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Frank’s Conference Call Closing of Dinar Trade

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Frank’s Conference Call Closing of Dinar Trade Empty Frank’s Conference Call Closing of Dinar Trade

Post by Rooster Fri May 06, 2011 1:26 pm

Frank’s Conference Call Notes 5-5-11

Closing of Dinar Trade

ATM machines are turned on and active – what the definition
of lower denoms is whether the 1,5 10’s or the 100 150 or 500

This Blessing is coming at the speed of a freight train
coming down a hill….

There will be two RV’s possibly 3 in one years time – Deltas
intel about the rate I did not elieve but we need to share with the family and
look at all angels of what is being said…

If the rate does come out at $.85 which is the lifting of
the 0s off the exchange rate – then we are praying and asking Shabibi to please
allow it to be a managed float- now we know that the rate can only crease by 2%
every 90 days – so what good is that?
It allows the flexibility to remove the 2% growth at their leisure – and
easily remove than come out at a fixed rate… manage float allows the $.85 to
manage itself for 90 days at 2% but we feel the need will be so large for the
IQD that it will bust loose through everybody’s stock exchange and pockets and
then have to remove that 2% 90 day growth probably before the 90 days –THE IMF
can do this and it would trigger another jump in rate by the IMF – it will have
two potential RV’s in one years time – do not be disapoi9nted at $.85 it won’t
stay there I am telling you that – logic and history can tell you and verify

Yesterday an article says Iraq has the most valued currency
in the ME – what? Used toilet paper –
what value is that? A lot says most – the
1170value most are dying to get their hands on – The ME has currency that Is
much higher than 1170 yet they say it’s the most valued? Yes it sits on a sea of oil – the world does
depend on oil and the authors set this up to depend on oil and today the oil
dropped to $100… today —–

They are hurrying now Maliki took their money from the
citizens and he is delaying the GOI from being officially announced…

Today parliament was called in from a day off and they voted
for salaries for the presidents. So that means the rate was calculated so they
could be paid.

Parliament had a vote of confidence today YES they did
against Maliki – Maliki should be scared of the results…why did they do this
now? Maliki has served his purpose –
what is the results of the ministers vote?
Maliki gave the ministers so why not vote on ministers but instead they
voted against Maliki today himself….why now – Darline says so he can’t get to
the money of the coming RV possibly as he used to have sticky fingers…

Last night on our CC we shared that a process called
“Batkima” = to clean and sterilize – which was done by the CBI – started in
Iraq last week on Easter Sunday- a slow progression with the auctions started
that day – we thought the RV would happen on the 3rd day after – and
the CBI had a 2nd week of low auctions – wow they need $150MM per
day to do their business just in Bagdad – today only auctioned was $13MM and 13
banks – 2 weeks in a row of VERY low auctions that show no life in the currency
of the IQD – 5% of funds – they can’t function….they need the money to run the
CBI and GOI –

Sterilization – do you think the CBI is the only currency to
sterilize – Darline said no its not the only currency being sterilized – we
told you this two months ago when the UST went in FEB to do this…

Celebration of the IQD that went up in value - was happening last night in the UST building
from the call Frank GOT himself last night…so he studied this and team did all
night and they didn’t find the rate anywhere….

Phone rings early this AM and Frank answers and familiar
voice said ALI called him – Ali told him he will close Dinar trade and to send
him a letter to post on Frank’s forum – and Frank posted the following… He
feels very comfortable telling Frank everything…He gave Frank some other
sellers names who want dinars…

Ali ‘s letter to Frank to post is below:

As some of you may already be
aware, Dinar Trade Inc has gone through some major changes. Two months ago, we
were notified by the FBI that our family was in extreme danger, the details of
which I am not going to disclose for privacy reasons. Once the ordeal was resolved, we came to an
extremely difficult decision. After seven years in the currency business our
company, Dinar Trade, has decided to take a temporary leave from the market.
This decision was not made lightly. However, after enduring the stress and
hardship of this type of ordeal, we were left with no choice: the safety of my
family must come first, because no amount of success or money can replace

We are grateful to the
customers that have supported our company for the last seven years and assure
them that we will fulfill every order in our system until (date). At that time
we will no longer ship any orders. We will open our exchange offices at the
time of a significant change in the value of the currency. The exchange
procedures on our website will remain in effect at that time. Our phone
operators will continue to take your calls to ensure any order pending in our
system is processed.

There are other companies
continuing to buy and sell Iraqi Dinars. Kindly do your independent research to
find the company that best suits you and your needs as we cannot recommend or
endorse any particular company.

We have been greatly blessed by
all of our customers in their heartfelt prayers, messages, and words of
kindness. Please accept our deepest apologies in our decision. We hope for your
continued support into the future.

