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Dan, Tony, Elsie, Wendy, Chief, Viper

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Dan, Tony, Elsie, Wendy, Chief, Viper Empty Dan, Tony, Elsie, Wendy, Chief, Viper

Post by Rooster Wed May 04, 2011 8:09 pm

Dan, Tony, Elsie, Wendy, Chief, Viper

Tony: Everyone is appreciated on this site for what you are doing. I really appreciate you putting up with Dan the way you do! hahahaha! We do have some news to share with you and a couple of other things so hold on.

Dan: Good morning everybody!

Tony: I am going to read an email before we get started.

Dan: We will post it later. A real story that I liked.

Elsie: Everyone get a tissue for this one.

Dan: Got some info we wanted to share and some updates for the webinar. First want to get to some news about our board. Somethings when we went through some emails. The gentleman who answers all emails from support at our site and Tiny would like to read it to everyone. Good way to start.

Tony: Actually have 2 - One being good not. Something really special. Never done this before. (Note from typist: Please read these when they are posted on the PTR site. :-)

Tony: Thank you - we appreciate it. Appreciate the fact that we mean so much in your lives and that it is helping everyone. Want you to know Jane you are not bothering us at all.

Dan: That is the reason why.... and you have heard this before....when we started this board it was so people would understand about people's future... post rv... and give you the devil's advocate side. We're not arguing here. We are here to help little guy keep what he has. To the writer of the email... appreciate it. We feel it is our obligation to give back. These conference calls have been our radio shows. Our forex show last week - our guest dropped off. We can jump on here to do these calls easily. Trying to be a voice to everybody. A great group of mods with us.

Tony: The other one - not reading it. A comment made on one of the posts last night. H-Spot sent a pm and asked me to address walleyrd. I did put a post that said what makes you right and everyone else wrong. Said he knows where our intel comes from and it is not going to happen. That he works for a govt agency. I told him that if he knows my intel and works for a govt agency he should already know my number and call me. If you believe that then tell me why its not. I believe it is. I have govt ins sources and if you do then come on in here and tell me why it is not going to happen. In answering that post... because Shabbibi came over here, said what he said, got those bank accounts etc.... said not going to happen till our system changes? Do you think we are going to wait for the rv and hold hp every other country until we change? I don't belivee that. It is no challenge to him. I believe in my intel It is coming from gobvt sources. If he is a govt source and has intel to contradict it he should put that up. Ket's get both sidea and then see what makes common sense.

Dan: I do have some opnions on that Tony. I have come off the fact about it hapening toinite and tomorrow the past month. I don't believe what this man is saying about his govet sources. I don't know how in the world wthis man would know my sources. I have some that Tony doesn't even know. And same with him. I am excited about today. I am trying to get to it happening as strong as Tony says - i am trying to get there. I absolutely don't believe this guy's intel. Our govt sources saying quite different. Fronm Iraq today said some meeting taking place and 10 iraq time will be some thin gs announced. Don't know what they are. Know people have to be paid tomorrow etc. For someone to day won't happen any time soon - not on same page as I am. Think it might be 3-4 more days longer than Tony etc...

A greater need of the people right now. Some poeple I talked to last night said how can you believe that?? I know that this man didn't know anything about this. The country was in worse shape when it was $3+ - has the potential to be ome of the wealthiest countries in the world. In the future one of the stringest countries wealth wise we have sen. They are putting iraq on a pedsetal cause one of the wealthiest country period. How long can you leave a country without tangeable currency? Real counties with assets and value? jamaica, mexico, - they still have a currency... and speaks to their economy. Just because the UN put an embargo on their assets .. just means stalled for a period of time.
We want people to understand we are not stupid. The iqd was WORTH A LOT TO THE USD. All these things coming into play.... sanctions going away.... everything we talk about intel - gives us more reason to believe we are almost there. Tor someone to say its not happening,... they don't know. Everything in Washington that knows anything has IQD... Most govt people I know say you are wrong. We get negative when we here tonight tomorrow the next day and it doesn't happen. Not on side of fence that says it is far off or not happening. Not what I am saying at all. let's be positive and look at what we can do after rv.

We are one of top leading traffic providers as far as intel goes. Hope its about our intel but also about education we will be providing. And tonight with the webinar may show that. I am stoked about tonight. A great day and glad we could address that post.

Tony: Agree with everything you said. I am feeling good. Dan is. Mods are. There is a way for everyone to be great... just have to be mods.... hahaha.

Dan: Viper do you have something to share as well?

Viper : No Tony doing fine.

Dan: Might be able to start off with what Elise said...

Tony: Want to say this - guys this sis right where we said it would be as far back as on dinar vets. Said this would happen at the end - a lot of misinformation - people losing faith - said how our economy will change. I f you are paying attention you will start noticing that. What we've known all along is Iraqis know things they are not telling you. Everyone saying not believing what is said. I have to give Okie credit cause I know what he knows. We've been telling you about people getting paid on smart cards and 8 days later we find out yes they did. BOG just on high alert a few minutes ago and in bomb shelter. He verified some information this am.

Told us he talked to one of his iraqi guys and they told him the rv rate would be over $4 - they know what rate is and just waiting for date and time. If we don't know that maybe circumstances will give it ti us.

Dan: Want people to understand when we are repeating intel - I don't know if i agree 100%. When the guy is physically saying it that is what he believes. You have to let us sometimes differ. I don't know what contractor in irq said I agree with. I still want to see some proof of the cards being loaded. I want to.

