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Post by Rooster Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:41 pm

July 18th, 2011 04:14 pm

Enjoy, Mustang
Good morning July 18th
Dan-Tony are you with us. Busy eating hot dogs? Tony we had a call last night and we had over 700 people on board. there were some questions on the board about Dubai . the call we had last night and the news was a little exciting.
Tony-We heard a bunch of good things. Got several calls from Iraq. Certain things over there are going on but we haven’t seen it yet. We have heard that things are happening in Dubai, the news etc, but we haven’t seen it yet.
Then we wake up this morning and we still haven’t seen it yet.

Dan-Me and you talk about this a lot. Every week we go through this trial and error of what we believe and what we read and think. We bounce this info off each other. How impossible is it for us to hear on Friday that it is done it is over and then Saturday we hear that they are asking for an =extension of time . How is it possible of this to happen
Tony-Unfortunately that is the way that politics works. People are spending money like crazy.

I have to tell you they s after hearing all of this last night at 1130 I heard this from a government source. He said that he doesn’t care what we hear that tomorrow we are going to see it. He said that tomorrow is your day. I am still standing here.
I got a call 10 minutes ago and it said wait a couple of hours. This is a good thing. As bad as we didn’t want to believe tit that our national debt is holding it up, we can look at it and say look at what happened this morning. We don’t have to worry about the big dealers.

We know what we have been waiting for . We are waiting for them to come on and tell us about their deal. It could be true or it might not be true.
They could do that in a couple of hours and maybe we will have our RV in a couple of days. I was not mad at either one of them. You wait and negotiate and hold your hole card. We knew it. Then it came time to play their ace and it’s just how long does it take to collect their chips.
There is nothing else to do. Nothing else for us to look at and say this has got to happen.

The debt ceiling has been wiped off the table, that was the big announcement.
Dan-One of the people e on the call asked, How come Obama can have all of this threat about how much we owe an debt we know that if this happens it will clear out all of the debt. I have to agree with them.
We are sitting with a governmental situation right now. The governments china, Germany, France, you also have the UN BIS and the Illuminati and the giants, the ones who stroke the checks and they sometimes tell these others what they are suppose to do. We have heard all kinds of excuses for why it hasn’t happened. \
When someone says, what are we looking for. Where are we going to see this?
Where we are going to see it? It’s never been done. Last time it was done , there was no last time. tony what do you think.

Tony-not as far as a governmental thing never been done. With Kuwait it was just their country.
I heard some more stuff that said that this wouldn’t happen till Maliki comes back from China. We heard that Maliki has already done his part. Allawi has done his part.
You got a call from England, is that true?

There is nothing for us to wait for. Iran supposedly did theirs this morning too. Its’ all on us when our Treasury dept. says here it is. When the clock strikes whatever time it is then people will star filing to the banks.
Yesterday we had a bank person get a call that said be at work early tomorrow because we are paying out on the dinar. This was an employee, not a bank manager or a president. So even up through yesterday the banks still thought that this was going to happen today. Even the govt. guy said it was going to happen today.
Maybe after they make the announcement on the debt ceiling and the deal that they made maybe it will happen then.

Dan-We have some intel and you are going to say some things about Dubai, will that be possible?
Dan-Tony, don’t know if you have ever tried that experience. Picked Pigs Feet.
Tony-Yes, done it.
Dan-Well I have too.

We talked before this call and you said that you have some information yourself.
We had a member saying that he had a guy from Dubai and had purchased a Mercedes with revalued dinars.
Tony-I can’t confirm this because I am not in Dubai. I have heard several stories form Dubai of people cashing in this morning. I have heard that over in Iraq there is jubilee and people are cashing in and now there is money.
There are some other countries who are saying that they are seeing it and then we have other people who are saying that they aren’t seeing it. We will just have to see how it goes.

