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Randy Koonce Call Tidbits 6/22/2011 posted by members - FOUND ON ANOTHER SITE

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Randy Koonce Call Tidbits 6/22/2011 posted by members - FOUND ON ANOTHER SITE Empty Randy Koonce Call Tidbits 6/22/2011 posted by members - FOUND ON ANOTHER SITE

Post by Rooster Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:32 pm

Randy Koonce Call Tidbits 6/22/2011 posted by members - FOUND ON ANOTHER SITE

wants to dispel rumors, shabs did not come out and say 86 or 130. he did say final phase on zero removal and did not say before june 30.

S did not give a rate of .86 or 1.30 and did not give a drop date of the 30th

absolutely no way to come out at 86 and meet their budget

will only come out at what it takes to meet their budget. he est 4.20 rate on upper end

$4.20 is the upper end he does not think it will be the 5.25 or the 8 only enough to cover their budget

says everybody needs to look at how its said and whos saying it.

stay in reality and see what is real and not true when you hear it.

he will not do things within time tables over there. number one, we know its close by articles we are seeing. cbi denom,

Randy says it will not happen this week- friday, sat,sun looking good and looking better into next week....

keeps hearing three zeroes, bad translations at fifth grade levels across the pond, again doesnt affect us, doing call as this is getting close. does anyone know where s is today? he says rule rest of this week out and thinks next week lines up more to next week. no drop dead date per randy. date they need to start paying salaries? july 1, thinks that means opening budget necessary for that to be. nothing will happen with s out of town though

discussing otc rumor, over the counter stock trade. we all have currency in hand, and also doesnt apply to us

talking about rush and the speculation we all applied to that when it actually turned out to be tea

cliff in maryland voted and approved on erbil, powersharing is what needs to be firm is allawi in charge mailki dragging feet, articles are finally moving around saying they are agreeing and getting along

randy says he likes monday night really well

theres no way to change their budget or get around it with RV first. no gimmick can get them past that

nobody is gonna loan them much more, they already borrowed money for the elect agreement they recently enacted.

randy asks how long can iraqs economy go with out them imploding and having full blown riots over there?

their gov needs to get to tipping point where they themselves say enough is enough. Says they could shove it till mid july

randy really thinks we are there though he thinks its a really strong week for us next week, calls it our week

says they are hiding behind their announcement of ministers as they work on erbil agreement. all ministers are complete, just the announcing of them formally that they are holding on.

already approved budget in march and they must make it work,

all the holdup is maliki, no body else,nobody

global settlements has nothing nothing nothing to do with dinar at all.

there are no tiers! as far as cash in

greg asks about wto, dfi, chapter 7? randy says where is the article that says that, not what someone else has written, but where is that actual article. wto has already been worked out with iraq and how theyre going to do that. dfi wouldnt stop anything from happening.

not tonight or tomorrow night as shabibi isnt even in the country

shabibi has told us he is going to do it, there are also rumors

ministry finance says he wants to pay ppl, and randy is adamant next week when he will do that next week.

jeff in nashville inflation rate going up monthly? randy checking cbi and says yes going up bcause they have no currency. they are trying to keep it under dbl digits, option to keep below 10 is to keep pulling it off of 9the streets. but cannot keep doing it like that

un sanctions end june 30, but they have already ended as far as rv is involved. says they are focusing more on making economy grow over having functioning currency

says nobody thought iraq would take this long. his opinion .... the US stopped it in dec over wanting some more taxes.

robert san antonio references articles. one over sec ministers,cbi article restructuring currency. randy says the restructure article wouldnt show up unless we are going to see it next few days.

he says things are going to start popping really quick

"fine as froghair", frank n of houston in magnolia, rate tied to usd or gbp? Randy says pegged to dollar and a basket of other currencies.

dan asks about amer contractor and what he relays. chapter 7 till end of year and 2012. randy says that could very well be extended. something will go wrong or someone get killed, just stay in place as something needed to protect against lawsuits

Randy says Shabibi is the trigger man for this RV. He is the one who will release it and he will be at the CBI when he does it.

says the Us has not been forceful enough for him to do it, when US did get finally get forceful, just the timing needs to be right

caller thinks some of the bank rumors could be true. Randy says no bank knows when it will RV

Caller cannot see this group of powerful elite build this thing and allow a couple ***** to mess it up in the end, Randy tells caller he is right, and its all about $$$,he states that no matter what this will be happening

funny guess, when dinar comes thru rv .Randy says sometime by the 30th. rules out this week as shab out of country, but senses next week as looking good. also they want to pay salaries on july 1st.first place it will show up, Randy says has to show on CBI first

lewis in caliifornia is poss to wire to biz llc acct, Randy says no prob! Just tell bank what your doing and will be alright.

also wants 4 dollar rate equation, oils revenue amount 91 billion divided by 26 billion, comes at about 4.40. not 5.25, not 8, none of that

marie in california asking about june 30th, says thats their independence day. also she says the 5 year plan also expires on june 30 too, she thinks iraqis like to party large and that is their day of huge celebration.

discussing budget, we are still waiting on those yahoos to finish what they are doing.

asking about maliki stepping down from daiwa party? is there anything significant about this connected to Rv. Randy perplexed, even if he resigned it wouldnt matter.

his is just what one of Randys callers was saying - ok folks, first of all june 30th IS NOT their independence day...that is in october. the closest would be the day of revolution which is 14 july.

caller states biggest mess as far as info and mis info being given and spread around.

caller asking how banks would know rates on their screens?Randy says getting your ***** pulled, they dont have the rates yet

randy says he would like to see iraq come in one penny under kuwait.

n carolina clem asks about ust and imf roles. in terms of decision, imf approves it and ust facilitates it.

caller says other gurus say different things, Randy attempting to help clarify according to factual articles

randy says our foreign diplomacy sucks. That the US is not real tough on the foreign diplomacy

caller stresses how badly we need the tax money here in US, and why havent we done more.again Randy says end of month at latest.caller asking about O and tax rumor.Randy says 15% long term as long as bush tax cuts are in place. He is going to get a certified ruling on this and share his ruling with everyone else.

first thing your gonna want to do, secure the funds!

short term long term gain, all currency. cannnot treat british pound any diff than iraaqi dinar.It is a Currency Folks.

caller references the redenom article, and Randy says thats the indicator that says Rv happening minus the announcement part.

just a few more days. Rate question again,.... 86 cents? Randy says NO WAY! would have to lower their entire revenue and its just not there.

call has ended


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Join date : 2011-04-16

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