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* Breitling Chat: DDC 4/26/11

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* Breitling Chat: DDC 4/26/11 Empty * Breitling Chat: DDC 4/26/11

Post by Bandit1 Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:02 pm

* Breitling Chat: DDC 4/26/11

Breitling: hey all thanks for letting me hang out with you a bit tonight

Breitling: roger asked me for a fav so i’m filling in

Breitling: you all need to check out my new blogspot

Breitling: roger has begged me in the past to start one up so i am in

Breitling: glad i did it

Breitling: any questions?

Breitling: hit me up

Breitling: lets do this

cryjoy: Where do you see us sitting today?

LilMomma87: Is May 5th a significant date?

emash: do you think the Rv will happen at a low rate? say .85 or do you think it will be a Ri? just you opinion

Valtiel: Breitling, I just wanted to know, what is your opinion on the low auctions at the Cbi over the last two days?

Listening_1: What do you think about the lower auction amounts for the last two days?

Breitling: I think we re in a position between may 1st to june 30

Breitling: i am watching the laws being passed

Breitling: the auctions at this point are for inflation and just incase the need dollars

Breitling: so it is not in play to much for the rv

geezer: Breitling Please offer some generalized tips on negotiating with a bank post Rv.

hereforfun: Is there any proof that Iraq has been pulling in the large denoms?

Breitling: yes make sure you let the banks know you are shopping

Breitling: it is nit just cash in but also investment platforms you need to take notes

paradise99: If they don’t rv before may 1st don’t they lose the Dfi Funds?

cirrus: I thought they couldn’t go past 6/30 because of the debt protection, guru says they have other protection. any ideas on that…………

Breitling: yes larger denoms are very hard to get on the banking level in Iraq

Breitling: which is making it hard for daily operations

Breitling: they dont have enough smaller denoms to hand out when the larger is deposited

Breitling: not may 1st june 30th

Breitling: the Un told the cbi to create accounts for debt to be paid by may 1st

Breitling: they have until the 15th though from what i understand

Breitling: but plan on paying the 1st

Breitling: will this cause an rv ? i have no clue

cirrus: ty

Breitling: lets hope

en1gma: what if they dont pay the debts by may 15, no ch7 lift?

bond_007: I want to keep 25% – 50% of my investment in Dinar after Rv. Where is the best place for that security? How do I go about finding a bank in Iraq if I want to have an account there?

claire: Wht di u think about the .85 rate/

Breitling: they dont get Imf loans

Breitling: and they want them

Breitling: and they dont get into the Wto

Breitling: Hsbc will help you with that in New York city

Breitling: my rate has been between .86-euro from day one

Breitling: yes it is guitar

godchaser74: with the currency auctions we have to be close to rv right

debra: So what do you think of what Frank Villa is telling everyone in his conference calls

Breitling: this is what we are watching godchaser

LilMomma87: Would the Rv be a solution to alot of their problems right now?

Breitling: i dont know if what franks is saying is true but i do know it could happen that way

en1gma: Breitling: what is your take on Cbi’s website’s exchange rate postings, or lack of i should say

debra: thank you

Breitling: infact u have been exptecting that

Bethany: mob!

Breitling: dirty float is what the Ci rate is

mobgk40: helllo beth

en1gma: lol

claire: could you please tell me what the euro is at

Breitling: they are holding it down untill they get the high notes scooped up

emash: will we have a deadline to cash in?

Breitling: i think it is at 1.34

godchaser74: so you really think this is our week

claire: ty

debra: so are they only going to allow us so much time to cash in all the big notes

Breitling: no i am not saying this is our week

Breitling: my date is jue 30th

Breitling: june

godchaser74: it feels like it though right

bond_007: Do you think the dollar will stabilize and precious metals will fall in price after Rv?

tenmillion: If you have already asked a question, let someone else have a chance please ty

claire: what consttutes a big note ?? 25k??

Breitling: debra i think so

Breitling: three zeros

Breitling: bod 007 for a short time yes

Breitling: then the banks will dump it’s holding on the books

debra: I heard that it would be approx 6 months to cash in and then after they got all the big notes then they will raise the rate

millertime1188: does anyone really understand what the three zeros really means

en1gma: if they were going to revalue soon, why would they rv after the paying of the debts by may 15

wizkid3: If your date is Jun 30th timeframe what are the most important events we should be watching for until then?

drdon: do you think us politics are holding the Rv up?

