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AQ/Angelquest 7/12/2011 at 3:30 PM ON ANOTHER SITE

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AQ/Angelquest 7/12/2011 at 3:30 PM ON ANOTHER SITE Empty AQ/Angelquest 7/12/2011 at 3:30 PM ON ANOTHER SITE

Post by Rooster Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:59 pm

AQ/Angelquest 7/12/2011 at 3:30 PM ON ANOTHER SITE

Good Morning Everyone,
No I am not missing in action...........Everyone needs time to rest from this wild ride and I have choosen to do that in the area of cc's etc..................after 2 1/2 years constant nothing is needed anymore, and what was....... is done.

Many of you I am sending this to know of my thoughts on the RI/RV...............
First the rate must be at the 2.74-3.22 rate..........Delta has stated the RV is .86-2.00 so that amount must be added to the reinstatement amount..................3.22 = 2.00 = 5.22..................if tied to the GBP would be that 8 something floating around...........Is it tied to the GBP? I was not agreeing it could be at the end of last year . WHY would Iraq get two new banks accounts in the USA to hold their money if indeed it was tied to another country? Just made no sense........I also stated that IF it is tied to the GBP we would know after or on June 30th when the financial international sanctions were lifted.........Well folks an article did come out yesterday that Iraq did indeed find banks in Europe to hold their gas and oil funds..........So yes I do believe it is highly possible it is indeed tied to the GBP. Many are saying with absolute certainty that it will be above the 8.40 that has been circulating..............Well I am praying so as well that would indeed be a blessing after this traumatic ride but 3+ is still agreeable to me................................

Second......................My thoughts flying around on the the taxes to be enforced.........Now can they put new taxes in play? Sure can.......................BUT PEOPLE THE CONGRESS AND SENATE HAVE TO APPROVE THAT..........ACCORDING TO THE far they have said no more taxes so will it stay? I do not know but I do know that the currency taxable is 15%.....................I still have never found WHERE the currency is a capital investment PERIOD...........the fact that others have said it will be a sliding timeline on 15%=45 days and so on.........I believe that must also be in the laws passed by and agreed on by all parties in Washington. I could be wrong yes. To me it is a SCARE tactic to make sure all of us go in and pay our taxes upfront because the US has been stalling it and now realize they need those taxes in by mind you this is my opinion on what I have read and seen and talked with others in the fields of specialty. Now on the cashing out at the UST? In my opinion the UST is not a bank for cashing out but..........this is what they do the UST.......

The basic functions of the Department of the Treasury include:[2]

Managing federal finances;
Collecting taxes, duties and money paid to and due to the U.S. and paying all bills of the U.S.;
Producing all postage stamps, currency, and coinage of the U.S.;
Managing government accounts and the United States public debt;
Supervising national banks and thrift institutions;
Advising on domestic and international financial, monetary, economic, trade and tax policy – fiscal policy being the sum of these, and the ultimate responsibility of Congress.
Enforcing Federal finance and tax laws;
Investigating and prosecuting tax evaders;
Publishes statistical reports.

With respect to the estimation of revenues for the executive branch, Treasury serves a purpose parallel to that of the Office of Management and Budget for the estimation of spending for the executive branch, the Joint Committee on Taxation for the estimation of revenues for Congress, and the Congressional Budget Office for the estimation of spending for Congress.
The term Treasury reform usually refers narrowly to reform of monetary policy and related economic policy and accounting reform. The broader term monetary reform usually refers to reform of policy of institutions such as the International Monetary Fund.

In looking at the responsibilities NOTED above, it says NO WHERE they are a banking institution but supervise them....should banks have to take out the 15% and leave us no choice they would have to sign form FINCEN-103 not the one we are informed to have to sign...........which is the FINCEN-104......

NOW THIS IS WHAT SOMEONE ELSE FOUND OUT ON THE IRS OFFICES OPENING..............In fact these IRS agents were hired over a year ago why is everyone panicking now?

I posted this earlier agree with you
I did some research on this “IRS Saturday opening.”