Dan-I was actually taking a call from one of our members from overseas.
tony got a call last night from overseas. People saying that they are cashing out and people saying that they are seeing people cashing out.
One member asked how can people say that they are seeing this and then a week down the road we don’t hear anything back.
Well, the reason is we have people all over the world who are giving us information, very little of it is fact, just from the speculations. We said that we were going to do just facts, from the intel sources, those are not fact.
I read a piece that phoenix put out last night and I talked to Golfer Dan about that this morning. The board were jumping all over the place.
Before Sadaam and before the UN we know that the dinar was 3.00 to the USD. We know that Kuwait still is around that value. We know that there is going to be a revaluation.

Where are we getting our information? From informative sources. We are trying to put together pieces.
Tony-That is exactly how we do this. We get the information that we can.
I just got another call about Dubai and he is sticking to his guns.
We either believe it or we don’t’.
we are getting this from different sources. on the last call I had a P guy and a T guy and they were both saying the exact same things. Both of them just came out of that meeting and of course they don’t know that we are talking to both of them. They are only relaying information from meetings that they just walked out of.

I don’t think that you can get any higher sources than what we have. Based on Rep and Dem, that is affecting the entire world. I can see nothing else.
Dan-you are telling me that the bad information starts at the top.
Tony-I don’t know how long this is going to take to put into place.
This morning some of the intel gatherers were saying that he said let’s get this thing over with , let it go.
If all we did was look at the news and watch what is going on over the last little bit. What should we present. We get information daily that says that it is closer than we believe. The people as a whole are about the same.

Dan- I really don’t like bud. They really do have some good commercials.
Serg-tony this is Serg and this is Tony. Stefan was on our call earlier.
I told everyone to be aware of what we are going to do. You are going to help us set up some free accounts.
I know that this is a bit of a hybrid. Where do you and your part
Serg-this is 100% hybrid. Reason being, most traders get burned out in this industry because it is 24/5. Also we realized that because o that you have bad days and most of the time they end of blowing these accents up.
This completely a mathematical equation. We use the major pairs. None of the generics.

We figured the historic highs and lows.
We buy when the market goes against us when the market is going up.
We sell on the down market.
It’s called a scaled batch fund. We are buying when the market goes against us.
Dan-is this something that I have e to be focused on/
Serfg-100% transparent market that we are dealing with. You watch our accouter trade live. Today we down load the platform and they can watch 24 hours a day 5 days a week. The system trades automatically.

Everything is done for you. You do not have to be an expert.
We do it all for you and you get to watch.
Tony-I am all bait the money. What kind of money can I make in your system.
Serg-average around 8% per month. We just opened another account. month 1 up 11%, this month we are up over 2% right now. Month to month it is going to vary.
We consider this a very conservative account. we are not over leveraging the accounts.
You will see what I am saying when you get on here.
You will see that the account draw down is very minimum as to the balance.
Tony-so you are saying that I can get as low as 2-8%
Serg-I have never seen this system lose in a month. Of course I can’t guarantee no loss or something catastrophic happening.
Tony you know that it could get crazy and as far as how high,
Dan-Have you ever seen it as high as 20-30% on a one day basis?
Serg-NO, this is not geared for that, it is geared conservatively.
When you have higher returns you have more risks.
This is the focal point of our comp is to gear this conservative especially in this economical climate.

Tony-I am trying to get the parameters out there for the people. How does the money go in and out.
Serg-you filled out the paperwork on our site. Wire the money to our account and then the money is wired to England. we are an Irish company. The money is not just placed on the platform as soon as we receive it.
We have to shut the system completely down in order to put new money in. We try to put new money in at least 2 times a month. There is not a certain day when we place new money in.

It all depends. This trades over 700 times a month. so it is a high frequency trading platform.
Last month it traded 717 times.
There is no set time for us to add money to the system. It all depend on the trading g atmosphere.
Tony- I am looking at the trades every day and then I decide that I need all of my money back.
Serg- You put in a withdrawal request and normally within a week your money is wired back. Of course this is dependent on the amount of the money and of course I have to shut the system down in order to pull the money out and reshuffle the lots.
tony-If they are already in the middle of a trade then y9ou have to wait for that trade to be gotten out of .
Serg- Yes, the margin the leverage and so forth. you can’t have a 500K account and then pull out 250K and not affect that account. This is the website. Let Serg walked everybody through setting up this account.