Breitling: and we will have a surplus of good and property for sale

kustomkulish: enjoyed the talk with roger last week thanks no what i mean ?

Breitling: so it will drag the buck down a bit

Breitling: take about 7-8 years to cycle out of

stoklosa86: your watching currency auctions yet timeline is june 30, what else are you watching for? light currency auctions for 2 months??

godchaser74: you have got to be exited breitling these last two days

Breitling: miller it means getting rid of the notes of the market they have been at it for a year now

B.I.W.: how it going breit < Broke Ironworker here

kat: Basically, we all know it has to Rv . What the rate and date will be is irrelevant at this point. We all know it must be soon for many reasons.whatever the dinar comes in at will be a blessing. The only thing we must do is be careful not to waste it…..go Rv and Go Dinar!

Breitling: let me get the questions above out of the way and you guys can start again

Breitling: watching for banking laws and the seating of security

Breitling: godchaser i am very excited we are watching this happen before our eyes

Breitling: if it is a Ri no taxes

LeeAnn: yes please

debra: Are they still going to hold the summit in Baghdad

Breitling: from what i know and hear yes may 15th

mobgk40: is there a reason why banks put a stopage in selling dinar?

Breitling: yes they want them for the new rate

godchaser74: but an ri is probably not going to happen right

Breitling: no it will not happen the USA has printed the currency and we own it we also will control policy for it’s value , on our end th feds will use it to tax us

barboy: Bret Why June 30th for your date?

Breitling: that is the date for the dfi to end after that they own it , and better have paid all debts because after june 0th iraq can be sued

bobrules: after a complete Goi. Do you think first thing is banking law?

Breitling: could be the other way around pass banking law then seat the gov 100%

dsotj: Ri no tax’s, please explain. Go Ri

Breitling: Just goes back to old value so no reason to tax on lose or gain ( sounds strange because you will gain so much ) but the reality is that is the definition of it

smokey_sam: what will be the tax than if it rvs?

Breitling: up and down cap and gains long term- short term , bank rate , plus state tax

en1gma: if iraq was going to RV soon, why would they RV AFTER paying the debts that the UN ordered to pay by may 15-ish?

Breitling: enigma very good question because logic tell you rv now then pay we just dont know , i dont have a reason for them to no rv now and then pay

MikeW: what will they do if they RI/RV before the current CBI/MOF autions expire. That is large amouts of cash to pay out on those items

Breitling: I dont know how to answer that when they rv they adjust all books and then if lippage in the you either win or lose

hereforfun: In the news they said the Iraqi dinar RI/RD would be like the redenomination of the lira in Turkey. Wasn’t that more like a lop in Turkey? Or was there a revaluation as well?

Breitling: no it will not be like turkey, i dont care what he said what they say and are doing are two dif things , they are sucking up the larger notes in iraq , and have been for a year now .they have some of the lowest inflation on the planet , so under any condition is iraq in a position to act on hyper inflation policy

DrMJ: When Shabibi said “very soon” what does that mean from an Arabic perspective. Very soon in Hawaii is different than very soon in New York. I am wondering your take on “very soon”.

Breitling: well in this case we are watching what they are doing so it means very soon , also obama in his speech in feb talked about a partnership the united states civilans and iraq’s will forge this summer both statements mean something to me

godchaser74: an ri is consierded a rate of 3.22 right

Breitling: yes sir it is

Gdawg: Hw does an RI = no taxes. Thanks for the great guest radio appearance last week!

Breitling: answered the first part and thank you very much i cant wait to do another interview with roger

en1gma: What do you think about the dissapearance of alot of major exchange rates on CIB’s website?

Breitling: be honest i am just not sure what is going on with that , infact most are at a lose

captkm: Should we be concerned about the new Kurd currency?

Breitling: no not at all, you will be fine

dramamama: how about an overall summary of your opinion here on out. what first, what order…and why?… if there is time

Breitling: seating of the security seat , banking laws , payments back to the international community

hereforfun: What could possibly be the advantage in waiting until the end of June to RV? or next year?

Breitling: none they need to get thos done and pass a law for a timed cash in for the uper denoms and then the lowers rates will skyrocket

918keg: not to sound dumb, what does RI mean?

