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PTR 5/4 11 conference call - brief recap

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PTR 5/4 11 conference call - brief recap Empty PTR 5/4 11 conference call - brief recap

Post by Rooster Wed May 04, 2011 8:08 pm

PTR 5/4 11 conference call - brief recap

· Dan feels it’s close but not necessarily the next few days. He says that Tony feels very close. They agree and disagree on certain information and what that means. Dan hopes it’s soon, maybe not quite as soon but he also knows it’s not too far off. Reiterated the crisis Iraq is in and their need to get this RV’d.

· Tony says we are right where we want to be. Also the smoke screens, misinformation is out there. He says Okie knows what he(Tony) knows and Okie is right. He said contacts have revealed over $4 dollars. Feels that is spot on about the rate, waiting for date.

· Dan says Tony’s intel says cards loaded, but he is quite there yet, on the fence. He says gold will drop … some of the wealthy are selling some. After RV, dollar will increase, gold will drop some more.

· As a group they feel RV is just ahead, some difference over whether this week or not.

· Tony said currency is low and people are not being paid. Amazed they are operating at this low level and hardship. He has received great information and was outvoted before the call by mod board so he cannot share, but it was very good, trusted, but not verified.

· Dan talking about their webinar call with Attys.

· Tony stresses people be ready .... intel has been exciting. Dan said intel concerned time frame and it will be known if true or not before they could verify. Reason for not sharing.

· Dan said SF meeting full… warns don’t show up without registration. Even if some openings occur must pre-register. Dan said his currency friend(s) (in banking arena) didn't see RV tonight. His currency friend said he would usually see "something" before such an event but they also haven't seen something of this magnitude (referring to RV). Nor do they have the intel sources Tony, Dan, and others have. This is why Dan said he thinks he will know 24-48 ahead. Now they're talking about Tony's intel again (that only mods know) and just asking the mods to vote if they think he's right .... most think he is. Tony says we are at the highest level we have ever been at ... one of the mods says please understand the magnitude of this RV and that one glitch can hold it up.
See my add on in post 4 below!!!!!!!!!


Posts : 1446
Join date : 2011-04-16

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PTR 5/4 11 conference call - brief recap Empty Re: PTR 5/4 11 conference call - brief recap

Post by Rooster Wed May 04, 2011 8:08 pm

Little add on from my recap post .... they talked a bit after the recording stopped. Tony intel does center on the intel received that they are going to try and roll it tonight but one the mods says there have been tech issues before. Tony says it was supposed to happen last Saturday night .... Tony said his government contact credible. Dan reminds people that Tony and others can afford intel to be wrong but others can't ... please control emotions if needing the RV is a serious matter as it is for so many out there in terms of paying bills. Please do not buy more with food/rent money! Dan says one of his contractor friends was told his men will be paid tomorrow but he remains cautious.

Posts : 1446
Join date : 2011-04-16

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