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Wizard at GET forum – Bluwolf Tuesday Morning chat 7/26/11 ON ANOTHER SITE

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Wizard at GET forum – Bluwolf Tuesday Morning chat  7/26/11  ON ANOTHER SITE Empty Wizard at GET forum – Bluwolf Tuesday Morning chat 7/26/11 ON ANOTHER SITE

Post by Rooster Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:05 pm

Post by Wizard at GET forum – Bluwolf Tuesday Morning chat 7/26/11


[bluwolf] holdup
are the rich and the elite in America
[alabamagal] bluwolf good morning..
RV and we can be part of the rich and the elite . [bluwolf] alabamagal we are a
different kind, the ones with a conscious
[bluwolf] listen find and simple,
these rich people have loopholes, so they already pay if anything at a very low
rate,, you guys when you become millionaries will not have that priviledge,,do
you think that that would be fair
[bluwolf] these people are the same ones
that send emails to stop negociations ,they are the same people who say that
people will lose jobs if any taxes are raised, etc. they are the
[bluwolf] yes that is true, they can stretch this a long way pass that
[mirty] Bluwolf they do whatever they want
[bluwolf] mirty money is
power, and with it you can buy anything including the soul
[mirty] This
country I’s not what it used to be
[bluwolf] mirty the thing is that this has
been going on for over 96 years already
[bluwolf] they want their part to buy
oil only, but they want your part to pay their budget
[mirty] Whatever,
I don’t understand why the Rv has not happend
[mirty] Everyone has said I’s
[bluwolf] mirty it is simple the UST does not have enough monies for
this rv period
[bluwolf] international presure is underway,your government
must yield
[bluwolf] mikev not the world elite,the US elite
listen up all banks are on high alert,just waiting to cash you in that has not
changed,they are waiting on the UST excecutive order
[alabamagal] bluwolf if
having no money to be able to do it.. where will the money come from? just
[bluwolf] remeber there are 180 countrys that will be cashing in and
they owe the US some loans
[patC] Hey MODS- just a thought but if our
Government is holding this up because of the budget deal- today’s theme should
be contact your local congressman and senator??!!
[bluwolf] patc the
President said that real loud last night on tv
[bluwolf] does countrys have
there all currency to exchange
[tobydinar] bluwolf i am
[jatudor] bluwolf Please explain.
[bluwolf] about
[mirty] confuse I’s not the word
[jatudor] About countries having
currency exchange
[bluwolf] those countries have money to exchange to their
people and to whoever they want
[bluwolf] do you think that the US is the
only country out their
[bluwolf] the US dollar is just one more currency that
is out there
[bluwolf] it doesn’t owned the world folks
[jatudor] bluwolf
Just curious…how did you learn so much about all this economy
[bluwolf] research
[bluwolf] 8 years of it
[bluwolf] look Iraq
is still a US territory, until all aspects and issues are met,, as soon as the
international cashin occurs then all aspects and issues will be fulfilled and
the chapter 7 factor will be close. The US is holding these peoples future
[bluwolf] believer hi
[Believer] bluwolf comon UTS executive
order… Your thoughts, after the budget ceiling? Thanks!
[bluwolf] believer
yes you are correct
[bluwolf] well let’s see what the day brings, if I get
any info i will be back,, good day all,, bye

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Join date : 2011-04-16

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