Breitling: re instate value

ajfire: Shabbi said that the Goi has nothing to do with the RV when he was in DC so why does everyone keep bringing that up? Any thoughts

Breitling: well they have to pass currency law to get rid of the upper notes 100% , so i would not hold much stock into what he says, you have to understand they are not in DC to tell you it is going to RV

yp7: Is the removing/erasing of the zeros the same as lifting/raising? Does one mean a 25000 note is worth $25 and the other means its still worth the same? Is this what some are calling a LOP?

Breitling: it is getting rid of the notes , and they have been doing so for over a year , so no more guessing on that please dont worry

bluski: brietling in shabibis speach @ us chamber of commerce he made a statement that investors need’nt worry about what the exchange rate might be say 6 months out do you think he was sending a message?

Breitling: yes i think he is in a position he knows it is not secret and at the sametime has to not say a word , so it must be hard for him, i mean they are not fooling anyone , we are sitting here watching every move they cant hide anymore not in the information age , we will see other countries rv but prob not like this again us dinar folk changed all that

B.I.W.: so you really think the usa controls the rate of the dinar bro ??

Breitling: we printed it , we hold 4 trillion in out reserve and Pres bush told us this would all be paid for , when iraq does good we give them purks

ladydi: once they call in all of the upper notes will there be a time limit set to cash those in?

Breitling: imop i think they will have a time limit and just get this over with

godchaser74: i thought the cash would be covered by us treasuary

Breitling: it will be…. who said otherwise ?

clyde68: Hey B glad to see you on tonight, quite a few financial wizards are claiming it could not RV below $3 because it would take to long to rise as demands for oil ect.. increases. Whats your take?

Breitling: very good question because one of the top econmics gurus i talk to says exactly that 3+ or it wont work , any thing below is to unstable lets pray to god he is right my friend

1: if the rates go up after upper denoms cashed in… would they be worthless if some people don’t cash them in? If not, why not wait?

Breitling: well yes but you can prob alway find a bank that may make a deal with you they wont give you top dollar but will prob take them in

drewdinar: Where would be the smartest place to purchase dinar at this time?

Breitling: dinar trade or safe dinar if your looking for the smaller denoms silver greetings I will give you the link to that site later

cowboy1: what is your opinion on the time frame for all this to occur then RV …. how much longer?

Breitling: if they dont do it by end of june i will be at a loss

dsotj: Do you see any advantages to having 10k and 5k notes down the road?

Breitling: allot of the mid east countries use 10 k notes for big business deals and are very tranperant to use i the mid east so be honest outside of that i dont know , i know for sure iraq is getting all the larger denoms out as fast as they can

vallyite: what is your take on the rumor that come cash-in we will see a 15% cash-in “fee” by US Treasury before collecting taxes ?

Breitling: i dont know anything about that at all i have not heard that one

jerrytaz: Not sure what you mean by cash in upper then lower will skyrocket?

Breitling: when we cash our upper notes in, they will retire them… well those notes have value so the value is passed on to the lower notes , the notes with 1-2 zeros

hereforfun: What do you think about the Iraqi economists who are worried about going ahead with the RV too soon or too fast?

Breitling: may have had a argument 4 years ago but we are moving onto 7 years now no means nothing to me

918keg: why are they still sending out larger denoms??

Breitling: they larger denoms sent out from tbi are already accounted for so they dont matter, they have been labled to be used for whatever

dustyd14369: Can they insert the lower denoms into the market without releasing the RI/RV?

Breitling: no because they will be worthless and a waste

918keg: rumor has it Shabibi had meeting with banks this morning… your take?

Breitling: yes he did , but i dont want to put my dinar rv hat on because he talks to banks all day long

ladydi: what constitutes a small or large denom?

Breitling: any note with three zeros on them are the large denoms , notes with 1-2 zeros are smaller

DADDYSMACK: When you mentioned purchasing smaller denoms…are the smaller denoms like 50, 250 , and 500 available to us citizens??

Breitling: yes sir if you are worried and dont believe they are taking the larger denoms off then just purchase the notes with one and two zero’s no one has ever speculated those notes will be taken off, so purchase those and dont worry about it

dramamama: Who ultimately decides when to RV?

Breitling: policy wise USA all the way through the IMF. Legal, technically BIS

TTWebb: will we be able to trade in our large notes for smaller notes instead of cashing-in

Breitling: you you can get them yes but i suspect they will not have enough of the smaller notes

blugnu: Should we exchange 25K notes for lower denoms before RV?