Last night the rumors out there have to remain rumors – yes
I have something as it is going on and its not normal but one of the rumors about
the UST celebration is the only one I could March – rate could not be no where-
the ATM machines are active and going and what they are producing now whether 1
5 10 20 or are they 50 100 25050 – they are being guarded but not all of them

Darline states – Hillary has been shown on Iraqi TV all day
today – it seems it’s a picture of her just being shown – throughout the day
several time – the normal 3 chairs on
our articles by Maliki the silver and
gold chairs with red velvet seats – normally shown empty and then active
parliament and then show the chairs with two and one all day with Hillary’s
picture being shown in between the showing of the parliament and the chairs…

Darline states BIG SMILES ON TV today in Iraq their
journalists on the street were interviewing normal citizens and shaking hands
and smiling – usually they never show that sort of interviewing – its been
strange on RV an hour ago Iraqi’s outside of a bank going in one at a time and
being shown pictures of currency on the wall of various bills – different sizes
– training program – then they showed a grocery store and then took a citizen
in and they were examining pricing and then came out through their hands in the
air and thinking it was happening –

Guest Dias – Talked to Ali several times brilliant man worked on Wall Street licensed
multi millionaire before he got into Dinar – very interesting this letter came
AFTER this intel started last night that the RV was happening…why is it coming
after the volcano of info last night – Ali said 2 months go why wait this long
till last night then… why would your family be in danger? He should already have security – would there
not be incredible security due to so much sales daily? He is the largest dealer – CEOs of Wall
Street walk NYC streets all the time and Warren Buffet just got security so why
would Ali be so special? Do you think he
would not have top level security after 7 years of selling – Frank says maybe
changes are coming that need MORE security…

Guest Dias – Asks these questions1

Why is this letter and info coming out the day after the
volcano of information. Why did he say Two months ago, we were notified by the
FBI that our family was in extreme danger, the details of which I am not going
to disclose for privacy reasons.

1. If it’s been
two months, why do you send this letter after the intel of the info hits last

2. Why would your
family be in danger? If you are selling
100 to 200 million dinars per month, why would there not be major security at
the office and house of Ali.

3. What makes Ali
or his family such an important target?
Ali is probably the largest dealer, but there are other dealers and
banks that sell, and better yet the CEO’s of Wall Street are walking the
streets all the time in New York and even Warren Buffet drives his own car for
35 years and he just got security at his house last year after a minor burgerly

4. Next do you
think Ali would not have top level security dealing this much dinar after 7
years and being worth over 200 million with who knows how many billion of
dinars for his own bank. Ali is not
dumb, we all know that.

5. Could it be that
Ali is closing down so he can, get his offices around the US open for cashing
in on next Monday or Tuesday.

6. Or could he on
today cashing in the Fatt Cats today, the White House Staff or Military brass.

7. Dinar Trade is
an online business, with very little if any personal contact. Why would completely closing Dinar Trade site
make things better or safer for his family.
Why wouldn’t he just put his family in hiding and keep Dinar Trade
going, Ali knew about the danger for two months already. Why is it more dangerous now, after last
night than two months ago after you got
the warning from the FBI.

8. If there is so
much danger, why would Dinar Trade open back up quote9 open our exchange
offices at the time of a significant change in the value of the currency) unquote, when the exchange rate.

9. Lastly his
says his phone operators will continue to take your calls on pending orders and
processed them. So well……………. The offices are still open. AND PROCESSING LEFT OVER ORDERS. The only difference between the current closed
status with new this letter from Ali and
the Intel last night is Ali is not selling or fulfilling.He is avoiding insider
information like the plague – maybe this is part of the blessing phase 1 coming
– the reason he is being quiet now – and Ali learns of this danger with his
wife in a car wreck two months ago says Darline…

Guest Dias sometimes strings can be pulled in a way….. I
will be quiet now says Dias… Frank says – Ali said - At that
time we will no longer ship any orders. We will open our exchange offices at
the time of a significant change in the value of the currency.

Darline said this is fishy and Frank says this is him saying
thanks for the last 7 years and next time you see me will be at my office

When you buy your car from a ford dealer – when you have an
issue you go back to where you brought it from – the most confident place – HE

Frank states – There
are many many forms of sterilization occurring at this moment… and read
that again folks – Frank states and Dias says Ali is the most trusted and
licensed able seller that exists…

Delta states that right now tonight meeting between the
Iraqi ist that 3 ministries send to parliament and the CV’s resumes of
candidates via internet tonight to discuss and they said that next week they
would vote on those but the names are there…
and I got the info about ali’s actions today and I say my opinion is Ali
was running out of supply and selling his own stack – and it was today brokers
money when UST and the GOI and CBI sells the dinars you can’t wire or FED EX
the dinar anymore – this has now taken effect… Ali knows something is going on
but not as to when… the CBI is announcing to everyone that the currency will
revalue – google sterilizing policy and today the country that developes when
they start sterliziation that means they are about to increase the value of
their currency of that country…. Ali knows what is going on as he is very smart
– notice that less than 2 weeks he stopped selling Chinese currency but he did stop – he does this as most are
changing value and word toady that Capital One Bank announced they will not
exchange or buy Dinar any more as of today MEMO cameo ut to stop ASAP

