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Randy call notes (w/Q&A) Tuesday - 08/02/2011 (Very Long) FROM ANOTHER SITE

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Randy call notes (w/Q&A) Tuesday - 08/02/2011 (Very Long) FROM ANOTHER SITE Empty Randy call notes (w/Q&A) Tuesday - 08/02/2011 (Very Long) FROM ANOTHER SITE

Post by Rooster Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:19 am

Randy call notes (w/Q&A) Tuesday - 08/02/2011 (Very Long) FROM ANOTHER SITE

(Post by Denaridori at PTR)

Disclaimer: At 98 wpm, this transcript is not void of any errors, omissions, incorrect names or figures, or typos. The many thanks, gratitude, and appreciation for Randy have also been omitted from the transcript.

Replay available at: (712) 432-1085 Pin: 541268# (Currency Chatter Call)

RANDY: I want to cover where we’re at and what’s happening. I haven’t had a call because there wasn’t too much out…something got out on the internet and I need to apologize to him and to understand that what we have confidential, and we expect that not to get out on the board. Instead of saying anything, I’m just trying to keep my mouth shut.

Today I want to give you things to look forward to or look for – you can do it on your own knowing that this RV takes place and that’s really what I need to say.

I’m going to give a synopsis for the past month…we got to the point where we were all ready - -government voted on ministers in place, they weren’t going to show it until they were ready to do the RV and make the announcement. In reality, that’s still going to happen…you’ll see the Erbil Agreement, the ministers announced, and the RV.

Not saying it will or not – when the meeting is over, they’re going to implement the Erbil Agreement. I just know what we believe is going to take place.

This brings us up to where we are….have you been watching the news? I want you to realize what they’re doing to you….they tell you they have one, they have nominated, then they’re putting him in place and then starts all over…think located a minister, think in place, think nominated…and then nothing…starts over again for the past 3 weeks. Circular moves! At some point in time, when it gets to doing it, and have the guy they want, then the US steps in and says don’t do this, give us some time…then they don’t know what to do, so they just start dropping out media and news to confuse everybody and they don’t know if they have picked him or not – everybody is confused – the Erbil Agreement …everything else.

Everyone’s saying…it’s done….it has been done! That’s the point. Then they’re arguing. These guys have been ready to RV – the US is holding them back because if they weren’t the other countries would be screaming to Iraq…in fact, they’ve lifted sanctions. Then, the guru’s come out and say it’s RV’ing….why haven’t they? Because it was supposed to – Iraq’s not in trouble with these countries. Why? The US is creating the delay.
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We’re in the spot where Iraq is ready – the only ones delaying everything is the US because they have stuff to do…what do you think it is? My bet is they were trying to get something done on the ceiling…it’s all signed, done, and everything’s done….and I think it’s gonna start moving. Start looking for the completion of the Erbil Agreement – meaning IMPLEMENTING it – they should announce that any day – once the Erbil is announced, we’re on with the RV within hours. They’ll open their budget, the ministers will be announced and I see this happening before this is out.

I apologize to people where information got out – don’t know what to say. There hasn’t been a lot of news because it’s been circular…but it does tell you something….who’s in control = US.
Back to Iraq…this is a very good week…I don’t have a crystal ball or control, but everything we know in the background and in the pike is done.

Questions… No tax questions – I’m still going with the 15% long-term capital gains. I have an accountant friend, we differ, but where we don’t is to get a Letter of Opinion to find out what the IRS is going to do with regard to this investment. I’m just a guy on the internet…take this into your own hands, get a tax attorney, and breathe. Put people in place so you don’t have to worry – take care of all your debt. Behind on your house – pay it off, credit, pay it off. It’s VERY hard to think under pressure…take care of everything and then start doing your stuff.

Q: Iraq’s inflation rate came down dramatically?
A: Yes, 3% -- don’t know if it’s true or not. Wait – no, it didn’t drop any – 6.17%. CBI keeps a close track of that every day.

