of security?

3:16 PM [fritzidinar] then after that, will there be new elections?

3:16 PM [Nighthk11] But having to have to go around Maliki- I am sure that the powers will demand from the Iraqi parliament that Maliki be removed posthaste

3:16 PM [dmitch] I don’t believe Maliki will be able to buy anymore time upon the RV…I believe they will move at rapid pace to get rid of him – IMO

3:16 PM [Txsun] All of these delays has caused the instability factor that put the delay on the Arab Summit

3:16 PM [Nighthk11] No fritz- I think they will allow the 100 days to expire and get rid of them all

3:17 PM [Txsun] So, the 100 days is up early June

3:17 PM [fritzidinar] oh that’s right, thanks Night, i forgot about the 100 days, thanks

3:17 PM [Unlcon] Night why do they keep bring up the June 20th date in the articles about chapter 7 removal?

3:17 PM [Nighthk11] once activated- what actions they take as Lady “D” stated will be swift and very decisive

3:18 PM [peepaw] If in fact this goes down that way I can almost assure you that the Kurds will pull their support of Maliki and support Allawi, because they want protection from Iran and help for the Iraqi people.

3:18 PM [dmitch] I’m sure they’ve got a plan in place….just waiting on Shabs to get his part finished

3:18 PM [Txsun] In Texas, we don’t like to overcook our grits

3:18 PM [Nighthk11] It might be the date that the final agreement between Iraq and Kuwait on the demarcation of borders is finally settled

3:18 PM [Txsun] And, Maliki has overcooked the grits

3:18 PM [Nighthk11] Yes Txsun- I think everyone can see that except Maliki

3:19 PM [gonedinarfishing] If Maliki is ousted, then Allawi gets his shot to form a gov. correct?

3:19 PM [Nighthk11] correct- it will be done within 48 hours as stated by the list and kurds

3:19 PM [Nighthk11] this is a direct indication that they have a plan

3:20 PM [wings] if they do activated at a lower rate will this be a float or will this go up very slow over the years

3:21 PM [Nighthk11] wings- it will be a “managed Float” meaning they will do the same as auctions keep the rate steady until the new gov’t is in place then all h*ll will break loose with the actual intended rate of over $3.00

3:21 PM [Nighthk11] at that point- it will be market driven

3:21 PM [wings] so should we cash in a little and hold on for the rate to go up

3:21 PM [Txsun] It seems to me that Maliki has had his chances and now they are all going to backfire on him. Allawi will get his rightfully earned position. the GOI will be properly formed, and Maliki will be on the run if he can get out in time.

3:22 PM [lifeisgood2] so night do you know if all 100 (or more) countries will revalue with Iraq??

3:22 PM [Nighthk11] That is a decision only you can make- I will cash in what I need and wait to see what else happens- but knowing the rate will rise after gov’t is completed may give some incentive to wait

3:22 PM [wings] ok so there won’t be a time limit

3:23 PM [RDog47] Dawa dumping Maliki and Parliament passing a law making Maliki subject to arrest for crimes as PM made the path they intend clear to me . . the issue was the RV and whether Maliki’s demise would get in the way . . apparently not. . . They’ll deal with the RV in stages and between those stages they’ll remove Maliki and put the full government in place . . looks like a plan they can work with

3:23 PM [Nighthk11] LIG- that is what is planned- I do not know for sure- But I think many will and then raise their rate once everything is finalized in Iraq

3:23 PM [lifeisgood2] ty night

3:23 PM [wings] that’s what I was thinking also night cash in a little and wait for the right rate

3:24 PM [Nighthk11] exactly Rdog- good thinking because that’s what I think they will do- his cards are GONE

3:24 PM [Nighthk11] No time limit wings

3:25 PM [RDog47] Yep . . gave him every chance to do the right thing but instead he continued to be Maliki . . .

3:25 PM [wings] ty night so I can hold those big notes for years then not that I would just saying

3:25 PM [Nighthk11] This is good for us folks- they have revealed a “Compromise” to get the dinar out this week

3:25 PM [wings] whooooooooooo

3:26 PM [Divak] what an Easter Blessing!!

