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Frank Conference Call 5-16-2011 FROM ANOTHER SITE

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Frank Conference Call 5-16-2011 FROM ANOTHER SITE Empty Frank Conference Call 5-16-2011 FROM ANOTHER SITE

Post by Bandit1 Mon May 16, 2011 11:07 pm

Frank Conference Call 5-16-2011 FROM ANOTHER SITE

By DebTarHeelGirl

27-30 banks have all paid their debt and can play with the toilet paper money – the CBI is done with the sterilization and back to normal process and the auctions have returned back to their normal pace as we told you they would…

Central Bank instructed to close the stores is approved banking
Monday, 16 May 2011 13:45 |
[Baghdad - where]
Instructed the CBI to close all shops banking is approved in the country.

The source said the central bank, told all of Iraq [where] on Monday that "the Central Bank of Iraq issued an order closing all stores banking is approved through a common subunits between the police and domestic intelligence in the lists issued by the bank."

The central bank may face in the tenth of this month, all ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry not to have any financial transactions or relations with the banking companies is approved by the Central Bank, and published on its website a list of banking companies officially sanctioned. / Ended.…

They survived two weeks with no money while being sterilized – what’s two more weeks says Frank..

GCC- Rejected Iraq – and Iraq says they reject the GCC…they are in disarray and they need more oil to keep customers happy – and new sheriff in town to take over can suffocate them… GCC “courted” them for the last two years….

Rumor came: Emergency Meeting at 4am of the GOI to vote on the 3 ministers and the RI will be right there… is that true? Frank says No that meeting was about a meeting to have the vote on the 3 ministers – for within the next two weeks this will take place… per Iraqi television…

Oil is going down – we will see it go up and down two more times… TWO MORE TIMES UP AND DOWN says Frank. Gold and silver is going down and $$ going up – we told you this months ago – look for the USD to go up and gold to go down before the before the blessing occurs…

DONG – rumor was the DONG went up in price – Frank states 180 currencies globally
Will be in the baskets the moment the Dinar starts it – China did buy T-bills recently – perfect timing….

FOREX – shows the Iraq Dinar being at 1175 with bids at 1165 and opening closing at 1157 – what you are seeing is the buying and selling of the dinar for that day- trade values is what you are seeing… When the dinar during the sterilization process was at 1170 then sold at 1200 – our team reported that the Citizens who hold the smart cards took the difference between the 1170 and the 1200 they bought dinars….

Did Parliament approve 3 VIP’s yes - last conf call last week we told you Iraqi TV had approved them last week.

The man that represents the IMF – he has done something wrong – a rape and he was arrested by the American Authorities and is in jail here – Frank states in January a movement across the ME in order to remove obstacles and politician leader that did not want to help with the plan and that were against the authors the plan… that movement ended with an !!! called Ben Ladin…. Let us say that the process continues in many ways… France is always sticking their hand out to say give me when they do nothing- lazy country to never lift one finger to help but one to accuse – they will always be at the end of the food chain… John Lipskey replaced the former IMF leader – he worked for first deputy managing director of the US Treasury and at one time worked for JP Morgan… in 2003 JP Morgan became the retailer on the Dinar when it was first for sale… John was also part of the European Theater with the Greek economy to bail out Greece and other countries…

Did Parliament go on vacation – YES they are on vacation – do we need parliament to approve the ministers? Parliament passes laws and the GOI is busy like bees right now to seat the government – who is responsible to pass the 3 securities – when parliament come back it will be their turn to do their final and last piece to announce the GOI

Exec Order 13303 – when Bush signed this in 2003 – there more than one part – it would end May 22, 2011 and the date was changed 2 weeks after it was signed in 2003 – a part will expire on the 22nd of May – but all will expire on June 30th…. We hope they do NOT wait till then to increase the Dinar but that is the last nano second…its their pattern do possibly do this… on June 30th everything that shackles Iraq comes to an end…it’s the day they will be international recognized… July 1st is the beginning of new Era for Iraq…. ITS COMING FOLKS – its designated to be a new ERA by July 1st… if it doesn’t happen by then there will be a BIG mess – this thing is about to happen big time…

