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Adam chat last night 3-30-2011

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Adam chat last night 3-30-2011 Empty Adam chat last night 3-30-2011

Post by ToddS Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:12 pm

[Adam Montana] ok I'll start, please wait till I open the floor to ask questions
[Adam Montana] Riley will call on the people who are already in line
[Adam Montana] and I'll try to take more after that
[Adam Montana] please wait till I open the floor to ask questions
[Adam Montana] I have a couple things to go over
[Adam Montana] so I'll try to be as brief as possible
[Adam Montana] it's already 10 after and I know people have better things to do than sit in a chat room!
[Adam Montana] first
[Adam Montana] the list
[Adam Montana] on the agenda tonight is some very basic stuff - 1, HCL. 2, bunny-ear. 3, cashing in and swapping for gold or other precious metals to reduce taxes
[Adam Montana] first then the HCL
[Adam Montana] if you look on my blog
[Adam Montana] my most recent post is about the HCL talks that are coming up
[Adam Montana] this is an AMAZINGLY important step
[Adam Montana] in fact it's one of the three "catalysts"
[Adam Montana] that can trigger the RV
[Adam Montana] make no mistake
[Adam Montana] that if the HCL is resolved
[Adam Montana] either by mandate, force, or straight agreement between the parties
[DinarFord] What is HCL?
[Adam Montana] we could be days away from the RV
[Adam Montana] HCL is Hydro Carbon Law
[Adam Montana] it's almost as important as Chapter 7
[Adam Montana] until the HCL is resolved, there is no strong Iraq
[Adam Montana] until Chapter 7 is resolved, there is no strong Iraq
[Adam Montana] and until the Government is fully seated, there is no strong Iraq
[Adam Montana] all we need, in my opinion - and I've been studying this for years
[Adam Montana] 8 years, in fact
[Adam Montana] all we need is one of the three!
[Adam Montana] if the HCL is resolved, it can smooth out Chapter 7
[Adam Montana] if that doesn't make sense, comment on my blog post at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and I'll do a full write up on it
[Adam Montana] if Chapter 7 is resolved, we can easily see the HCL completed
[Adam Montana] and if either of those cause an imminent RV, then we can easily see the government seated VERY fast
[Adam Montana] any one of these three can tip the RV into place
[Adam Montana] that brings me to a scary subject
[Adam Montana] bunny-ear
[Adam Montana] dang filters
[Adam Montana] l-op
[Adam Montana] you may have read the articles today and yesterday about lopping the zeros
[Adam Montana] IF that happened, basically
[Adam Montana] if they lopp all 3 zeros, you break even
[Adam Montana] if they lop and then RV to Kuwait’s dinar, then you made triple or more, depending on how long you've been invested
[Adam Montana] ok that's worst case scenario
[Adam Montana] I don't think it will happen, for quite a few reasons
[Adam Montana] countries do that when inflation is out of control
[Adam Montana] Iraq's inflation is NOT out of control
[Adam Montana] they do that to control the economy
[Adam Montana] Iraq's economy is already under control
[Adam Montana] in fact
[Adam Montana] you may know people who have been invested for 7 years, like me
[Adam Montana] it would have been impossible for Iraq to RV 6 years ago
[Adam Montana] because a massive RV could throw the country, the economy, and the world economy into a tailspin if it wasn't prepared.
[Adam Montana] but Iraq has shown the world for 7 years now that they are moving forward
[Adam Montana] and they have shown for almost THREE YEARS that they have a VERY good grip on their "controlled value"
[Adam Montana] now
[Adam Montana] in 2003 the country lost an immense amount of wealth
[Adam Montana] BAM! Just like that
[Adam Montana] with an RV, the country regains so much of that wealth just as fast
[Adam Montana] and so do many of us
[Adam Montana] which brings me to point 3
[Adam Montana] and yes, I'm going to talk about VIP
[Adam Montana] for a very good reason
[Adam Montana] some of you think you can swap your dinar for a precious metal, like gold or silver
[Adam Montana] then hold it for over a year to get long term capital gains
[Adam Montana] that is 100% untrue
[Adam Montana] I'm not an internet chat flunkie spouting off
[Adam Montana] if you don't know me, I actually took and passed the Series 65 (to be a Registered Investment Adviser)
[Adam Montana] in order to be able to share investments with our VIPs group after the RV
[Adam Montana] you can NOT avoid taxes by swapping to gold
