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ObrienClan (Wisdom Speaks July 17): PTR ON ANOTHER SITE

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ObrienClan (Wisdom Speaks July 17): PTR   ON ANOTHER SITE Empty ObrienClan (Wisdom Speaks July 17): PTR ON ANOTHER SITE

Post by Rooster Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:00 am

ObrienClan (Wisdom Speaks July 17): PTR ON ANOTHER SITE

This does not reflect in anyway how I feel or think about this investment. Just passing along…

2:14:16 PM] Peachee: [Wisdom] So folks, here’s where things stand at the moment! That 5 year plan has ENDED, and the DFI funds were released back to Iraq. They also have confirmed that they are now a member of the WTO and have tradeable currency, and not at the wheel barrow full to buy a coke type of cash either. No country would ever taking payments so low that they could not exchange it to US or GBP currency at such a loss. Think about that number 1: ALL CONTRACTS MUST BE PAID IN DINAR!! THAT’S A FACT! And the major contracts for 15 power plants, that’s top of the line Nuclear Power Plants, Have been officially signed with 3 countries. Canada, Germany and S.Korea.

[2:18:57 PM] Peachee: [Wisdom] So from there let’s take it to the next step…and that’s where we come in

[2:20:39 PM] Peachee: [Wisdom] Now that They (Iraq) have finally gotten a “Tradeable” currency, we are FINALLY able to settle war debts with the other countries, and if you notice THEY DID THAT TOO, right before The DFI Funds were released, and Chapter 7 for the most part, was released. There is still some gray there depending upon the sources you check into, some could be to keep the RV Signs from showing their heads too early.

[2:21:23 PM] Peachee: [Wisdom] Wouldn’t want a Run to start as it had already started in the neighboring countries boardering Iraq.

[Wisdom] joeschmoe This Was NOT… I Repeat NOT One article, this is research that I’ve been doing for quite a LONG TIME now… it’s where ALL THIS IS LEADING US TO… TO TODAY, and Why this DATE IS SO IMPORTANT, FOR THOSE WHO CAN’T WAIT AND NEED TO SKIP AHEAD TO FINAL CHAPTER!!

[Wisdom] If you get me answering QUESTIONS, I WILL NOT BE ABLE to connect ALL THE DOTS here for you, so please bear with me. I don’t want to blow by anything that will pertain to this coming about right now, and why it won’t hold out longer without dire repercussions, not only for the US, but the world.

[Wisdom] So where was I, oh ya, the DFI released and Iraq paying War depts off, and if you notice, China and the US forgave some of the debts owed. Now why would that be??? Simply because there are already Trillions in Dinar that we and China hold, and that amount that was forgiven or set aside, is minimal to the amount that will be made once the RI/RV takes place.

[Wisdom] So here we are with Tradeable currency and war debt being settled and DFI funds creating an entirely NEW Wealth of resources for Iraq to use immediately to get everything rolling. This was what has been holding things up. Whether you want to believe that they can’t function without a seated government or not, they can indeed pass laws and run their country just as we can here. They will do what they need to, to stay on the time line preset WORLDWIDE and known by all the countries involved, TO GET THIS DONE!! You think they would let something so historic not meet it’s deadlines because two guys in one country, and another two entire groups with one leading the mess who can’t get their “Stuff” straight, hold all this up??? Ain’t Gonna Happen!!! They have a date this MUST be done by, and have way too much riding on it. Just as all things must line up and the bottom line signed, there is a kick off date that that can’t be arbitrarily tossed around. We’re talking about the “Greatest Transfer Of Weath” In History! Don’t be fooled, no one person or country has entire control over this event. We’ve already got a few countries that are going to loose value in this transfer, they too will have some kind of compensation given to keep their economies from taking a hit.

[Wisdom] So, Now we get to where I really get excited about all this and MY hopes Up!!

[Wisdom] If you think back, a few Presidental offices ago, we were in this same EXACT position with not having enough money to run our country and our soldiers were having to get partial pay and take the rest on IOU’s and SS checks and Disability checks were being held up and/or threatened, as they are NOW. Sound familiar???

[Wisdom] You think “O” isn’t having a FIT fight now with the rest of them on the Hill in that meeting? Why you think “ALL Senators are on Call this weekend” By order of “O”?

[Wisdom] Seems back when Clinton was in office, we were at this same point in time, for the first time in recent history, our government had RUN OUT of money to keep operating at its current level, and we had “THINGS” going on overseas that were demanding our attention, our troops and money.

[Wisdom] We as a country were on the brink of collapse as we are now, going into default on our loans, you think this is going to be allowed to happen??

[Wisdom] It suddenly, unexpectedly and miraculously was FIXED!! All of a sudden we Had our budget fall into place, our bills were paid and we had surplus funds for whatever projects we could think of spending it on…WHY??? WHERE DID IT COME FROM?

[Wisdom] We didn’t just PRINT more!

[Wisdom] Well, if you look back, you’ll see that Kawait RV’d!, and suddenly our problems got handled at the same time. Kawait was not going to ever be able to handle Saddam on their own, heck they had lost their country, the invasion was a Success. They LOST! But the amount of money that had been invested in Kuwait by the world business, and especially the US wasn’t going to allow this to happen, and then as now, WE WERE COMPENSATED FOR OUR EFFORTS AND EXPENSES to fix the problem.

[Wisdom] Soooo…This is history repeating itself “ON PURPOSE”!! WE GOT SMART about how to deal with WAR! You think there wasn’t a reason for us to go into Iraq? It wasn’t to check for “WMD”s. We are always 10 to 15 years ahead of the game plan that you see in front of you as it unfolds. We do know where we’re going next and what our goals will be coming out.

[Wisdom] We are at that door again, where the players are trying to figure out how they will “Spin” this one to the public, and who will get the credit politically and how it will be taxed, because we’re involved in this….they didn’t count on Us being in it as we are.

[Wisdom] So now, we “all of a sudden” have laws telling us how we’re going to be controlled on this New Wealth that we are a part of. This wasn’t in the 10 year plan. We didn’t have this kind of Internet connectivity 10 years ago, it’s gone further than just world wide, house to house and person to person, with the I phones and Face book. They didn’t count on us, and so we’re getting thes tax laws in Place and banks are having to deal with Us and IRS is having to be BEEFED UP to deal WITH Us!!

[Wisdom] We’re looking at what’s happening in Washington as we Speak…. The Debt ceiling is going to tell us that this can’t hold out any longer, but the Senators that are arguing are not wanting to end up right back where we started with all this excessive spending. We would only be putting on a band aid and not healing the wound.

[Wisdom] So ALL THE SIGNS, and there are MANY MORE,( this was the abridged version) will all fall into this senario as it plays out. I think anyone that’s been following this for as many YEARS as I have, would agree, and ALL the other Factors come to the same end game. That is, it’s Sooooo CLOSE NOW, that to say it will be seen TONIGHT OR TOMORROW MORNING IS REALISTIC!!!!


[Wisdom] THIS Has Been…. Words Of Wisdom!!!

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Join date : 2011-04-16

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