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Dinar Daddy. 4.19.11

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Dinar Daddy. 4.19.11 Empty Dinar Daddy. 4.19.11

Post by J&D Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:00 am

DinarDaddy: Thank you everyone for being here

DinarDaddy: It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve been in here… almost 2 weeks!

DinarDaddy: It’s good to be back

DinarDaddy: I don’t have a lot in the way of announcements

DinarDaddy: Tidbits Radio will be electric tomorrow though!!!

DinarDaddy: Guests? Breitling discusses Re-Denomination

DinarDaddy: Rudolph weighs in

DinarDaddy: Frank Phillips talks OIL…. and Join Venture Oil Drilling opportunities.

DinarDaddy: and Brad Heubner (BH Group) may say hey

DinarDaddy: I believe we’ll get a clear view of what THEY think tomorrow night

DinarDaddy: I’ve been slack with the Daily Dose texts… missed a day here and there… back on it I promise… I’ve been worse with the Dashboard… that’s all about to change!

DinarDaddy: I’m back and ready to roll for sure!

DinarDaddy: OK… enough about me… let’s talk what’s happening…

DinarDaddy: LOVED Shab’s unauthorized conference in DC today… amazing how he won’t say a word… but continued with the same rhetoric… nothing more than company line.

DinarDaddy: the difference this time is that he was caught off guard and stumbled over his words and thoughts… he wasn’t making sense and rambled… these are signs of someone who is LYING!!! or at least, trying to carefully pick his words about something he doesn’t want to talk about. It appeared he was trying his best to say what he’s been TOLD to say… It was a very interesting listen for me. If YOU didn’t pick that up, I’d suggest you go back and listen to it again. it told me a lot

DinarDaddy: We have been bombarded with similar news articles from the CBI… almost daily… about the same stuff he was talking about with that closed group.

DinarDaddy: so, they are on a mission to send a message… to lead our thinking in their way of sharing… don’t believe everything you are hearing!

DinarDaddy: If you’re confused… go and read my new post today…. Re-Denomination Defined… in Tidbits section. It will help formulate your thoughts about things to think about. We’ll then cover all that information and help you understand better tomorrow night with Breitling. He speaks with those that do know and understand these things, so he’ll be very helpful on this subject tomorrow

DinarDaddy: I loved the article tonight about Ch7 being lifted by the end of June… all seems to be lining up.. it also stated they’d be able to protect their funds… they are preparing for something… and it appears good for us

DinarDaddy: please stay away from those that claim things.. i.e. intel, date, and rate… they have been wrong TIME AND AGAIN… give it a rest and look at the signs.

DinarDaddy: Also… align your thoughts around the possibility you may receive any variable of returns… i.e. 5x 20x 50x 100x or even 1000x your money… start thinking in smaller numbers so you won’t be disappointed in a return that is by all intents and purposes… massive, but because you’ve been hearing such astronomical returns from those who are pumpers, you get disappointed…. please, this isn’t me squashing anything… or saying anything… it’s be helping you be grateful for what is to come, which should be considered quite the blessing

DinarDaddy: Anyway… enough of my rant… I’m NOT positioning anything… just trying to get everyone focused, clear, and grounded on what is clearly coming and changing before our eyes.

DinarDaddy: Let’s open things up to Q&A

georgeDAgreek: thats awesome

DinarDaddy: I accidentally gagged george… ten, can you “ungag” him? LOL!

motherdinar: do you think april will be the month?

DinarDaddy: my thoughts short-term (i have long-term thoughts too) are more centered around May-July than April, but I hope I’m underestimating how close we are

captkm: DinarDaddy is it true you were having withdrawls not seeing the MODs while on vacation?

DinarDaddy: Absolutely!

riceman: Hey DD, Hope all is well… is my question: Based on Shabbi’s very slow response regarding an RV, and the fact he jumped on the inflation wagon (seemed to be a diversion), and also his comment that he couldn’t tell us if he knew…..would this seem to indicate he might be trying to hide the very fact that the dinar is in fact Rving? Thanks!

DinarDaddy: I didn’t take it as him hiding that the RV was happening right now, but that he was hiding their real plan with the currency. He wasn’t giving anything up, and his comments about inflation were just lame… lol

emash: What is left to be completed for the RV to occur?

DinarDaddy: Well… some would say nothing… some really believe that… others say Chapter 7 (Kuwaiti files), HCL, and Completed Government (i.e. Security Ministries)… still others say Maliki… lots of speculation about what is the real hold-up.. if there is one.

jtrader: DD recently you stated you had good info that this might happen soon can you release that inside info now?

DinarDaddy: there are those within the US government that have stated this is done, and that there is nothing left to do except wait for the recalibration of the systems to trigger an RV… I’m personally starting to doubt such statements. Though, I do respect those sharing the information. Either way, this investment has made a fool of many, including those in very powerful positions

hereforfun: Why would they tell everyone about their plans to change their exchange rate? Do you they want to sell all the outstanding dinars? Why would that help them?

DinarDaddy: they wouldn’t… that’s why I view what they say as a lie

kkealani: what are the signs that we are still waiting for?

DinarDaddy: the actual signs would be a drying up of the market for dinars. a rise in price of the dinar in the secondary market. misinformation everywhere

platelunch: I had impression RV info was gonna be confusing and misleading near the end of the road. Why all the public articles talking about the removal of 3 zeros?

DinarDaddy: you just answered your own question

LilMomma87: can rv happen if they are in chapt 7

DinarDaddy: that’s the golden question… the big debate since the beginning

mobgk40: is this week a good time for a Rv?