Q: Going along with my conspiracy theory – dollar goes down, gold goes up – gold is up almost $40 today – that’s got to do something to the dollar. How’s that going to affect us on the budget? What do you think that’ll do with the rate?
A: Nothing – dollar strengthens, gold goes back down. It won’t affect the rate. The dinar comes out and we have all the assets stored in the US Treasury – makes it stronger temporarily. How long? Not sure, but I think they said the dollar is 80% of what it used to be…that’s 80cents on Fox Business. If true numbers, the dollar’s probably going down 75% of what it normally is, and it could bring the dinar up a little, but I don’t see it. It’s their budget, not ours. Good question though.

---I apologize that I couldn’t get back with everyone with e-mails…I took a short retreat and I don’t have a staff.

Q: Let’s say this possibly doesn’t happen in the next two days, what can Iraq survive without activating their budget?
A: In reality, they went way over…had it not been for the US to stop it again. The reason…it’s a game and Obama is using his pull to get it out of the GOP…they said we don’t care. We gotta get this… this is what I understand. An economist was telling us he needed the debt ceiling solidified prior to what the RV would be…the reason is when he comes down and decide how much they’d raise the debt ceiling and decide the RV money to plan what he’s going to do. What that’s telling us guys is they don’t intend to pay off the debt….if they have to think about where to put the money, they’re not putting it where they put it.

Q: I’m glad you’re not a pumper cashing out Monday – Tuesday – tier 1 – tier 2 – cashing out Wednesday –
A: When you come to the circular news, you know it’s going to RV and they stop it. If they announce the Erbil Agreement and ministers, it should be there. As for the rate, I know it’s by numbers they’re only going to cover their budget – not 8-11- and they can possibly come in at 4, but they want to come in low.

Q: TerryK said it would be 13.92
A: Yeah, I’ve got swampland if you need it in Arizona—it’s just not happening like that, all right. Keep it in the frame mind of what you know they need to do….to meet their budget or it will stress their economy out.

Q: We’ve heard from Okie and everybody they’ve already RV’d their currency in Iraq for a month.
A: I’ve got people there – absolutely not.

Q: Heard of anything about the % over time?
A: Another swampland joke. If they were worried about the debt ceiling for the Obama admin, not this year, not next year…when? We have to pay for Obamacare…they’re going after this year…forget about taxes this year. Taxes for 2013 are not and that’ll be a big battle.

Q: You said we need to look for the Erbil Agreement – thought it was done July 1st –
A: Yes, they just have to implement it – that’s circular media – you’re exactly right…they probably were going to have an RV and they had to stop it…everybody’s ready for Erbil and that’s where we’re at right now.

Q: So you say they have to implement it?
A: Yes, Allawi takes his spot at the top, >>? Take his place under him and ?? -- so it takes 3 people to do something.

Q: What about the lower denoms?
A: Not out yet! They’ll come out simultaneously to the rate change. Are they in the banks? Yes, I know they are. Are they out? No.

Q: Any idea of what the tax would be?
A: 15% long-term capital gains. – Guys, you don’t want to listen to me!!! It’s really a mute point, but as soon as it happens, cash-in, get cleaned up and get a tax attorney and ask those guys.

Q: If this doesn’t happen this week, can they do Ramadan?
A: This Ramadan is like Christmas, a working holiday, everything is opened. This is a good thing for us because they want to give out things for their people. If we don’t make it this week, it’ll be next week.

Q: Where are we with the US?
A: That’s over…they wanted to know how much the debt ceiling was. An economist said it would be in Obama’s best interest to see how far they would raise the debt ceiling to go certain places…again, why I say, we have idiots in Washington because they don’t intend to pay the debt off – (programs) – we’re not the ones to benefit by that. Does that make sense?

Q: Where’s the money coming from and what’s going on in Iraq?
A: I have a bank account…forgot to tell you – I won the Nigerian lottery. That’s what’s going to pay the RV.
The treasury gets the money back from the UST – trading currency for currency…like you were in England, gave them a USD for goods, services, oil…doesn’t cost them anything.

Q: Is that Certified Letter of Opinion going to be posted?
A: They’re personalized letters, I think, that means you’re going to have to get one. If we have a bunch of us getting it, they will eventually post it. I’ll have mine in Austin and by that time, we’ll have enough people requesting that so they can post and give it to anybody. I don’t want to belittle the internet, so you don’t want to listen to me. When this money comes in…it’s a 24 hour job to learn how to protect your money.