Will President Obama resign this on the 22nd or 30th – NO says Frank- no longer on OFAX list – we can buy it – no need to reinstate it…

Delta come on the call the EO will end on the 22nd and no reinstatement as the sanctions to not invest are gone…

UNSC extended due to the GOI was not extended – July 1st had to be international in all aspects in the Dinar and Oil sales control for first time on that date- the GOI may ask the UNSC to make the expiration before June 30th if they are done… we don’t see any delay till the 30th and they may ask for it earlier… that doesn’t man for the reval to wait till then and they have to co –exit with lower denoms too but of the EO of the assets expires on Sunday by Monday or Tuesday it will qualify Iraq to move into Chapter 8… has to be international… this week or next week will be interesting to see what will happen…. That July 1st date they need the IMF to give them the Chapter 8 – if they wait till end of June to RV they won’t have time to become International from the IMF –

Delta feels from 22nd to first of June is the best time for RV….. THE GOI has to announce the adjustment of the currency before they show it to the UNSC… it puts us now to the 27th to do this… If they wait till the last nano second which is July 1st it will happen – all good news coming out of Iraq.

40 tribes surrendered their weapons to the government with no issues today… and they were given money for that…

The people there is nothing like they are seeing now in their country – peace now – no war – they are not used to that – and they gave weapons to the government – they know whats coming…

The CBI shutting down for two weeks they took their money away and now for next two weeks they took away their business – Delta states that the CBI said on the 10th and the public got that news on the 16th today that no one can deal with any exchange office without getting approve from CBI and last 5years or so had many exchange offices… lot were not approved by the CBI so that is huge and they will be out of business – but now you have to go through the CBI for this… The banks stopped selling Dinar then LARGE dealers stopped selling Dinars – and the next thing is the sub dealers and that’s why we see the Iraq dealers stop selling and then the only thing left is the CBI and that’s why we will exchange at the CBI rate…..then the lower denoms will be used along with instructions

Delta says that the Rate today was spoken to him again.… $.86 and in 2012 they will try to collect the 3 zeros denoms in 6-8 months then when ready to do the 2nd revalue it will be about $3.44 at that time in 2012 after the denoms are collected… This year will be the RV for sure and in 2012 after the 3 zeros are collected THEN we will have the $3+ RATE – THEY CAN’T START OUT WITH A HIGH $3+ RATE they can’t do that…. All the stores will be told it RV’d first so they can adjust their rate of prices as they can’t divide $3+ rate at first but the $.85 is easy first… We hear lots say it may come out at $4+ we might have another revalue in 2013 that will come out close to $5.00 – Dinars should be worth about $.26 x 10 -= $2.60 if they don’t revalue slowly they will have more inflation if it comes out with a high rate… Frank says he see a mirror image of what happen in Kuwait….

Frank says we reviewed the rumors from other forums – there is no reality to back them up and not even an RV tomorrow – their patterns shows that the merchant shut down but he CBI will last two weeks too – so I am hinting at a possible RI-RV in two weeks – at least they are walking in the direction we want…

Delta states we are teaching you and giving you the right information – you guys that listen and from the forum are more educated and smart about this investment…we are waiting for all to be finished and we WILL see this happen….

They have to RV this currency – just watch – Iraq will be the next Switzerland

If you belong to our forum that email is what we will use to send out the RI-RV announcement. GO to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to register

Frank says we will the GOI formed when the parliament come back.
Low rate Doesn’t respect contracts they can’t continue to be disrespected any longer as they have not been paid some lost their business a so Frank says he doesn’t believe the $.86 rate…

Frank states Rumor for the blackouts it came about on Thursday and Friday and our Pres was very busy with intel files that were none of our business- if an internet back out was requested it was done to those that can’t keep their mouth shut – and the extreme details were given with very little discipline behind their responsibility – its bad to give names and department s– its not good to be clear sometime.

GOI is very busy working like bees – we are trying to find out what – my team is researching for truth…


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Join date : 2011-04-16

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