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Adam's WEEKLY WEDNESDAY Q & A 5-18-11

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Adam's WEEKLY WEDNESDAY Q & A  5-18-11 Empty Adam's WEEKLY WEDNESDAY Q & A 5-18-11

Post by ToddS Wed May 18, 2011 10:49 pm

Adam's WEEKLY WEDNESDAY Q & A 5-18-11

[Adam Montana] sorry for the short notice
[Adam Montana] I am an early riser, and I often have to get to bed early
[Adam Montana] so i can be up at the early hours by Iraq's standards
[Adam Montana] and the 9PM chats were getting in the way of other business
[Adam Montana] I know a lot of people think this investment is all about "intel" and "updates", but that isn't true
[Adam Montana] a lot of you know this arleady
[Adam Montana] the REAL benefit from this investment comes AFTER the RV
[Adam Montana] not before
[Adam Montana] everything before is just fluff
[Adam Montana] all the intel in the world won't make you any money
[Adam Montana] you invested because you thought it was a good idea
[Adam Montana] if you think it isn't, get out. Sell your dinar
[Adam Montana] i think it's a GREAT investment
[Adam Montana] so I'm still here, and I'm working on what to do AFTER the RV
[Adam Montana] making a million will be great, but I'm not the type to blow an opportunity
[Adam Montana] and a million dollars is more than a million dollars... it's an opportunity to make a couple more!
[Adam Montana] VIP members will get access to everything I'm working on for Post RV
[Adam Montana] and that's all I'll say about that
[Adam Montana] ok so tonight
[Adam Montana] let's keep it short!
[Adam Montana] there is some big news that everyone has been speculating about - EO 13303
[Adam Montana] if you search" executive order 13303"
[Adam Montana] you'll find an article I wrote before most of the modern day "gurus" even heard about the dinar
[Adam Montana] LOL
[Adam Montana] and then our gracious mod Riley is going to fire about 10 questions from the members at me
[Riley] Cgbrown: Are there any banks still selling Dinars, that you know of??? 2. Have any deals beside Ali stopped selling dinars???
[Adam Montana] first EO 13303
[Riley] oops sorry sir
[Adam Montana] it's kind of strange the way Obama presented it
[Adam Montana] (no problem Riley )
[Adam Montana] let's talk about EO 13303
[Adam Montana] there has been a lot of talk about how Iraq gets funds released
[Adam Montana] how they have to do something by then
[Adam Montana] or they will owe money
[Adam Montana] etc etc
[Adam Montana] if you read the ACTUAL release from the White House
[Adam Montana] you'll agree with me on this
[Adam Montana] first - they never had any other intention but to extend it if necessary
[Adam Montana] second - they can't rush a change in the Dianr, because to do it too soon could topple the whole system
[Adam Montana] and if you think the world is in a rough spot right now
[Adam Montana] just imagine if MULTIPLE countries lost value like the Iraqi dinar did in 2003!!!!
[Adam Montana] it would be a major disaster
[Adam Montana] so here's the truth about the extension: it's not going to expire on June 30, regardless of what some are saying
[Adam Montana] what you read was President Obama's intent to extend the Order for another year
[Adam Montana] and that tells me that EVERYONE involved is willing to wait as long as it takes in order to make sure this is successful for all involved
[Adam Montana] this is a GREAT thing, because if it comes out at a dime... I sure hope I can ride it up!
[Adam Montana] up, up, up. If it comes out too soon, the value will spike and then CRASH
[Adam Montana] many of us know what that feels like after the recent stock market crash
[Adam Montana] if your 401k is worthless now thanks to a CRASH, you can appreciate this.
[Adam Montana] please be patient, and root for stability - not haste.
[Adam Montana]
[Adam Montana] RILEY! You're up, my friend! Please give me questions one at a time
[Riley] Cgbrown: Are there any banks still selling Dinars, that you know of??? 2. Have any dealers beside Ali stopped selling dinars???
[Adam Montana] That's a two part question. First part - yes, some banks are still selling
[Adam Montana] there is a section in *********.com forum that discusses them, so I won't waste chat time with a list
[Adam Montana] regarding Ali, he is his own business and can make his own decisions. There are other dealers still selling, with no sign of stopping until RV - so that's all I have to say about that.
[Adam Montana] next please Riley
[Riley] ezymoney: Adam...In your opinion, how does the arrest and potential replacement of the IMF chief effect the dinar and its revaluation...Thanks
[Adam Montana] oh BOY that is a tough one! I hate to sound like a tinfoil hat clan member...
[Adam Montana] but we have to be honest and understand that it makes at least a small difference
[Adam Montana] luckily for me, I didn't predict a "Monday RV" or say "IT IS DONE!!!" so I don't have to make excuses LOL
[Adam Montana] but it will make a small difference. I would say no more than a week difference overall, unless the RV is more than a month out... in which case it should make no difference at all
[Adam Montana] thanks for the Q. Next?
[Riley] Graml: Now that we have reached and surpassed our debt ceiling, what kind of pressure does this put on them to RV? Thank you Sir.
[Adam Montana] Graml that is also a good question! I have to go back to my previous statement