Breitling: that is up to you i have both so i am not worried at all i am also not worried they will clip me on the notes with 3 zeros , if you start shopping around you will see it cost about 6 grand for 1 million in lower notes , it has already rv’ed a bit for the lowers again watch whats going on not what people are saying, and if you do that you will see why i am so excited

ladydi: would it be wise as a long term investment to but the smaller notes and hold them?

Breitling: yes, it would, but try to buy now , the rule to making money is you make your profit at your purchase to this is the time to get them they will never be cheaper

tanman: Do other countries allow their citizens to purchase dinar?

Breitling: only usa and england

1: how long do you estimate the cash-in window without any difficulties if any of upper denoms after RV?

Breitling: in past they have had 30-60-90 day windows

hereforfun: Are the smart cards a way to be able to provide extra cash without having to print it?

Breitling: now your getting it , helps get rid of the notes , iraq when they begun this had 27 trillion they want 30 billion in notes and at the 3+ rate so any policy to get rid of paper and add value is what they are doing

teamcoe: What are the chances of the rv taking until 2012?

Breitling: i am open to it if thats what they have planned , at this point i dont see it though

geezer: IYO will the presidential order expiring change anything in the US dinar speculation market

Breitling: no because the dinar used to be sanctioned , it is no longer sanctioned, just the value is being held down…. so under no sanction you dont need a presidential order

godchaser74: thank you breitling for taking time to chat with us tonight

Breitling: i am happy to do so and thank you very much , you all have to understand i am in the same boat and i am a teammate we are all invested into this together

queenelizabeth: There is a lot of speculation about Ali getting rid of reserves, downplaying the investment…now three banks stop selling dinars. Could it just be the same people are putting pressure on them (DT and banks)…like the tres dept, or someone? Why would our gov want to make it hard for us to purchase?

Breitling: they are not making it hard to purchase they are making it hard to get it out of country or extend the dinar into another investment , they want our dinar and they stopped all short of just cash in and pay taxes

bond_007: What site sells the lower denom?

Breitling: I will have to get that link for you and i will have ten post it ok

1: what is the purpose of allowing citizens of US and england to purchase dinars?

Breitling: so we can profit from it , was our tax money that paid for iraq and the war without our money the military gets no toys , god bless em

drdon: do you think iraq expected us to get this invested?

Breitling: no, i dont, and i dont think our govt ever thought we would do this, the internet has changed everything

phazedoubt: I have heard that there is an estimated 8 trillion dinar out of country? Can you give any credence to this rumor?

Breitling: sounda bout right , you have to understand the feds are going to sit on ours so are the other govs of the world that have it , they will use it to back up local currency they dont plan on spending it

dramamama: So have you moved past “cautiously excited” yet based on what you are watching in body language?

Breitling: i cant sleep sometimes because i think we are that close and it is almost a reality , we are approaching it

RC: are the lower denoms already made? and if so, where are they?

Breitling: yes, they are and they are In iraq we are talking 1, 5, 10, 20 notes after a few years they will get rid of the notes with two zeros on them

dramamama: Any way of estimating how invested ($$ amt) we are in US? Not counting the government.

Breitling: gove 4 trillion you and me and the dinar community 1. trillion

918keg: alright, i am out, Breitling, thanx so much for the info! its great to find a team with MVP’s like you! Go RV

Breitling: 918keg thank you buddy see ya soon

strictlybizz: Thanks Breitling for your starting your new Blog. Do you plan on starting an investment site post RV?

Breitling: I will keep my blog and do both on it post rv. i will be into the afghan’s currency and iran’s currency

strictlybizz: Thanks Breitling for your starting your new Blog. Do you plan on starting an investment site post RV?

Breitling: I will keep mu blog and do both on it post rv i will be into the afgan curency and iran currency

phazedoubt: Does Iraq have enough reserves to support the currency out of country with that needed to run the country without doing a LOP?

Breitling: iraq will not have to pay for the diar outside of country , they use oil and also remember what i just said our govt wont spend 100% of our dinar they will use it’s value to prop up the dollar

drdon: has anyone figured out how much dinar is held by other countrys?

Breitling: not sure would be great to know though

Breitling: thank you very much thats the link i was going to give

ajfire: Breitling: How long have you been a Dinar holder?