Q: Comment in terms of inflation – was on a conference call about inflation reason—was why the money was pulled so drastically and would have a big effect on the economy.
A: Shabibi is saying the opposite – they’ve drawn out 25,000 bills which means they need more money …their money becomes less valuable using the dollar. I would trust Shabibi for the other…

Q: In regards to this credit downgrade…some feel it will be the trigger point – is there any relation to the RV?
A: Zero. Because this has been in play for many, many, many years…they’ve decided what to do with this..and I’m sure these guys know about the dinar themselves. The higher up the money, those guys know what’s going on. You can’t tell me every one of the Congressman have dinar and they’ll lie to you – or say how did you hear about it? Obama’s taking this to the very end to get the most out of it…that’s my opinion, keep that in mind.

Q: I saw the dreaded article last week about the LOP – I know all about it and all the good reasons why it’s not a LOP – could you put that scenario as to why it won’t happen?
A: If you understand what the letter is doing…they’re trying to explain to a 5th grader that a 1,000 dinar note is not enough for bread, and a quarter of a note is worth more. How do you tell somebody that? All they’re trying to do that 1 dinar is worth more than their 1,000 dinar note…and it will with the RV. Because their 1,000 dinar is worth 70 cents, maybe. That’s 1,000 – and their 1 dinar is worth $3 or better and they’re having trouble explaining it to people…it’s all about trying to explain it. If we remove the 000’s, it’ll be worth and the 1 dinar = 1 dollar and a 1,000 will not be out there anymore. Bottom line – they want to take the 000’s from the street by increasing the value and will naturally take them off the street because they don’t need it anymore…they’ll use their ¼ dinar, 5 dinar, 10 dinar…not going to need those others. I promise you…I’m having a problem explaining it to high school kids…hard enough for us, let alone them.

Q: I was listening to a call last night with Frank and the mod, KK, the Freedom of Information request to the US Treasury – and they said the report they got back was 20 trillion dinar. Have you heard that, or do you think someone made a mistake?
A: From what we brought up was 3 ½ trillion – they only printed 27 trillion dinar…for the most part, that was it…they didn’t print anymore of that. Why they printed 20 trillion, I have no clue. We have 3 ½ trillion which is enough to pay off our debt.

Q: Re: US Treasury cashing deal…can you expand on that?
A: Are you saying you’re going to the UST to cash-in?

Q: Other forums said you can go to different locations.
A: They tried saying they were going to do that with the banks –they’re not. The UST has no ability to cash you in…it’s all bunk. Let’s just say that. You’re going to use a bank or a dealer…and I bet 100-1 that they’re all going to be competitive during the first 60 days….the best rates will be at the beginning with no spreads or fees, and like I said, cash-in a bill or two and look around to get the best deal.

Q: I’ve gone to B of A and Wells Fargo and they said they aren’t trading dinar, nor do they plan to.
A: All banks have the same line…don’t have dinar, don’t plan to….once It’s a currency, all bets are off. As soon as they raise the currency, anybody who deals with currency will be in…all the major and even smaller ones even. May not be able to give the best rates. Quit worrying about cashing in. Most banks are in such a gag order…they don’t tell their people. The currency guy here says we’re not going to talk about it. Period. When they call, they say we don’t know anything about it.

Q: When you talked about this letter…how do I obtain one?
A: Your tax attorney will get that letter for you –probably costing $1,500 which is a drop in a bucket. It’s an opinion of converting the currency to US dollars. You’re going to want to do that – it’s too big of an event.

Q: If the Dong is paired with the Chinese Yen and it pops…what do you think?
A: Inflation over there is 1300% -- if they come over a little over a ½ penny – they may LOP off a zero, and if more, the zeros come off the LOP.

Q: What do you think it’ going to be like with the news? Newsworthy or under the radar?
A: The business news will say they revalued their currency and Iraq is paying war reparations…keeping it very low key as to what they’re doing.