This is what I found: It Is No Biggie Neither is it because of the RV like some are trying to say. This is something that the IRS has been doing since “”JUNE OF 2010 “”
Saturday Service Locations
... Saturday Service Locations Owe taxes and can ... 34 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico will be open on Saturday, July 16, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p ...
IRS, Partners Mark Super Saturday March 21 to Help Taxpayers
IRS Holds Saturday Open Houses on Feb. 26 and March 26 to Help Taxpayers
IRS Holds Saturday Open House on March 26 to Help Taxpayers

Open House on Saturday May 15 to Help Small Businesses, Individuals Solve Tax Problems More than 180
Local IRS Offices Open this Saturday to Help Taxpayers
IRS to Hold Special Open House Saturday, Sept. 25 for Veterans and Persons with ...
Open House Saturday June 5 to Help Taxpayers Solve Problems and Respond to Notices

JHMO - just my honest opinion
"Taxpayers who may have difficulty getting to an IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center during normal business hours Monday through Friday can visit an IRS office located at 135 High St., Hartford CT 06103 or 150 Court St., New Haven CT 06510, on Saturday, July 16, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. The IRS is hosting the Saturday Open House this summer to provide free assistance to taxpayers who need help getting information required to file their tax returns. Help with account questions, such as collection or examination issues, is also available during the Open House.

After reading this it appears the IRS has been doing this and someone is trying to inflict fear and make us think this is what they are doing...................I feel the US GOV.CORPORATION is needing all the money they can get to swindle us more.........and some saying you will be put on a no audit list? Since when do they have a no audit list? That to me is saying that everyone will be audited unless we cash in and pay taxes upfront.....could be but put on a no audit list never have heard of such a thing personally........I am open on this for discussion if you can prove it contact me at the

Now has anyone else noticed that the NEW president of the IMF stated the US must raise the debt ceiling or face disastrous consequences?........Think people............who did the US remove diplomatic immunity from? Who was arrested for accosting a maid? What state unanimously voted for the new president of the IMF? Now while some think DSK was a bad person I ask you to think back on many things. Many of you do not know some of this so if you have any questions please feel free to contact me via this email
What if DSK was indeed on our side? For those that do not know for the New Treasury Bills to be instilled the FED RESERVE NOTES we now use must loose value. So in thinking of this the us gov corporation put out an article saying how bad DSK was.............was he? I mean if we are to get back to the republic then we need our fed notes to be no value and instill new with a value.....they have tried doing this for years I mean why would they put out the IQD before they get the new money out? I mean no value would not help I am just asking all of you to come out of the dark.......put two and two together.......we have been lied to and cheated for decades and I feel the Lord is bringing much into light and WE must set aside some of our blessings to be ready for what this evilness will bring us...............also if you did not have a chance to listen to the radio broadcast last night from one of the gurus here is a synopsis..................PAY ATTENTION TO #8!!!!!!

Hey Everybody,

As I write it is way late, but I feel compelled to share a few important bits of information I have just learned today.

1st) as some of you are aware I spoke to Randy K today, and his sources have stated that we are going active as far as the Revaluation of the IQD this week.

2nd) rate is to be $3.41 per 1 IQD!

3rd) In Iraq on Saturday the Erbil Agreement was sighed in a meeting at Pres T (spelling unknown) private residence with Parliament leadership, PM Maliki, leaders of the GOI, and some of the clerics as witnesses... Malaki has been forced into submission to the power sharing agreement by both the CBI and Parliament, after repeated attempts to stall this historic event.

4th) The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq has been unwilling to release the rate until this agreement was made law, as to prevent Maliki from rising to power as a dictator due to the sudden economic success Iraq will experience from the new economy being launched. Note, Parliament is expected to formally vote either Tuesday or Thursday of this week!!! Once official we are there!