3:26 PM [Nighthk11] It could be friday- but I am leaning to being at the bank on monday

3:26 PM [romY] Nighthk11 thank you

3:26 PM [wings] amen to that

3:26 PM [Nighthk11] saturday if I can find a chase or BOA open here

3:27 PM [wings] night 8 ball always thought it had to happen by may first that’s when their dfi protection is up

3:27 PM [Nighthk11] going back to “Watching” folks thanks BBL

3:27 PM [wings] ty night

3:27 PM [dmitch] Folks…remember to stay grounded and let this play out….don’t quit your job or make any rash decisions until we are FINISHED…and the RV is signed, sealed and delivered….thanks!

3:28 PM [dmitch] Thank you Nighthk11….we appreciate the time and energy that you give to DV!!!

3:28 PM [tea] Excellent advice and caution, Dmitch!

3:29 PM [milndollarbabe] ok i have some thoughts here

3:30 PM [milndollarbabe] in shabs speech…he mentions stability stability stability

3:30 PM [dmitch] Please M$Babe…share your thoughts

3:30 PM [milndollarbabe] this is all he ever talks about….that and keeping inflation in check

3:30 PM [milndollarbabe] soooooo

3:31 PM [milndollarbabe] i just cant see him coming out with a rate that is not the desired rate and saying it will rise quickly with the installation of the full govt

3:31 PM [Rowdy] I happen to agree with that….

3:31 PM [dmitch] good point M$B….

3:31 PM [milndollarbabe] it seems to me that the rate would come out and need to stay there for a period of time to overcome the initial hyperinflation that will inevitably occur and then settle in to regain its stability

3:32 PM [milndollarbabe] they need to make sure the goods come in to regulate it

3:32 PM [milndollarbabe] and this cant be all over the playing field

3:32 PM [wings] that does make sense babe

3:32 PM [RDog47] may be a necessity because of Maliki . . not optimal, but just something they need to resolve the impasse

3:33 PM [milndollarbabe] I just think that whatever the rate comes in at…it will be there for awhile…..that is his main function and the function he is the most proud of….to keep stability and inflation in check

3:34 PM [RDog47] define awhile

3:34 PM [peek] Just watched the video on Shabibi stating that they are still studying the, then just after restated that it is actually complete and their intentions are to raise the zeros

3:34 PM [milndollarbabe] so when i read longfellows post…these were my thoughts

3:35 PM [peek] I recommend everyone watch the video

3:35 PM [RDog47] Babe are you thinking weeks or months?

3:35 PM [pasta] Did this come here yet Longfellow):Meeting just let out. Things went very well. IMF said it would give them an answer by Friday. Shabibi was very adamant that they be allowed to more forward with a managed float. What worries me is what has got Shabibi all fired up and concerned all of a sudden. He has always been very cautious and steady and now he’s running from country to country asking for help. Anyway, the overall consensus was that they will be allowed to move forward. After all Kuwait was no where close to where Iraq is when they RV’d and they came in at 3.47. So come on already. My buddy overheard his boss reporting to someone in Iraq that the lower rate was from 1.86 to 2.86 but would jump as soon as Iraq proved it had a full functioning GOI

3:35 PM [Txsun] pasta I posted that in Forum

3:36 PM [milndollarbabe] RDog47 i think a year minimum….but these are just my thoughts on the subject…..the stability factor will need to be managed and this cant be fluctuating all over the place….it will take a while to get it back under control once the rv takes place

3:37 PM [Nighthk11] MDB- you are correct with your assessment of Shabibi’s comments – however consider at a compromised rate of $2.50 it will allow for payment of contracts and commodities- 6 months at most to gauge stability of new gov’t- all within possibility

3:38 PM [peek] The low rate until Maliki can get his act together sounds about right to me

3:38 PM [RDog47] milndollarbabe okay . . will need to think about this once the rate is revealed . . thanks

3:38 PM [gonedinarfishing] IMO, they have the rate that they want to come out at, and they will do that. The last stipulation to me was probably something like how exactly are you going to get rid of or remove the problem child— Maliki. Once they get that plan approved, I think they got the go ahead to come out at the rate they wanted.