[Adam Montana] although it puts pressure on the US, it doesn't make Iraq any more or less stable
[Adam Montana] so relatively speaking, it has no effect on the RV.
[Adam Montana] some would disagree
[Adam Montana] but my strong opinion is that until IRAQ can sustain a rate
[Adam Montana] the world won't allow it to be raised
[Adam Montana] the value of the Dinar has more to do with Iraq than any other country, situation, or meeting.
[Adam Montana] next please!
[Riley] TonyDownTheShore: Adam it seems like the to do list for the rv is getting shorter and shorter, how many more items are left in your opinion? Thank you
[Adam Montana] tonyDownTheShore I have a very short list - GOI being seated 100% is a big one. I know that's been my answer for a long time, but it's still true and won't happen overnight
[Adam Montana] too many "it's done's!!!!"
[Adam Montana] from the clowns out there... they start to discourage people. Look at the whole situation
[Adam Montana] Iraq is moving forward, the GOI is moving forward, and forget about "next monday"
[Adam Montana] sorry that's not a complete list, but we could debate a "complete list" for hours LOL
[Adam Montana] next please Riley!
[Riley] camelspiderman: Considering the on going power moves between Malaki and Allawi ,how much of a negative effect is this having on a R.V? In regards to a timeline .Could a R.V. still happen even if these never see eye to eye ? Looks like the Iraqi government is almost at their breaking point, should we be concerned?
[Riley] this may go hand and hand sir with the above question
[Adam Montana] It does, thank you for pointing that out
[Adam Montana] I can't give a timeline
[Adam Montana] but I will say they are at close to a stalemate and the fighting can't go forever. Something will come, and if it doesn't someone will make something come, to stop the bickering.
[Adam Montana] the good news is there is nobody equal to these two
[Adam Montana] which means all it will take is for one to be removed from a position of authority
[Adam Montana] and the other will suddenly be free to move... FORWARD
[Adam Montana] good Q. Next please Riley!
[Riley] kenbo: I read that any bank accounts containing dinar in Iraq that were funded by US dollars would not have their funds available under a new (RV) rate. If so, I would assume that they would use the US dollars to determine the quantity of Dinars in that account after the RV. Is this correct? And if so, how does it really affect a Warka account funded by US dollars? I am in the process of getting CitiBank and Warka accts and don't know if I should continue.
[Adam Montana] kenbo, I haven't read that anywhere - I'm calling "false" on that whole premise.
[Adam Montana] Next please!
[Riley] Second to the last question -
[Riley] quadraphOnic: Adam, Forgive me if you have already addressed this. What's your take on the current trend of the currency auctions? Does this trend have anything to do with Ali closing or is it coincidence? I appreciate all that you do!
[Adam Montana] Quad, awesome question!
[Adam Montana] this is a true test of the CONTROL the CBI has over the money supply in Iraq
[Adam Montana] that can be interpreted in a few ways, so I'll expound
[Adam Montana] clarify
[Adam Montana] there is a lot of talk, amongst those that I talk to on a daily basis, that those in positions of control
[Adam Montana] have plans and strategies to CONTROL the currency to the nth degree when they implement the RV mechanisms.
[Adam Montana] think about it -they can't just flip the rate and HOPE it goes well!
[Adam Montana] they have to control and manipulate every aspect possible
[Adam Montana] one of those is the money supply, which is directly related to the auctions
[Adam Montana] now
[Adam Montana] the last part of the Question related to Ali
[Adam Montana] he sold a lot of Dinar, but the other Dealers have picked up the slack... so he has nothing to do with the auctions.
[Adam Montana] I think we have one more?
[Riley] Butifldrm: Adam, what's with the blackout conspiracy? A year and a half ago, you said right before the RV, things would get crazy. Well, crazy is here and do you think there is any truth to the Blackout or just more lies? Also, thanks for keeping it real, seems to be a rare quality these days.
[Adam Montana] Butifldrm good Q! A whole bunch of good questions tonight!
[Adam Montana] unfortunately the "blackout" you are referring to doesn't mean much to me - I haven't experienced any kind of blackout.
[Adam Montana] If you're talking about other sites shutting down, well... LOL
[Adam Montana] they haven't been right so far, each one has given at least 10 false dates, and maybe they all decided to pull a publicity stunt
[Adam Montana] but there was no legitimate blackout of any kind
[Adam Montana] hopefully one of them will be right soon, though!
[Adam Montana] I can't wait for "Next monday" to be "TODAY"!!! LOL
[Adam Montana] I was looking for a big announcement in June, or before, but so far all we really have (in my opinion) is an extension of Executive Order 13303
[Adam Montana] which isn't a bad thing
[Adam Montana] so, for now we wait!
[Adam Montana] thank you all for letting me get through this chat with no interruptions, you are all awesome!

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Join date : 2011-03-26
Location : Texas

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