Delta states – Looks like the lower denoms are all loaded I
the ATM Machines but are the quarters, 1 dinar, 5 dinar, 10 dinars, and 25
dinar notes are loaded and are being guarded – the currency is out in the
machines waiting for activation… its ready and set to go and for Ali to stop
right now he got the confirmation of what is going on – and HE HAS TO SHUT UP
about this – most of the brokers can choose to stop NO ONE again NO ONE is
telling any broker to stop… Ali is smart he chose to stop as he KNOWS what is
going on… For all of us we do not need any more intel so just sit and wait for the announcement as
its all done – the currency is out – the seminars and training is done an no
one is selling no more at banks and ali and today they said on TV again about
the lifting of the zeros – its about to
happen there is nothing to talk about – they are about to go international and
increase their value of their dinar…

Franks states Friday or Saturday it will never happen but
Sunday forward this could happen next week…Delta state the first article came
out on April 12th draft of lifting of the zeros and they were
loading of the dinars and some of the markets have samples of the new paper
denoms of the CBI – get a picture of these intro currency about to be released

CBI started educating the people – then when the RV occurs –
the next step is adjust rate in the markets they people that own stores need the
samples of the currency and what it looks like –
Darline says Iraqi TV showed the currency on the wall on the
bank and they took them in the grocery store and they walked out with hands in
the air after they saw all this – they are being educated says Delta on what
the money is all about –

Frank says Sunday through Thursday- will start on Sunday
studying the auction and if it continues it will be damaging – the12th is a
good date 22dn for exec order for
investment in Iraq comes to an end of Obama doesn’t sign it we can’t buy any
more dinars and the 26th of May comes and a full month of no dinars
being sold by Ali and others then June 5th its over as they will be
independent on that date to do whatever they want – it is their GOV, their
money whatever and their freedom their choice the will on the

Caller from 610 –
Kevin asks with Ali closing up shop could this RV happen this weekend? Frank
says every Monday has great and 12th 19th and the 26 all
look good and sterilization is all happening now…. It all looks good and the
auctions being low are pushing this to take place…they are only surviving and
everything is drying up so this RV has to come…

Delta states they can’t last two more weeks at this low of
an auction with sterilization process going on…

What Does Sterilization Mean?
A form of monetary action in which a central bank or federal
reserve attempts to insulate itself from the foreign exchange market to
counteract the effects of a changing monetary base. The sterilization process
is used to manipulate the value of one domestic currency relative to another,
and is initiated in the forex market.

Investopedia explains Sterilization
For example, to weaken the U.S. dollar against another
currency, the Fed would sell more U.S. dollars and buy the foreign currency.
The increased supply of the U.S. dollar would lower the value of the currency.
The Fed would do the opposite if it wanted to strengthen the U.S. dollar.

Caller from 773 –
Leslie -– if they push this out to July
1st seems like it would be a great issue The Iraqi report was to be give to USNC and I
feel its there now and rate is with the CBI now… the DFI fund being transferred
in NY accounts on the 14th would they want to RV before that
date? THE IMF an world bank met with Shabibi
two weeks ago here on the 18th
and they did finalize the rate and date and they have 30 days which ends
May 18th and July 1st they have to be internationally
recognized by July 1st but has to do this one month before at latest
date – so this is due anytime now and this is the month to do the RV and it may
not pass the 18th of this month……

Caller From 281 –
Frank feels if the rate comes out at $.85 they will have more than 2 RV’s this
year and yes they can come out at $3+

Caller from 218 –
Price of oil will recede says and drive it to a lower price – its so high right
now on purpose it needs to come back down before the blessing is released and
when the rate is introduced the barrel of oil will also start to slowly rise
over a period of time….so prices at the pumps will go down

Ali is respected by Frank but Frank states that I am not
lacking common sense that Ali is shutting down for security for his
family??? We know what is going on but we
just don’t know of when….

Dinar comes first then dong later so the rest of the baskets
of currencies can feed off it… if it comes out at $.85 hold on to what you got
convert and hold till rate goes up…

End of Conference Call….

Company – Dinar Banker – Ali said I still want to do the
drawing at the end of the month and I called Dinar Banker – one of the owners
names if Frank – if you want to buy Dinars and be involved in our drawing of
the $50,000 IQD and say you are calling as a member of Frankly Speaking or by
Frank Villa and you will be entered into the drawing – Frank Bell and Ty have
accepted this endeavor and their advertisement will go on the web site at
Frankly Speaking…


Posts : 1446
Join date : 2011-04-16

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