DinarDaddy: it is for me!

mmead: hey DD, do you see an RV this week or the next?

DinarDaddy: I really can’t answer that…. I just don’t know… I guess I’m not privileged to be as connected as others… lol!

captkm: DD george makes us gag too—-it’s o.k.

DinarDaddy: sorry George… you didn’t deserve that.. hehe!

lonewolf: A while back I believe you mentioned in a post that people where over analyzing what it was going to take to RV and that it was a much simpler issue than we realized. Just wondering if you still feel that is the case and if you could expand on it some more.

DinarDaddy: yes

OKSilver: DD: Has there been an RV in Iraq? Has this been confirmed?

DinarDaddy: NO

mom898: Regarding the video posted : What was the intended purpose of Shabibi’s visit and do you know how the impromptu q & a session came about?

DinarDaddy: I don’t know the answer to either… it was sent to me almost immediately today so I put it up on the site as fast as I could to help all of you get the information as well

mobgk40: where do u honestly think the rate will be set at?

DinarDaddy: I don’t have all the information because the rate depends on the amount outstanding in IRAQ, not amongst us currency note holders OUTSIDE of Iraq

clyde68: DD – So what are your thoughts on what Shabs did NOT say?

DinarDaddy: that he was hiding things… he was trying to get out of a sticky situation… that he was trying to follow what he’s been TOLD to say… that it came off very awkward… that he was trying his best to avoid lying by changing the subject about inflation… those were my initial thoughts

gonefishin: Do you still think Iraq needs a seated Parliament for the RV to happen?

DinarDaddy: I do… because Parliament WILL ratify any change in rate

queeneetha: Good Evening Roger. Is there any truth that the people were celebrating in Iraq. It seemed it wasn”t just in the Doozie column

DinarDaddy: that’s not my information, but I do NOT believe it had anything to do with an RV of the currency

leelee: when ever it does change, in your OPINION… how do you think it will go down?? lop or rv or what do you think/

DinarDaddy: when it changes rate, we will all know about it. It won’t happen in Iraq first and then so on… lol! We will ALL know about it…

mlabady: do you think him being in the states is an indication of it being imminent?

DinarDaddy: no, but it could, but I doubt it

clyde68: DD – Did you catch the “propaganda” slip up?

DinarDaddy: yep

prcjewel: Hey DD..2 things that keep getting brought up 1) RV number is already set in stone, just needs to be released, and 2) that the US is now the ones suppose to release it. Any possible truth to that? And Is Tink ok?

DinarDaddy: in all honesty, me answering the first two questions would be me purely speculating… I do not know if that information is true. It is suspect to me because I have not heard that, and I can’t believe Iraq isn’t in control of their own currency.

DinarDaddy: I need to call Frank and find out on the last question

mobgk40: do u listen to wiz khalifa by chance?

DinarDaddy: I don’t… haven’t heard of wiz

wiyakpa: DD do you think the China rv has any bearing on the IQD

DinarDaddy: it very much could be, as it has been said there will be MANY 40+ currencies in the mix. China, IMO, may have been the hold up. IF they follow through with the agreed-upon changes, then this may be all over but the cryin’

mmead: when does shabbi leave DC? and will we hear what he has to say tomorrow?

DinarDaddy: I don’t know.. and I doubt it. This video was caught illegally… unauthorized. I’d imagine they won’t make the same mistake again

Daleighdinar: Shabbi was also asked a question about the removal of the three zeros which he agree had been decided on. He also suggested that this would have an effect on the exchange rate. Did he slip up here?

DinarDaddy: no because that is what they have been saying in the news for a few weeks now

DinarDaddy: that was strictly company line, nothing more

Burke: Donald Trump is talking a plenty.. What is your take ?

DinarDaddy: he’s going to announce his candidacy for the Presidency to take out Obama, who’s probably a lame duck sitting President. I can’t imagine the US voting him back in.

oly: When this is all over, are you going to share who some of your intel came from?

DinarDaddy: if they are ok with it.. but if there’s more to come from other countries… i.e. Libya, Afghanistan, Brazil, China, Vietnam, Korea, etc… and they are impacted by me sharing, then no I won’t… gotta keep it going if this works out… we could all be life-long friends sharing intel for years to come.

mlabady: was the HCL ever passed?

DinarDaddy: no, but they have laws in place that superscede the need as it is. Though, they will eventually need that in place. The complete HCL may still take a year or two to complete and pass however. It’s been said that the HCL issue has been resolved despite it not being complete, so I just don’t know about that issue anymore

dustyd14369: If it does RV, get out early or wait for the rush to get over?

DinarDaddy: I will be very careful, selective, thoughtful, and pre-meditative before I make a move. I will NOT be rushing to cash in, or be the first in line

maydelin8696: what are the chances about not rving at all this year ?

DinarDaddy: that’s me speculating and I can’t do that anymore. I hope it happens this year, but my long-term outlook takes it out to as far as 3 years (that’s my personal view), but I believe that’s a slim option… think it will happen much sooner than that.

newhouse: will the RD/RV go together

DinarDaddy: IMO… yes

Kirk: do you think you can outfish chan?

DinarDaddy: NO

DinarDaddy: Wink

pennoch2000: No one talking tonight???

DinarDaddy: moderated chat

DinarDaddy: That’s all I’ve got time for tonight guys. Be patient… be still.. keep your emotions in check… don’t believe anyone completely in this investment (including me)… stay strong… invest only that which you can afford to lose or do without for any extended period of time… keep an open mind about what it will actually come out at… and keep on top of your personal situation (manage that which you can control and be aware of that which you can’t)

Posts : 77
Join date : 2011-03-28
Location : Central California

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