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RECAP for PTR all at 1pm EDT 8-29- by DebTarHeelGirl ON ANOTHER SITE

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RECAP for PTR all at 1pm EDT 8-29- by DebTarHeelGirl ON ANOTHER SITE Empty RECAP for PTR all at 1pm EDT 8-29- by DebTarHeelGirl ON ANOTHER SITE

Post by Rooster Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:18 pm

RECAP for PTR all at 1pm EDT 8-29- by DebTarHeelGirl ON ANOTHER SITE

There is a delay for the RV – it’s been in place all along

1- Delay due to Erbil being legalized and official & the 3 ministers need to be published in the Gazette = yes they are working and even have office but needs to be law

2- The above is done in Iraq according to our sources but just waiting on it to be put in the Gazette

3- Gazette is their congressional publication and it makes it LAW for Iraq to be published in the Gazette – Dr. Todd confirmed this Gazette is their legal posting in to Iraq Law

4- The HCL is in Parliament and needs to be published in the Gazette

5- Dan feels no window from sources state this will be published before Friday – Tony states that his sources and Dr. Todd state this can be announced any minute and again today Dr. Todd says that this will be economically catastrophic if this does not happen before September 1st and remember that Dr. Todd is part of this Iraq plan for revaluating the currency.

6- Bernanke was to make an announcement today and he didn’t do that yet

7- There was to be a special meeting of the Parliament and it was cancelled and that is scheduled to take place.

8- Dave states the game plan is to continue the Libya plan and the rest of the north African continent and to get things done so Maliki doesn’t have full power, with M having MORE power now till ERBIL is in place this won’t happen till its voted in to prevent that and published – that’s why Allawi has his position to keep M at bay now as Maliki’s attitude in leading Iraq has changed and he was doing things not agreed to..

9- Dave said again Dr. Todd took the words out my mouth – once they have Maliki constricted through the laws posting in the Gazette which is their LAW publication. . These things have to be resolved – they have been published in the Gazette to prove this
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Dave says he hears this will not take place for two weeks out and this is what I am hearing I am sorry I have to say this but this has to be said – I did not say a year or 6 months even but this will not happen for rest of this week and quite possibly for next two week period – this all has to be done – week end week out – Wednesday we are ramped up them we start going down and I say get off the hamster wheel and protect yourself from the let downs…Endorphin rushes are not good – we are not at the conclusion of this race this is where we sit today OK TONY says ok if this is being held up by the Erbil Agreement and the 3 ministers how can anybody say it’s going to take a week to put in paper or 2 weeks to put in that paper – how can you put a 2 week time frame on that = then there is something else going on to meet that time frame… Dan says Maliki’s attitude and other things can hold this up and we KNOW people who can tell us if that is sent for publication….Like last week the RV call I am so frustrated that we heard it was done – and will come out this week – NOT WITHOUT THESE ITEMS BEING PUBLISED IN THE GAZETTE – where are these folks getting the DONE info from please tell is that?

Tony says why a 2 week time frame you state? Dan says nothing has been sent yet to be published and I don’t see this happening before Friday… and now Dave states he is hearing 2 weeks… I see no window for this being published yet that’s why I say possibly not before Friday…Dave states OK I will say this, meetings were scheduled and cancelled and now yet another meeting is scheduled…that’s all I can say – I do not look at this as in terms of minutes hours weeks it’s more like events… we do not seem to be getting Intel HIGH enough to know specifically what this is as to WHY this has not been done – TONY says milestones were reached to have an RV – as they happened we marked them off and now we only hear is that is NOT published in the Gazette and now there is a meeting that was cancelled and has been rescheduled? Dave states it’s not a science it’s an art and a fluid situation changes from moment to moment and I do believe these events we are focusing on are pretense to hide all of the real issues…Dr. Todd is right this could take place but I do not believe that fast…THIS RV is a moving target no one can pin point this and I recommend to stop listening to those that say tomorrow..

The HCL IS IN Parliament to be approved/ vote on it .. Articles last part of Ramadan ,they said last 2 weeks will be announced after Eid??.. we should hear the most positive news in a week or two He is the one that says it will not happen yet and he has been right every time.. Chief states yeah it is going to happen, down to the wire, been down there many times Tony been down there every day… Chief every time we are ready something pops…. HCL LAW needs to be done and once the announcement is made, we will see it.. we see it on the horizon and experiencing the growing pains we read it is in Parliament now to be voted on….and articles coming out dropping the three zeros, and making the currency international.. still can happen in next few days, world economies desperately need help

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Join date : 2011-04-16

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