Everybody get onto this website.
People are saying why are we doing this call like this. We will have people on board every day talking about things that are pertinent to the IQD. So see this is a place where you can place your money and let it work while you are busy doing other things.
From right now to what we are talking about to Serg pre-RV let us prepare ourselves. Let’s focus on the money. Why put it in a bank or a home safe, put it where you can work.

Serg-You will go into HOME page.
Underneath see it for yourself DOWNLOAD PLATFORM
LOGIN 92917
PW Scalebatch
When you do get the platform downloaded it will ask Server MT1-Real. It has to be set at that.
go to download platform you will click on that, where it says referred by just put PTR so that we will know where it comes from.
Dan-Is this going to be self explanatory as people are doing this, this evening. Obviously they are not going to be putting moony into it this evening.
Can you manipulate anything?
Serg-NO, I am the only one who can change any parameters. The system does 100% of the trading.
Dan- So what they can do is watch this over the next couple of days and then they begin understanding a little bit better. I would like to have you come back here and perhaps video record and post this on the back board.
One aspect of this back board is we can do streaming video.
Like if you can’t make it to SF you will be able to watch live video from San Fran meeting.

As we are watching this platform on our computers you can explain.
Serg-yes and here is my email if you have any problems pertaining to the Forex and this platform.
Tony-Will they be able to set up practice accounts with you?
Sergio-We do not have self traders, we trade 100% for our clients. What they are watching is us trading for our clients.
There are other accounts out there where you can set up self trading accounts. If people do want to try trading in this market, Good luck to them.
You have 100% transparency in this investment
Tony-what everybody is seeing in the demo. If someone wants to put in 100K or such they can’t do it.

Serg-they are seeing the actual investment live account. This is not a demo this is exactly how your account is trading. The only difference that they will see is that as money comes in it will change the amount invested.
Tony-so based on last months trading basis I would be getting an 11% return on a 10K dollar investment?
Serg- Realistically 3-5% return. I am very conservative. If you go to account history you can see this month’s trades. The green are ups and the Reds are losses.
Tony-3 % is more than any bank in the US is going to give you.
Serg-See Tony, you understand this market. You never know how the market is going to go. It can be an 11% month that is attainable, but you can also have a sideways market.

I would rather quote 3-5% and do 11% than quote 11% and then only do 3%.
This is really very persistent since this is a mathematical equation.
Dan-Post RV we will be having some fun with this. Just looking at the possibility of some more aggressive trading platforms. But again what tony said, you are not going to get this type of return from a bank CD.
As we get into that place of a post RV perspective we want everyone to see what type of return they could get back and you could actually estimate you monthly expenses based on these figures.
Serg-A lot of people do not know how to trade the market. Leverage can be your best friend if you know how to utilize it. It can be your worst enemy if not.
$5,000.00 is the minimum investment

Posts : 1446
Join date : 2011-04-16

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MustRVango (PTR CC NOTES): PTR 7/18/11 2:57PM FROM ANOTHER SITE Empty Re: MustRVango (PTR CC NOTES): PTR 7/18/11 2:57PM FROM ANOTHER SITE

Post by Rooster Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:41 pm

Tony states that revalue tonight with a rate of $4.40

[Epson78] [debtarheelgirl] OOOOOOOOO MY WORD I am listening live to PTR call - Tony states that - our evening is their morning verification that all the banks did have the revalue dinar rate of $4.40 on their doors has been like that for the last two days... This is the night we wake up to a rate, its out in CBI at $4.40 and being loaded to FOREX and CBI to show tomorrow morning - Stay positive as its here - the day isn't over - when CBI updates we may be down to last 6 hours of this RV appearing....and he says the $4.40 rate is to the GBP is $7.04 WOOO JESUS He says this is really it folks!!!
[Epson78] i didn't transcribe it so it's ok i stole somone else's trasncription

Posts : 1446
Join date : 2011-04-16

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