5th) On this side America waits for WHAT??? as Obama and the GOP under Gag Order work out the details behind closed doors...what are they waiting on??? We will see. I will not in print state what I heard today that Obama tried to do last week to the Blessing in regard to the rate, but thank God our GOP leadership shut him down, and prevailed!!! You will all want to thank God for George W. Bush and Dick Chaney as none of this would have been possible...Oh by the way they were well rewarded for their efforts on Friday of last week..... 6.05 think about that!!!

6th Today the markets are going crazy, the Euro is dropping like a rock, all across the board the markets are bleeding red in anticipation for the news...

7th) On Friday we will see the Frank Dodd Act implemented, and in Iraq the new tax and tariff law implemented, at what rate??? 1170 I doubt it. OH BY THE WAY THE ISX WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE NEXT 48 HOURS TO RE-SET, FOR WHAT? (IRAQ STOCK EXCHANGE)

8th) Now for the news that sent cold chills down my spine...tonight on Blog Talk Radio with Phoenix, he stated that a United Nations Resolution was approved to create a new Palestinian State by dividing Jerusalem in half, and giving a large portion of land to the Palestinians, and that Obama approves it and will not VETO it...this is due to be done in September!!!

If you are a Christian that has a understanding of scripture as it relates to God's Promises, then you will understand what happens to any nation including America that will attempt to divide or conquer Israel...



Now I realize that many will forward this I ask that you post it all in entirety as some of it is no value alone..........remember Frank and I have always said this is a WORLD HAPPENING.....not just Iraq and I am truthfully ashamed that the wool has been pulled over my eyes for so long............many of you need to check out he constitution and many laws that they scare us with saying this and it...........EMPLOYMENT TAX IS NOT SOMETHING YOU MUST PAY....what would they do if that got around to the masses........many of us are doing it......filing the correct forms etc..............check it out folks it is your country too..................

NOW.............MY THOUGHTS ON WHEN THE RATE WILL BE SHOWN TO US.........................
Well...................everything is aligned............banks electronic............ministers in place etc etc....................the biggest thing is this Tariff tax..............if you all remember it was put out last October and many merchants etc complained it was toooo high so they said they would hold it and put it in effect after or in 6 months which would be then they came out and said..........14 more days that puts it at July 15th! Now I say in a common sense way (of course we know most of this common sense in the regards to this is not there to say the least but) if this is indeed the FINAL date as I have been informed and read then HOW will these same amounts be accepted now? They wont unless the RV happens......simple fact in my thoughts.................and the other basket of currencies going on the 15th? so will two baskets go at the same time?.........that is possible but I believe though not a currency guru that some of the changes in the 15th will be produced from the first basket to go soooooooooooooooo what will happen? Not sure but what I have read , heard and know is it should be within the next 24-48 hours but then WE SHOULD HAVE SEEN IT before........

I believe that he wants it raised for the Powers that Be because folks listen.........those of us with dinar will be a major factor in the economy for a few why do we even need to raise it..................well...........while we are boosting the economy O and his cabinet will be giving out still and spending the rest of the new ceiling debt then and THEN when we are still in debt again ....................we are in the NWO...........just my thoughts as......they are manipulating currencies now meaning NO other person or entity will ever get this kind of blessing again at least not in our lifetime and when we can t pay our debts well we are right where O plans us to be with the rest of the CABAL............
As Christians we need to worry less on this blessing and be discussing world things and what we can do to help others..........I need this blessing toooooo but when it comes as I have said before what good is pay our debts that were put on us by this gov anyway.........and then what? The food, clothing gas will be raised so high that our blessing unless put in needed areas will be gone.................just saying guys

SO I FEEL IN THE NEXT 24-48 HOURS BUT THEN I HAVE BEEN WRONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE THUS FAR.....JUST THE FACTS HERE PEOPLE LIKE IT OR NOT.............And I just heard the FIP(fines,interest & penalties) were paid so the USD will be ready to go down which is what some say will happen before the iqd is rv'd.......truth or fiction? you be the judge.....................have a very blessed day and remember be kind to others for when you are gone that is what will remain with your name not the money or your looks or the house you lived in it is your love and kindness.......................

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Join date : 2011-04-16

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