Q: I could see a lottery winner on the news…
A: Unless Obama can use it for something he wanted to do, they’ll keep it low…it’s a Bush thing will be downplayed …but the media will run with it if it’s for Obama.

Q: I was told on the Frank/Delta call…if I needed immediate cash, I could use my dinar as collateral…I checked with some banks and they said I was out of my mind.
A: You can do that once it RV’s….it would take a whole lot of it to secure – our banks don’t want to do that right now, but when it RV’s, you can. Why would you want to pay interest on anything?

Q: If I purchase dinar, it’s going to be less?
A: If you bought it at $1,000—sold it back at $900 – for 1 million dinar. The actual cash is what you can borrow against it…if the bank wants to take it. Once it RV’s, that million dinar is worth $3 million dollars and the banker will kiss your knees. Keep in mind…it has to make the budget…3.41 just to meet the budget.

Q: On the internet, I heard they had a lot of land minds blowing up and an unusually high amount. Does the conflict there have anything to do with the RV?
A: Yes, for security reasons…and that’s why they have to control it or send troops back in which tells they’re losing control and they won’t get that back while money is on the street….once the revalulation, things will come back into perspective.

Q: How can they become stable without the RV?
A: Only because of the US stalling…I believe they’ll say okay, Iraq, go ahead. If we see the Erbil Agreement tomorrow, we’re there.

Q: What’s the Erbil?
A: We’re looking for the strategic council, the Barzani Initiative, and because Allawi won the election, Talabani will be underneath and …??? Under him to have a true democratic society – not a dictator…that’s what Shabibi is waiting for it. They’ve voted on it, but they have to implement it. We hope it will, or did, take place.

Q: On a previous call you talked about having a seminar…is that still a go or be considered?
A: Yes, about 3 weeks after.

Q: What’s the difference of long-term and short term?
A: Because there’s no specific thing said in the rules of publications that say one way or another, it’s really a grey area…chances are, it will be in our favor. All currency, she said, is long-term capital gains.

Q: Will you be giving us details on the seminar?
A: I’ll tell you who, what, where. I was going to have a group of family members, now it’s larger than that…I want them to go and have a one-on-one with an attorney, not good with 5,000 people. I may divide it down to 30-40 for 1 attorney and they can ask personal questions for what they’ve got.

Q: I thought they had already done the voting for the Erbil Agreement, waiting for the US, per the Call Squad…unless they’re doing that 3 minute meeting where they say yes, and it’s done.
A: Everything’s done…all the guys who have said that are correct. Even some reporters are saying the Erbil is done, but they haven’t announced it yet---assuming today and no later than early morning or late tonight for us. We try to match everything up with the news…if it doesn’t, it’s not going to happen…no later than tomorrow and then we’re on. We should have an RV hours after.

Q: Question about the 3.41
A: [Gives formula to calculate the rate per the budget with the 250 billion]….all the ministries want to pay the people they haven’t paid the people for the year…

Q: Would the dinar go higher in a few years?
A: They will manage the float –it’ll sit there in stone until they’re ready to RV again.

Q: I have a friend who said they got a memo saying it was a scam…Isn’t this some sort of lible.
A: Yes, ask to talk to the legal team because they opened themselves up for a lawsuit to get rid of it.

Q: Should I get it in writing?
A: Yeah, that would be fun…tell them you’re going to take it to their legal team saying it was a scam.

Q: I’ve struggled with the conflict of information…I have an e-mail says the UST does not hold the Iraqi dinar, the Federal Reserve does…..etc. Where do we have confirmation about that? They don’t admit it in this letter.
A: They do, but it’s not an asset yet. We printed the dinar, we did everything for them and stated in 2004 and we all remember 3 ½ trillion dinar. I’m about 100% sure they have 3 ½ trillion.

Q: Is there any way of knowing how many people in the US own dinar and think it’s reasonable to think it’s true?
A: This is what I understand….from 2 different individual sources, we have around 700,000 people in the US who actually hold dinar. There’s probably more people who hold dinar in Canada and other places, but from certain sources – more may have gone up.
Q: That’s a number I can buy into as reasonable, and there will still be a significant amount of taxes given.