Breitling: 3 1/2 years

LC: Thank you Breitling for filling in tonight, you and Roger are the bomb. Thanks to all the Mods!!

Breitling: thak you very much. i respect roger a ton he has done us all justice. i thank him for his work

vallyite: based on everything you know what is your “gut” feeling…RI or RV?

Breitling: Rv , rate between .86 to the euro

tomburden: Why not wait til the RV, and trade your 25k notes for 500 or 250′s? Then you could keep them til the rate raises to what you want before you cash in.

Breitling: if you can get ahold of them at that time then good luck. call ali and try to get the notes now he wont do it

hereforfun: What about the “Iran” factor in all of this. Is Iran a threat to the stability of Iraq and the dinar RV?

Breitling: no they will rv no matter what

phazedoubt: I understand that you are saying that the removal of 3 0′s is actually taking the large bills out of circulation, however in the context of what has been said in print and all of the information pertaining to currency and re denomination doesn’t it mean a move of the decimal by three places to the left on ALL currency (50, 250, 500, 25000, etc) thereby re-implimenting the old fills and creating a new system entirely?

Breitling: no, it does not… less paper more value, very easy to follow

DinarCimi: what is your take on the Pentagon and the investigation of evading 8 billion?

Breitling: dont have enough info to comment sorry

claire: but you do not believe an ri will happen…right?

Breitling: no it will not happen , rv and more then one rv

hereforfun: With them announcing “very soon”, doesn’t that mean that they have put themselves at risk of “running the bank”.

Breitling: no, not at all, they have put electronic card into play to help with what your talking about

pilotguy: is there any significance to why the CBI has auctioned off less than 20 million dinar for each of the last 2 days?

Breitling: we are watching this, but at this point the auctions are used to get dollars and keep the value of the dinar down

tobias1995bmw: Hi breitling! I heard that many of the 000 notes were pulled in. I have two Iraq contacts that still say that threezero notes are everywhere and are the most common on the streets? Can they still revalue? Thanks

Breitling: always going to be some left over but the reality 100% of it will not be off the streets until rv

paradise99: Some of the posts say that they have confirmed that the smart cards have been loaded at $1100.00/250 dinars. Your take?

Breitling: i have been told no… nothing on them but todays rate in dinar

godchaser74: are you leaning toward a june date or do you think it will happen anyday

Breitling: after may 1st i would say we are in a anyday mode

debra: If they are still going to hold the Summit in Baghdad, won’t they have to have a tradeable currency by then

Breitling: no they dont but would be kinda strange to have a country holding a business summit without a tradable currency

cps: if dfi ends early june why late june

Breitling: DFI june 30th

queenelizabeth: Do you think most of the news stories coming out of Iraq are smoke and mirrors, or truth?

Breitling: it really depends on tthe rv timing they are going to give you fluff but they still have to announce what laws they are passing and give you reports

sideoats: This was the best information and and understanding i have seen

Breitling: thanks a ton sideoats

geezer: I have purchased dinar at silver greetings it is excellent.

Breitling: i hear they are very good and no complaints

claire: where is the first place we will get the info that the rv has happened?

Breitling: rogers sms service LOL

phazedoubt: So you believe that the US and Iraq have some sort of agreement for the US not to go cashing in all the Dinar that it has sitting in the Treasury all @ once?

Breitling: yes and other governments also , they will let iraq spool it’s oil up and then we can do business the UF feds will be in the oil selling business they will triple profits from your and my dinar

LilMomma87: Will the RV help solve all the issues in Iraq?

Breitling: no the region is hot , but will help the USA greatly

DrMJ: Thank you for your blog and posts, I enjoy your take on the situation. Based on paying loans, DFI, etc. would it make sense to RV first before paying loans? It seems that would save Iraq some $$.

Breitling: yes it wold but , but reality we just dont know for 100% sure , so stay grounded

tilley: what is the difference between RI and RV?

Breitling: RI they just re intate the ld value 3.22 and we pay no taxes rv means revalue a rate change so we pay taxes on the gains

Breitling: hey all please visit my blogspot i do this all day long i will answer any question you have and post it on my blog

tenmillion: Thank you for coming tonight Breitling! When can you come back? LOL!

tenmillion: Thank you!

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Join date : 2011-04-16

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