3:38 PM [Nighthk11] should they install the leaders of the so called “Shadow Gov’t” who already have a plan in place- then 6 months to one year is sufficient to see this stability

3:39 PM [RDog47] peek once this happens Maliki will be removed . .
3:39 PM [peek] Our main objective is the rv. After cash in we can pray for his removal

3:39 PM [Txsun] milndollarbabe I agree with you somewhat, however, Shabibi has gone on record desiring the higher rate. The instability factor is causing this compromise. I believe they will have a predetermined timeframe for any major movements of the currency with the goi as the determining factor.

3:39 PM [Nighthk11] That is also very possible gonefishing- But I am gathering that a masterstroke is being initiated by Shabibi to totally disarm Maliki in this instance- hence a compromise with the IMF

3:41 PM [radar64] I will cash in now and maybe do a little forex trading later, less risk than sitting on dinar that may or may not go up and if it doesn’t appreciate, then you still got the best deal.

3:41 PM [Nighthk11] If there is a burning necessity to get this dinar out- which from what I can see there is- the IMF requires National Security to be in place- more than enough time has been allocated for this- they apparently feel there is no more time

3:42 PM [peek] Things are truly heating up and I am positively optimistic that we will witness the largest transfer of wealth in US history very, very soon.

3:42 PM [Nighthk11] So I am hoping that this info is correct- and they will allow this train of thought- it will be enough to satisfy the PPP for the people and pay their bills, while allowing for careful watch on the stability issues within the country

3:43 PM [peek] Maliki is going to try and stop Shab’s but will look very bad in the eyes of the people

3:43 PM [Nighthk11] It will also force the iraqi parliament to deal with what appears to be the main problem- Maliki

3:43 PM [peek] Agreed Nighthk11 You are correct

3:44 PM [Nighthk11] Peek- If the IMF agrees to this request- Maliki can do nothing to stop it- the decision will have been made and initiated without his approval

3:44 PM [peek] Yes!

3:45 PM [Txsun] A lot of stability and confidence will happen once the snake is removed from the hen house

3:45 PM [peek] Agreed Txsun

3:45 PM [Nighthk11] Today- that appears to be the case- I think it is an excellent move by shabibi- whose word and credentials far surpass anything Maliki can handle

3:47 PM [Nighthk11] It will also allow those emerging economies to move forward with their plans of expansion in commerce and trade- I see it as a win-win for all- Then Iraq will prove that they deserve a “Higher Rate” by solving their political problems and bringing stability to their nation over a period of time

3:47 PM [peek] Yep, and after watching the video, I now know that Shabibi truly wants to implement the rv but is roadblocked by Maliki the tyrant

3:47 PM [Nighthk11] So lets hope the IMF governing board approves shabibi’s request

3:48 PM [milndollarbabe] Nighthk11 are your thoughts all based off this post or are your intel sources saying the same?

3:48 PM [Nighthk11] Then maliki will see that infamous sign “Abandon Hope- All Ye Who Enter Here”

3:48 PM [Cool] so now we just wait for the reply from the IMF ?

3:49 PM [Nighthk11] No MDB- The post re-inforces something I was given early this morning by someone who was at the speech and works for our Gov’t

3:49 PM [RDog47] Cool by Friday . . this train is on a fast track

3:49 PM [milndollarbabe] Nighthk11 ok thanks…thats what i wanted to know

3:49 PM [Txsun] It looks like to me that the timer is set for Maliki to act by Friday or the IMF to intervene and allow Iraq to move forward without him. So, Friday is the current date that is hot.

3:50 PM [Cool] but they did say by friday so could be sooner , their answer I mean

3:50 PM [RDog47] Yep

3:50 PM [Nighthk11] No- not just the post- was told that Shabs was gonna light some fireworks to get this done- I must say I was surprised on his movement back to IBS- because he is supposed to be in the UK

3:52 PM [Nighthk11] When I saw that- then I knew something was up- because what was stated that “Maliki is in the crosshairs of the chancellor” (Shibibi

3:54 PM [Nighthk11] But my thinking on the matter is somewhat correct- they will remove what Maliki thinks is his ace- then force the parliament to deal with him

3:54 PM [Nighthk11] But my thinking on the matter is somewhat correct- they will remove what Maliki thinks is his ace- then force the parliament to deal with him


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