[Adam Montana] as soon as you take XX dinar and receive XXXXX Gold THAT is when you received the gain
[Adam Montana] so if that happens in 2011
[Adam Montana] it doesn't matter if you wait to cash it in
[Adam Montana] that, and 100 other bits of valuable LEGIT information on how to protect your investment is in the VIP
[Adam Montana] I advise anyone who is serious about this investment to join
[Adam Montana] not for what you get now
[Adam Montana] there's no stupid "Intel" - I don't make up rumors
[Adam Montana] ask 100 VIPs how they feel about what they have learned and 99 of them will say it's priceless
[Adam Montana] ok I'll take those 10 questions. Mods, please kick anyone who speaks out of turn
[Adam Montana] Riley, you're up. Please call the first person
[Riley] Thanks Adam - Texasknightwind is first and then Islandgirl
[Adam Montana] we have 10 people already in line
[Texasknightwind] Adam, you mentioned in a chat 2 weeks ago that the crisis in Egypt would probably cause the RV to take longer....why is it in Iraq's best interest to delay the RV due to the crisis in Egypt OR Libya or Iran or anywhere else in the Middle East chaos???...Smile
Adam Montana] Texasknightwind thanks for the question
[Adam Montana] that is a simple matter of being able to pay for your debt
[Adam Montana] imagine if you were about to be hired as an OTR trucker
[Adam Montana] but your boss found out you lost your license
[Adam Montana] same thing - you're going to have to wait to start work
[Adam Montana] Egypt controls a LARGE part of how the Middle East exports oil
[Adam Montana] if Iraq's currency goes up in value
[Adam Montana] they have to be able to back the debt
[Adam Montana] if they can't export oil
[Adam Montana] they can't repay the debt
[Adam Montana] which means the RV must be lower
[Adam Montana] so it's in Iraq’s best interest
[Adam Montana] and OUR best interest
[Adam Montana] to regain complete control of the Euphrates river
[Texasknightwind] Thanks for clearing that up
[Adam Montana] and have a settled Egypt
[Adam Montana] before they RV
[Riley] Islandgirl is next please
[Islandgirl7] Hi and thanks for taking my question...2 if you don't mind what is break even...what we've paid or how much dinar we hold in their currency? And. not related to tonight’s discussion...did you get the message from bumper about the lady who needs access...her husband has passed away? Thanks in advance...and thanks again bumper
[Adam Montana] this is a global investment, it doesn't just focus on Iraq
[Adam Montana] Islandgirl7 yes
[Adam Montana] if you paid $25 for a 25,000 dinar note
[Adam Montana] and they bunny-ear the 0s
[Adam Montana] and then RV 1:!
[Adam Montana] that means you get back what you paid for it
[Adam Montana] if they RV at 3:1
[Adam Montana] you triple your money
[Adam Montana] I don't think it will happen; Iraq isn't in the same boat as other countries that have been FORCED to lopp4
[Adam Montana] bunny-ear*
[Adam Montana] dangit
[Islandgirl7] Ok that what I thought not a currency guru...still learning...thx
[Adam Montana] Islandgirl7 no problem, we're all here to help
[Adam Montana] next pleaess, Riley?
[Riley] preacherman you are up next - thanks
[preacherman] Are you considering chartering flights and do you know where from? I know you started a post to see what airport we would use. What do you think at this time? Does it make sense for you to set them up?
[Adam Montana] I am, but that's a VIP question. I think it makes sense considering how many people we have interested
[Adam Montana] I will be updating the thread in the VIP section as the plans progress
[Adam Montana] if I don't update it before the RV, just get on the first plane to whatever bank you need to go to!
[Adam Montana] it's a long process, but it's coming along
[Chassisman] Riley I have a question if there is time. Thanks
[Adam Montana] thanks preacherman
[Adam Montana] Riley next please
[preacherman] Thank you, wanted to know before I do all the work here.
[Adam Montana] preacherman understood
[Riley] glo - you are next please - thank you
[glo] Last week I called td bank to buy dinars...they told me to open an account to buy dinars and gave me the to go i called to know today rate to buy dinars...they told me "we don't sell that currency" think is good info ! Hour later I read the same in a post in forums....2- I understood that "if" there is a loop we will maintain the value of the dinars.
[glo] Here in Miami beach Florida
[Adam Montana] glo thanks for the question
[Adam Montana] regarding D
[Adam Montana] TD Bank