I am surprised on the gold dipping today. Thought it would happen after. Talking about where gold is at has people concerned. Gold will drop tremendously., We haven't even see how much. It is floating around - cause some of the wealthy saying they are selling their gold and silver - why would they do that? As soon as the RV the strengthening of the dollar will create gold dropping. Guys that know what is going on is fake promoting the gold thinking the u s economy will collapse = won't happen. If you are China etc. do you want the us economy to collapse on top of them. They would have 30% unemployment.
China - produced cheap, fast and a replica of what used to work....That's where our economy sits. Who would buy their stuff - we consume everything, That's our job.. they make we consume. That;s the US role. If they got rid of us who would buy their stuff? How would India support itself either? All of the phones systems there.

People that know what is going on say the usd will strengthen. What do you see that would make that happen? You think someone might know something the rest don't,. The largest asset us has is the sand over there - the rights to a whole lot of oil. Do they have an asset people aren't thinking about? IQD, oil credits etc.? Might be a reason why OBL was finally put out of his misery? Maybe shifting to Libya now? Another piece of oil to go after. A little controversial for some. You will see the iqd rv and see gold plummet as low as 700... I think mid 6's is possible within 30 days of the rv.... I am speaking to those at the treasury level and others. Me tony and oOkie - we have good people aligned with us. We understand the infrastruecture etc.

Tony: maybe people let it out of the bag a little early. They knew when to get the iqd before we did. Why wouldn't they know this before us? What made gold go up? What is going on - especially since this is what we said 8 9 0 months ago would happen. Common sense tells me something about to happen or something already happened that we don't know yet.

Dan:L We could be looking at a stock play here and someone high up did a bear market situation so that he could sell it off and let i climb back up. The fact that it is going down early the facts are the facts... If it does go up doesn't mean we are wrong. Will go down after the rv. It is exciting.. This is our opinion and why we put a board together. We have a forum board. Q and A's.

We are all speculating. We know it is close and we guess and we could be wrong. Trying to give the best educated guess we can. Put together the situation with the attorneys and post rv. trying to get our minds off the idea we are in the minute. It might be tonight...tomorrow - I am thinking it is close. Trying to prepare myself for the day that I get a call saying it just happened. Want to be prepared for that.

Tony: I agree with you. Look at your surroundings and what is going on. the people in Iraq have not been paid again. last time part of them paid, this time none. Running short on currency. have to pay them with something. Don't you agree a country can't go this long with a low volume of currency - not enough to run a country with. The latest auction would be a very good indicator They were purposefully trying to confuse a lot of people with that. Not directed at you. Think we will have a monumental week. Saying that cause certain people don't want me to tell you what I really heard. They out voted me. it is going to be a great week. Very very positive. Smart people are going to be prepared this evening - the ones on the webinar. After the fact you will be prepared and probably the happiest people on he call.

Dan: Some smart people will wait to see what happens after. I will introduce them on the webinar tonight. Our mods will be on. Everyone on will be invited to a call afterwards. Want to hear what you think. You have paid them, We're not involved in this. I don't want to be liable for anything./ Got it as cheap as we could. We don't know who has paid - you paid them. If you don't have a link to get there tonight.... Clint said 75 or 80 of you that didn't go all the way to the end of the registration. The rest of you went to the end of it and the key went to your spam box. Check that. Can only use the key one time. Clint dealing with a scenario - only one computer can be on with that key. Treat it like a business. Need you to figure out how to get your keys... before the last minute.

Tony: I am telling you you had better be ready.

Dan: If what Tony read was true and from the source he says will be a really good late evening early am. Haven't verified that. Came from a newspaper. Seriously - webinar is there and we want to be a site giving the most accurate information..... come around to an education. Our theme is if 90% of the people who get this are wealthy in 3 -5 years.... not that we know anything but collectively we do... you are forewarned. Everyone thinks they can manage this.

Seriously 0 the webinar will give you information about what you need to do to protect yourself. In SF you will get a lot of it besides all the playing around we will do. The SF thing we will be there till after it's over. When it RV;s we will shut off the SF situation. Don't just show up to SF. We track everyone who registers. If you don't have a tag you won';t be in. Won't be extra seats. Will have to have 3 -4 days to have enough places. We need to know who you are. Have put a lot of time and effort into it. What our board is about. Trying to cover all bases if we can.

Tony: Again - Person who wrote the kind email please send me another email cause I do want to talk to you. You are all appreciated.

Dan: Clint's presentation about an hour. PowerPoint presentation. Q and A after.
These guys have sat in front of Trump and Kyosaka group.

Tony: You guys already signed up - you can download forms.

Dan - Need a printer or download to print it from your computer. If you don't have speakers... maybe there will be a conference bridge...

Wendy: You can do that on a phone - it is in the confirming email.

Butch - Elsie wanted me to remind Tony to start a thread posting his letter on the board.

Dan: it would be mice to confirm this with them first.

? for Dan: Re the physical event

Dan: They said everything looks really good. They don't think tonight tomorrow or next day. I said couldn't you be wrong. They said they have some of the strongest sources for intel.. You guys have sources we don't have and you are watching more. We think somethings have to happen first. Said we expect to see dollars go up. Say a bank is going to be ordering this currency and they ask overseas s markets what they see... they say that currency is stable and don't feel it is going to change immediately,... they are not hearing to buy it now.... I would expect to hear that we have a limited time etc.... Tony's comment is hey this has never been done like this. We have almost a decade of hearing that this was going to take place. Not like Kuwait. A totally different deal. The big guys are making a point of changing the economy with this. We don't really know how this will spin.

This source.... he doesn't think thiis will happen before Friday cause he thinks he will have a few days warning. This guy is a banking source. I a m pretty confident of this guy. Tony said - he doesn't know the people we know and not looking at this as closely as we are and our contacts are.

Tony: I fully believe that our guys know first.

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