Q: Is there going to be a window allowed to cash-in or indefinitely hold on to it?
A: IMO they will probably want to pressure us to cash-out. I think they’ll say they’d like to recoup all the large bills…but at 3.41, not positive, but pretty positive that’s the rate, and they won’t be pressuring me too hard.

Q: I just wanted to know if when the country really kicks in and revalues more.
A: I’d rather have a bank hold it in dinar –digital …like the Warka bank and HBC is going to open up in Iraq, you should open the account and hold it in dinar. That’s the kind of thing I’m looking at. I know the HCBC will probably have banks here in the US. I’d get that done, then look for a bank that would hold dinar.

Q: Do you think it’s wise to cashin a little bit, take care of business and then ….]
A: Yes, you want to make the minimal amount of taxes…I don’t know, tax attorneys do. I know what I want to do, but it may not be what you want to do and the tax attorney will do that.

Q: And you don’t want them to come back and audit you.
A: Exactly – you don’t want to have the IRS chasing you…do what you have to do, protect yourself, and move on.

Q: Regarding intel, as we’ve been waiting for the government to be seated in Iraq. Does the US have that much clout to tell Iraq to hold off.
A: Yes…and don’t ask me how I know that…I’m not gonna tell you. Think of the US as the father, Iraq is the 18 year old son…when they’re ready, Iraq asks if it can be done.

Q: Everybody has asked this…with all the smoke and mirrors, if they did their first meeting with Erbil, they just have to announce it?
A: Yes, they had it done 3 weeks ago – if they don’t do it today, it’ll be next week.

Q: Everybody tells me that it will RV in other countries and we have to wait for it here.
A: B.S. Guys it can’t happen that way – when the bank gets the rate, it’ll happen at the same time.

Q: How about providing receipts to prove how long you’ve had the dinar?
A: If you went to the bank, they wouldn’t give you a receipt—they’d give you cash. If you got it over there on the street, you wouldn’t get a receipt.

Q: You said there in meetings, there’s so many websites it’s hard to believe what the results are.....where would you go to follow along with that.
A: I like the way OneDinar is set up and New???? – we have 4-5 comments and there’s more of it with more people posting. If you’re looking for outside…AK News, the English Version.

Q: I’m with you on 3.41 – I think Shabibi had made a statement that the value would be around 3.33 and the LOP simply reduces the zeros and adds value.
A: If they do the LOP, they’ve reduced the value of the currency…they didn’t strengthen it.

Q: You mentioned we should be seeing the Erbil Agreement in the next day or so…?
A: Remember, it’s already voted in…that was done 3 weeks ago, but they’re dropping those articles getting ready to announce it – we’re looking for the announcement, not the voting.
Q: Let’s say that happens, is there anything else at that point that could hold that off.
A: Sure, Shabibi could hold pulling the trigger, but I don’t think he would do that. We’re almost cowboys rangling this thing.

Q: What about the coins…and why do you think the RV is imminent?
A: The articles say it’s good and then not good, and all it’s about is Iraq is ready to RV. This is the week and if everything goes the way we want it to go, this is it.

Q: There was an article with Bondlady says they’ve been talking about the coins all weekend. Why?
A: Iraq is pretty good about telling what they’re going to do – they were telegraphing it but the US asked them not to. They kinda got the carpet taken under their legs…it’s coming and that’s why they pulled all the money off the street. It’s ready – for the past 6 months or better and all the articles are setting us up for the next day. Will it happen? I don’t know…but I know it’s ready and is ready to go.

Q: Bondlady had a chat yesterday that talked about getting lessons about food and medicines and all that survival code and I was assuming it was because of the debt issue. Do you suppose the downgrade of our credit rating is substantial enough to affect our daily life as we know it?
A: This is where I may not please a few people…I think we’re 20 years away where everybody wants to say there’s a collapse of the dollar. This is my opinion….as for the survival mode, in 6 months , it would take more than Obama who’s hurt us tremendously and I don’t think he’ll get in the next election – he should have dropped the RV a minimum of 6 months ago to get the employment rate down…it’s at 10% and it’s not going to happen and they’ll still say it’s Bush’s fault, and you can ride that horse so long.