[Adam Montana] is that all branches or just your local branch? Because for example, 5/3 sells at some branches but not others
[Adam Montana] they make that decision at the local level
[Adam Montana] now
[Adam Montana] I hate to bear the bad news
[glo] Adam Montana well, that branch was selling until last week
[Adam Montana] but IF they did lop, which I don't think they will, the exchange rate will be what it is. There is no law that allows you to get past value
[glo] Adam Montana thank you very much !
[Adam Montana] Riley next please
[Adam Montana] yw glo!
[Riley] jon29 you are next please
[jon29] Adam, thank you for fielding the questions and taking the time, my question is in reference to the Iraq stock market, in your opinion, do you think it would be wise to set up things now to take part in that market to avoid a big influx of people post rv and goi established, or setting up an account later would be fine and no big deal?
[Adam Montana] jon29 in my opinion YES! I love the ISX. In my opinion, a better penny stock was never born!
[Adam Montana] I definitely think doing it before is going to be more profitable
[Riley] bahtman you are next
[bahtman] On F ranks CC tonight he stated that Warka Bank in Baghdad closed today for good. Do you know anything about this?
[jon29] ty Adam.
[Adam Montana] bahtman I don't like to talk bad about people... so I'm just going to say that is 100% untrue and I have no idea why he would say such a ridiculous thing
[Adam Montana] Riley next please?
[Riley] speculatorsride is next
[Adam Montana] (thanks for the Q bahtman!)
[bahtman] Thanks Adam, I hope you are right
[Riley] ok chassisman
[Riley] ok next is AFC
[Riley] Adam I got booted and missed AFC's question
[Adam Montana] I explained this in my book
[Adam Montana] I see Warka as a hedge
[Adam Montana] but I like cash better
[Adam Montana] I like ISX even better
[Adam Montana] so it's kind of hard to do one without the other
[Adam Montana] look at it this way
[Adam Montana] when the Dinar rises in value
[Adam Montana] thousands of companies will begin pouring money into Iraq
[Adam Montana] because the Iraqis again have money to spend
[Adam Montana] and it will make sense
[Adam Montana] right now you can own a decent chunk of stocks for $5 or $10!
[Adam Montana] when the Dinar rises, the value of those stocks should fly up too!
[Adam Montana] if you wait till after the RV, I think you'll miss the largest increase in profits
[Adam Montana] there will still be money making opportunity
[Adam Montana] but not like there is if you get in now
[Adam Montana] thanks for the question
[AFC] Do you have any Intel on ETFs for Iraq stock market being made available?
[Riley] AFC thank you
[Adam Montana] AFC I have rumors, but I don't spread them. At this time there is no way to invest in any ISX ETFs, so you have to decide if you are comfortable investing in the ISX as it is now.
[AFC] OK, thanks for everything (and for not booting me off again lol)
[Adam Montana] that's all I can say on the matter until actual solid information comes
[Adam Montana] thanks
[Adam Montana] one more question then I have to jet, we're pushing 45 minutes already
[Adam Montana] whew!
[WealthInfo] What is the minimum deposit Warka needs to fund your accounts, both $ and Dinar?
[Adam Montana] WealthInfo $150 in USD and 250,000 IQD i believe. If you're VIP you can download my book for free at this link: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
[Adam Montana] I gave exact instructions on page 18 I believe
[Adam Montana] thank you all
[Dinars_ready] one more try eh? Adam..... why does A L I think you and your book is a joke eh?
[Adam Montana] Dinars_ready I'll answer that
[Adam Montana] look at all the Dinar sites on the web
[Adam Montana] you'll notice they all have a DT banner
Adam Montana] but I refuse to be "bought"
[Adam Montana] and I don't display that same banner
[Adam Montana] that should give you a hint
[Bumper64] Thanks for a great chat Adam
[Adam Montana] (even though this site reaches more people than any other site on the net)
Darin] Adam Montana : refuse to be bought? Do you believe that Ali is fond of IQD forums to help him profit??
[Adam Montana] Darin he pays all of them to put the banner there
[Adam Montana] you do the 'math"
[Bumper64] yes
[Adam Montana] ok thanks all
[AFC] thanks!
[Adam Montana] glad we got to talk about some good stuff
[Adam Montana] Dinars_ready I have nothing to hide. Thanks for the question
[Adam Montana] 500+ people and only 3 got banned - this is an amazing group
[Adam Montana] thank you all


Posts : 3144
Join date : 2011-03-26
Location : Texas

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