I do believe in some prophesies…and Iraq has to rise from the ashes…even if they had all the money in the world, they need to run lines, service, and 10 years minimum to get it to the poor people who need it. After that, the next 5 years destination – that’s 20 years. Logistically, it just can’t happen any faster. I think our dollar will waffle, but it won’t fall for a few year s—8-10-12 years out before we really start seeing that…and that’s why we, as a Dinarian, want to be part of a bank…you want to know what the Fed’s are doing and I’m telling you what I’m going to do.

Q: I’m hoping our group will be part of a bank…
A: Exactly.
Q: That would give us an advantage. Any in the works?
A: Mine!

Q: The safety issues…a lot of us never had to worry about these issues. Any ideas of what we can do afterwards?
A: Above 5 million - -you’re going to want to get involved with institutions like Wells Fargo, Chase,….if you have hundreds of millions, after you deal with the banks, you’re going to want to go with the bigger guys, the brokerages.

Q: What about personal safety? What about an insurance company with London’s…?
A: Barclay’s only handle big clients, the Merrill Lynches – 10-20 million – if you’re in that range, they’ll insure every bit of it. That’s why I’m saying…play it safe to start off with – don’t mess up, they won’t screw you, but if you have over 5 million, it’s not going to matter.

Q: How about with people?
A: Try to be as obscure as you can…this will probably be my last call, and we may have one before the RV, but I want to get off the grid with family and I can’t deal with e-mails and phone calls, I have to work and I was gone for 2 days and don’t have the physical ability. I can’t answer my phone calls, gone for a day, and my VM is full. You want to go to obscurity – smaller towns and live life. That’s what I’m going to do…I’m going to have my own bank.

I don’t know how old you are, or married or not, those are the things you want to talk to tax attorneys to structure it but not worry about it – control it but not own it. I know Wells Fargo management groups is good at securing the money. Nobody can go there now, because those agreements are made behind the scenes. They want to secure it, help you out -- primary focus: Secure the money and then start invest….you don’t need to do that in the first year and you never have to worry about losing it.

Q: Please tell me we’re going to double dip and the dong is…(???)
A: I know there’s going to be other currencies, not sure the dong will be it. I’m thinking it’ll be a month after.
Q: What’s your gut feeling?
A: Once the dinar hits, if Saudi Arabia is still 3.50—I’m going there…and Quatar also – Egypt is 17 – and I think Obama figured this out that you could make money and will try to do the same thing with Lybia and see how that goes – then, the dong – there’s no indicators that it could raise the value of their currency any time soon.

Q: What are you planning to do to secure your money?
A: Invest where I can’t lose and run a bank – I want bankers that take care of it for me. I’ll make it as big as I can get it. It’s sort of an investment…it’s really a security to put my money in there at the same time, and no one knows it’s me. I’m not hiding form the IRS, I just don’t want a lot of people to know what I’ve got. The reason, they start asking a lot of questions…I think everyone was given this particular investment because we have giving hearts, but I want to give to who I want to give. And, I don’t want to tell everybody what I’m going to do. I’m probably going to have an Limited Partnership and a few trusts…and a tax attorney. They’ll help you out – they’ve been in it a while and can handle the hard questions..

Q: Can the IMF step in to do it?
A: No

Q: If the US debt ceiling is done, and Iraq is waiting for us…and the Erbil Agreement isn’t announced, what would be the hold up?
A: We’d have to find that out when we get there…bottom line, we should see this in the next couple of days or look to see where we missed something, but if it gets further than this week, it’ll be next week. We’re to that point and it could happen simultaneously. I would tell you how I know, but it’s best to say that this is coming. It doesn’t matter what I say. I want to get to the point that you watch so you’re not insecure of what you’ve got. When things come out, they become insecure of what they have—I’m trying give everybody the ability to be secure and that we’re not far out.

Q : I think everybody needs to get off the intel train…for a year and 4-5 months of intel is making me burned out.
A: Right….I know troops are moving in from the US – one of the things they talked about it in Erbil…the reason why – we have 50,000 troops there because they’ve lost total control of their security.

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Join date : 2011-04-16

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